I was the one who recommended Metaverse(ETP) and Asch(XAS), I have found another gem

Metaverse/Asch at the time was an insanely undervalued project. I brought it to Veeky Forums and recommended it, not a lot of people listened and then suddenly everyone jumped on the bandwagon.

Congratulations to all who decided to take a leap of faith, we have all made insane gains.

After discovering these insane undervalued coins, I have been doing a lot of research on the possible next NEO/OMG/ETH/ETP/WTC/XAS and to my surprise I have once again discovered a gem. I am sure this coin has been brought up before, but after really looking into it, I am convinced this is the real deal for at least a x5-10.

Now I bring you: Lomocoin (LMC) coinmarketcap.com/currencies/lomocoin/

The first thing most investors get turned of by when looking at this coin, is their name Lomocoin (LMC). To be fair one has to be insane to have named a project this way, it just screams low quality. However, the developers have finally taken note of this problem, and before the 31th of October, they will launch a new website and rename themselves to Lomostar(LMC). While the name is still not that good, it is much better than the former.

Other urls found in this thread:


Lomocoin (LMC) is a decentralized location based social media application that aims to bridge the virtual world with the real world with their LMC token. Their idea is that brick and mortar stores can attract and capitalize on the foot traffic of the LMC app users by distributing LMC red envelopes around the store area, to which customers can collect and use as a discount on their products immediately by using LMC as a payment. This is only the initial stage of the product, their end goal is a vision like TRON(TRX), where virtual currency and real life world are all interconnected. Their means to get there is by attracting a large LMC user base first, and then slowly phase out into more advanced stages of their plan.

This could potentially be much more powerful than any type of online advertising for brick and mortar businesses. The money that the business spends on Lomocoin will guarantee that real people have seen and visited their business, while a Google or Facebook ad will only guarantee online clicks.

Lomocoin (LMC) already has a working product in the form of a mobile app, desktop wallet and their own block chain. The 2.0 version of their app just got released not too long ago on google playstore and it is pending approval in the IOS appstore which can be released any moment.


Furthermore, Lomocoin (LMC) has a team of over 50 people, this is just downright insane for a project this size. The team has has been working together since 2013 and they have experience in technical research, business operations, and blockchain tech. They are one of the first teams in China that did blockchain research and development. The founder of Lomocoin (LMC) is called Xiong Lijian, he has helped developed and manufacture the world’s first 28nm Bitcoin and Litecoin dual algorithm chip SF3301 and the world’s first SF100 double miner. As you can deduct, the technical expertise of this CEO is on a whole other level.

CEO’s Twitter:twitter.com/xlijianRight Hand Man:twitter.com/liuji_daoma
Community manager: twitter.com/M1lanooo

What’s potentially most valuable about Lomocoin (LMC) is their long term end game vision. Having followed Lomocoin (LMC) for quite a while, it is safe to say that their team comprises of a group of people who are able to deliver on the things promised. Except for the mobile app, the Lomocoin team is also currently beta testing their own online exchange called Xstar and what’s’ even more important is that they have a research team in place called F5. This will all come live in early November. Xstar will facilitate bitcoin/fiat to LMC conversion and for now, all we know about F5 is that it is already working with over 100 small and medium sized businesses, and they are already heavily collaborating with universities in providing blockchain training sessions as well as deep research into blockchain developments and technology. (This information was only recently shared in their telegram group and still mostly unknown to public)


Unlike most of the Chinese coins in the above list, that can somewhat be compared to a western equivalent, Lomocoin (LMC) is a real wildcard in this space. Lomocoin (LMC) is unique in its value proposition, and you can’t just assign a minimum value on it based on its western counterpart.So how do we best value Lomocoin (LMC) in this scenario? To do this we will have to look at social media apps, and the one that comes closest to Lomocoin (LMC) is called MOMO (陌陌). MOMO is not a coin, but a very popular Chinese social media stock listed on Nasdaq. MOMO is a freelocation-based servicesinstant messagingapplication forsmartphonesand tablets. The app allows users to chat with nearby friends and strangers. MOMO’s market cap as of this moment of writing is valued at 6 billion $. LoMocoin (LMC) has all the elements MOMO is offering and even more by providing a gamification and business element to it with location based red envelope hunting with friends or strangers. I think the name Lomocoin is taking a direct stab at MOMO, hence the similarity. Lomocoin is currently as of this moment of writing valued at only 11 million$ , once it starts to gain traction and become more well known you can guarantee that you will never see this level again as it is a far cry from what it should be worth at least with their own product, blockchain as well as wallet.


