Why is modern geopolitics so fucking boring compared to almost all of modern and even alot of ancient history?
Is it nukes?
Why is modern geopolitics so fucking boring compared to almost all of modern and even alot of ancient history?
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You answered your own question
Jihad can spice these up thogh
How is it boring? We still have civil wars all over the globe, we have annexations in Europe, we have a demented caesar in America, we have crazy dictators all over, we have migrations, we have huge economic and military unions...
The only annexation that has happened in Europe was Russia annexing Crimea.
yeah, but it was a spicy meme for a little bit
What is Globalism?
>Is it nukes?
You don't know enough about modern geopolitics to state whether its boring or not.
Modern geopolitics is at a crossing point right now. America is declining and China is climbing. We're just around the time for a new status quo in global order. Possibly within the next 10-20 years.
>ancient geopolitics
Here's a tip kiddo, read a fucking history book.
It's all Thucydides' fault.
failed education. the last four decades the united states has had a tragic education deterioration. even in the ivy league schools the students come out knowing nothing..
i blame post structuralism.
>Why is modern geopolitics so fucking boring
Modern Geopolitics gave us four-way wars.
Cruz and some other Republicans want to poke China over Taiwan, and Trump pushed for protectionism which hurts China's export-oriented economy. At the same time, China is buying assets all over the Pacific, east Africa, and peripheral EU members while extending it's maritime zone by building artificial islands.
The game is on.
This shit is fascinating.
When in ancient history was a city under siege for 7 straight years?
it's because you can see recorded history unfolding as fast as you can turn the pages
I don't know, it's getting interesting again
This, there just needs to be more time so a cohesive narrative can form.
Because you are too stupid to understand economics and political transitional strategies.
It's not. You're just at the bottom of the totem pole and don't see what's going on.
Now, at this very second, thousands of the operatives at the top of their respective power blocs are making plays, influencing events and movements that will later make it into history books. We just don't notice it, because it's happening RIGHT NOW.
You'll see something innocuous in the news "Dictator X toppled in coup" or "Y Visits Z, Signs Trade Agreement," insignificant-at-the-time events. But in 100 years people will be talking about how pivotal that event really was. E.g. "X's removal in a coup created the instability that led to the ____ war that cost a million lives" or "Z's trade agreement promoted ties with Z and W, which laid the foundation decades later for the _____ industry that built the first moon bases."
Of course, it seems uneventful because you don't always know which events are pivotal at the time. And that might not be clear for decades or more. For instance, 9/11 was obviously a big deal, the second it happened. Trump's presidency might be a blip on a radar, or it might be the start of something big *shudders.* We just don't know.
Stuff is happening. You just don't notice it because it's happening in real time, and not condensed to book or article.
And if you're wondering why everything seems less eventful, that's because nukes (and later globalization) have made full-scale warfare between the major powers impossible. This is a very good thing. Pay attention instead to economic happenings to see where power is going, where movers and shakers are moving and shaking.
The Asian Currency Crisis, the Great Recession, oil price spikes in the early 2000s: these are all attempts by nations and trading blocs to impose their will on their rivals, and the ramifications can often be as severe (if not more so) than a full-on war. Economically AND politically
5 star post
the liberal empire of the USA has basically made it so all debates take place withing a limited frame of acceptable behavior and discourse
that is beginning to unravel a bit with the likes of Obummer and Drumpf running things into the ground.
Just wait user, just wait.
so whats the endgame here
There is no ''endgame''. It's just an attempt to maintain the current unsustainable system for as long as possible.
>finally we will have natural border between germany and poland
cant wait
Things were much more boring from 1990-2014
The world is starting to look more like the mid-19th century rather than the monocentric expectation during the 90's of all countries in the world becoming liberal democracies and being policed by policeman America a la Fukuyama.
What's with the reforestation in Western Sahara?
Well done
Either the green wall project actually working or a change in weather patterns.
Neo-malthusians get out.
>Why is modern geopolitics so fucking boring
If you had browsed syria general on /pol/ during the height of the SCW you would not think this.
Geopolitics today is more exciting than it has ever been. You have instant live maps of the wars, video coverage and you can even talk to the average soldier via twitter.
lmao that antarctica
real antarctica is seven separate landmasses connected by ice, not one giant blob of land covered in ice. who ever made this is a massive retard and incredibly incompotent
That's just West Antarctica you brainlet retard.