If it reaches even 1% of what MOMO is doing currently Lomocoin (LMC) should be valued at 60 million $. Lomocoin (LMC) can best be compared with coins like Tron (TRX) and Monacoin(MONA), who are both currently sitting at around 200 million $ valuations with nothing except a whitepaper and hype. The same can easily happen with LMC once they start pushing their marketing at the end of October and early November.

This is a hidden gem and severely undervalued. However before investing money please take your time to do your own research as well, as I cannot guarantee that this will definitely moon. I'm just of very strong believe that this is a VERY undervalued coin for what it has to offer at this moment.

Lomocoin (LMC) is currently available for trade on bittrex and coinexchange and will be expanding into more exchanges in the near future.

If you think that this information is valuable it would be awesome if you can consider donating a small amount to help me out in my daily life. If you would like to subscribe to my small and unknown newsletter shoot me an e-mail [email protected]

I hope that you all have a lot of gains in the future, below are my addresses if you want to donate! Thanks a lot in advance, any amount will be immensely helpful to me.

BTC- 14ehwGpRWWa5xBN3w6Mrgd2FptGHhgtdze
Neo- AQb3DVtCRgRXq4H4e72SgcPNfEqZuDwWy9
Eth- 0x91d676f83583d6a19c495c539d59468c7cc22a6f
LINK- 0x91d676f83583d6a19c495c539d59468c7cc22a6f

Nice just bought 100k

You sound like pajeet

thanks for you effort

this was the pajeet that posted the fud on asch when he didnt get his little poorfag reward

No mention of the staking rewards... Research a bit more.

That's just life, you help their community, introduced a lot of people into the project, and what you get in return is collaborated defamation. Luckily, it's just an investment and I can just take profit, if it was a design patent I would be screwed.

Lomocoin (LMC) is maintaining a POS model.
You get the following % return just by holding it and minting it in your wallet.

Please don't let me spoonfeed everything.

Can I buy with USD? Or do I need crypto? I have no ID so how can I get some?

Buy some btc, deposit it on bittrex and then you can buy it under LMC

Can't buy Bitcoin, have no ID

The app's phone number verification doesn't seem to be working.

OP, tried to QR scan the code in my iphone to download and try the app and it doesnt even work. WTF

Open wide user here comes the airplane: do a fucking bank transfer to Kraken or something, buy Bitcoin there, move it to Bittrex, happy trading.

Dunno why the fuck I spoonfeed retards but there you go.

The iphone app is pending approval in the IOS appstore. The one on their website is the old 1.0 discontinued version. A new website will be coming before the 31st of october with a complete rebrand of everything.

The app is asking for an invitation code.


What kind of ID are they asking for?

shit coin, been attempted to be pumped numerous times before

What if I only have cash?

Passport number, like what any cash exchanges would ask for.

Ah, I'll have to find mine.

Driver license worked for me.

Everyone is entitled of their own opinion. If that is what you conclude based on your own research, no investment is surefire, you can only increase your odds of success. With LMC your odds of success increases dramatically.

we do it so they can buy our bags obv

Actually looking into it more , it does look good thanks op

Actually had my eye on this one for a while also.. Didn't wanna mention it to Veeky Forums because most people just circle jeck anything you mention

iktf, been accumulating it for around 2 months now. Just waiting for another little dip to buy some more.

Wait, they have their own blockchain/app/wallet and staking nets you 10%+ annually...

How the fuck is this only 11 mill again?

This is my first crypto (except the BTC I'll have to use to buy it), wish me luck Veeky Forums!

well let's be honest, how many people heard of this? Only reason I found it was because I was inspecting low market cap/ prices on coinmarketcap.. looked at their bitcointalk page and liked the concept enough to invest in it :D

What's their telegram channel?

This must be one of the dumbest shit i've ever heard of. WALK TO GAIN COINS`?

> once they start pushing their marketing at the end of October and early November.

How do you know this will happen?

It's listed on 3 shit exchanges
Go fys

>shit exchanges

Bittrex is not a shit exchange.

It worked for Pokémon Go.

I see the use case here (the last throes of B&M retail but I'm kind of dubious about it regardless. I guess I can throw a few sats at it though.

i'm throwing my hat into this shit. if it does moon, you are a wonderful person.

looks good, this is high risk high reward investment, let's hope for the reward outcome

It's more of a asymmetric risk. Lomocoin (LMC) together with the former Antshares, were the first two chinese coins listed on bittrex ever, and they listed together, you can see that there is a clear bottom around 8 m marketcap, while there is no ceiling towards how high it can go.

I was interested until I saw this.

High profit staking is ponzi red flag

Naturally as with all other controlled inflation coins, these percentages will decrease over the years as communicated by the community manager.

thanks again for the analysis

this shit again? this time make sure you send the reward coins for shilling to the right address of yours

What's a good entry price?

he got the reward but was dumb enough to send to a wrong address

850 satoshi or below is what I'm going for

OP how long to realize profits?

Nice thanks. Any pumps incoming? Seems to be growing right now.

Shitcoin, don't buy. has been around for ages never going anywhere. Rebrand didn't help either

Must be one of the community members of Asch, ask them for a txid of sent amount, you will see they don't have any. Empty promises and collaborated defamation attempt that seems to be working. Glad I took my profit.

dude, what about the screencap you threatening them on their channel? you realized your profits dumping on the pajeets here falling for your shill

Thanks for the information.

Pump and dump, better buy something else.

Of course, if someone backtracks on their promises it's only the natural thing to do. Say what you want, they say what they want, the only undeniable fact is that because of my exposure they more than doubled their price in less than 24 hours.

really depends, we're getting close to the apps release, I expect a huge pump on that day, but I'm not sure exactly when that is. Though it seems each time they release info theres a small pump, or at least that's how its been for the last few days.

>social media app

Pass. Already a failure

There are GPS spoofers (example play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.incorporateapps.fakegps.fre&hl=en). How is LMC going to fight that?

I found this and posted about it yesterday. fuck off. i was the one who found it.

>i was the one who found it.
>implying people hadn't found it months ago and have been accumulating ever since.

Doesnt matter that it is a failure. Still undervalued

What caught my attention is that they emply 50 people. How much investment did they get? They must have gotten as much seed investment as their market cap right now...

its location based marketing tool.. gonna be huge in 2018. I am in LMC and indeed extremely undervalued.

50 employees my ass, why is that written on the website? They dont even show the names of the team members

they are busy rebranding the website, new website will come one of these days

>new website soon, team reveal soon
its always the same story, isnt it?

where is that announced?

I bought LOMO back at the beginning of September. I sold my stack and didn't look back until OP reminded me of the rebranding and website. I did buy some again. I appreciate the information because I had forgotten to give it a second look after I moved on.

are you seriously suggesting that they should list 50 names on their page? Get a grip

if you mean it like you did, important members of the company, of course. At least say their names. By the looks of it the postman, pets, and family doctors of the founders are included.

I took a look at their social media account

It's dead...

I am not saying that its a best investment, just hard to verify the information you are giving

*bad investment

Everything is shared in the telegram group or twitter. I remember them posting a preview of the new website with name and picture of the ceo and other team members, but cannot find it atm.

Wait a week or so their new website should be up and running then. Perhaps it will give u more confidence.

>I was x who recommend z and y, I have found another gem
Fuck off.

Check their twitter

please send twitter and telegram links, cant find them in the website

here are the links as requested


All links can be found at the bottom of this interview.


telegram group
t [dot] me / lomocoin

Product roadmap


Thanks OP , already +11% , I will send a small tip your way!! Keep going!

It was attilafx 4 months ago. He was the first to invest in xvg, rdd, start, trig, LMC and is now buying ebst. He bought lmc around the same time he bought trig. Trig pumped since then 5000x. He holds several coins in his cold wallet once he has taken profit.

And VTC. Did you forget about his CPC call?

If you think about the number of shops that had a huge leap in revenue the few weeks Pokemon Go! Was popular; Im sure many of them would give 'Bitcoin Go!' a try if it could mean the same type of foot traffic. Plus if this catches on enough it could bring allot of normies into the cryptosphere.

It's not only about shops that's only the tip of the iceberg.

WHo is this fag, i see him mentioned at times, can you link me something Veeky Forumsbro?

> twitter.com/attilafx


Thanks will tip once i get more gains.

this post right here is how you know not to follow OP's advice
he's fucking broke thats why he needs tips
why is he broke? bad investments.

^ LOL and you are posting here cause your rich as hell? The main reason you came here is because you were interested lol. Go back to your mothers basement

Remember to hold, 11% is nothing with this one. Rebrand coming end oct, f5 lab release early nov, new website etc

How do you stake in the wallet?


If you followed OP's past posts. ETP went 5x, Xas went 2x so far. The Xas controversy aside; how is 1000% bad investing?