Is there anything worse than being bullied by your coworkers?
It's even worse than when I was getting bullied in school.
Is there anything worse than being bullied by your coworkers?
It's even worse than when I was getting bullied in school.
>t. weak cucumber armed manlet
If you're an adult that still sulks about being bullied then you're a lost cause. Sorry.
Join jui jitsu faggot and learn to man up. Knowing you can fuck their shit up with a simple arm bar will shrink their nuts and you'll earn your place.
op, leave that job if they are not respectful people, and are treating you like shit.
i send a hug to you
Stalk them, find out where they live, find ways to anonymously terrorize them and wreak havoc on their lives.
It’s cuz you’re a nolifting beta cuck boi
But some decent size on your chest and arms and you’ll see workplace gains
>armbarming someone bigger and stronger than you
oh boy somebody hasnt fought in the real world yet
What do they do?
I don’t wanna be at work right now and need something to rage at
Give me your coffee money, faggot!
This. You either eat or get eaten. Never show any weaknesses in front of your coworkers and never let them know about your personal life. If they show any hostilities against you, you should focus on the next step. Their annihilation. Do everything you kind in order to find dirt on them(cheating wife/man, crimes, tax fraud, drug usage etc) and once you have it you let them bleed. No warning, no nothing.
how fucking long are the arms of these people you're talking about???????
this has never happened to me in my life. sure i've worked with cunts and dipshits but they've never tried to "bully" me, i can't even imagine
what exactly do they bully you about? explain in detail
Not OP, but I used to work in construction, due to it being one of the only areas of work a no experience young guy can get in Australia. I didn't fit their work culture at all, and they were as a result incredibly rude to me and hateful towards me all the time, and went out of their way to make my job harder. Shittest job I ever had.
Left it and got a much better one now, everyone is nicer and the job pays better too and the hours are shorter. Jokes on them, they still break their back working all day to build houses for chinese immigrants.
user they will just pick you up in one hand and smash your head to the pavement or nearest wall while youre performing an armbar
also you expect him to just lay there and not struggle?
If you work in a white collar office type setting, this shouldn't be happening. If it's really causing you a lot of stress and you don't mind to kick the hornets nest and possibly make some enemies, file a workplace harassment complaint with HR. Seriously, HR exists to help people in your situation. Don't feel bad or ashamed in talking to them
Thank you bro
Your only option is to leave the job, unless there is only 1 bully and the boss would fire him
If someone talks shit to you and you put your head down and keep walking, you just painted yourself as an easy target.
Talk shit back, do it with a smile, you might make some friends.
HR exists to prevent the company from being sued, not to help you.
That makes a huge difference, as the most efficient way to resolve the problem is sometime to force you to quit your job instead of helping you.
How do you do this exactly in a non cringey way though
bait them into to doing it to you in the presence of others, preferably the most SJW woman you can find.
go from being the victim to being the professional victim. HR will send their ass to the shadow realm if you can get witnesses to report for you.
Start dressing like a tough guy. Either go the Hells Angel's look or Columbine shooter look. Your choice.
whats the matter? you gonna cry? little faggot ass bitch
Leave me alone I just want to work in peace
We have similar stories, one day i woke up and had this thought i am to old for this shit to old to still get bullied, i went to work at first sign of bullying almost killed my coworker people had to stop me i got fired but i never felt that good got a new job after a while , stop being afraid do what you gotta do
>carry recorder on you at all times, just let it record all day
>record the bullying
>file law suit for hostile work environment/oppressions/whatever the fuck you can get away with (the lawyer will have a better idea)
>collect a million dollars
>put it into MOD
>Being a bully victim
You deserve it. Only the weak get bullied. Often times you invite such behaviour with your meekness.
Change your ways, or remain a victim forever.
Hi /fit
Show them your csgo real knife collection
But really, the point of judo or jiu jitsu is to overwhelm someone bigger than you by using their strength.
Unless you are a turbo-manlet who doesen't even lift.
In that case, kys
Get a strong black friend, you're a cuck by default anyway
OP can't take a joke, the thread
How do you manage to get bullied at work? I'm 25 and I never had a job
A Saudi guy taught me some defense techniques
Get a new job?
women bullying other women is pretty common in office environments.
catty bitches making sneaky little remarks with a smile.
i have autism so whenever they do that i confront them about it and they look like idiots.
"user you always wear the same outfits" : )
>cause i am here to work, not put on a fashion show. you seem to have a variety of outfits, unlike myself- great observation
and then they just never talk to me again.
it is fun to be gossipy and have a circle, but i cannot keep the standards and wit going
are you kidding? its very common to be harassed at work
its almost a ritual to have to fight everytime you move into a new location/workplace
People really get bullied at work or do people have thin skin and can't take a joke? I need examples.
I consider many of my colleagues good friends and even have an affair with a milf colleague. Overall solid 5/5
one of the common reason to being bullied is having a babyface or having a juvenile look. i know that because i own it
people get bullied if they deserve it
wish I worked with you
Yeah this is what I did. At first I was nice to everyone and didn't talk back but since I got a permanent contract, those fags can't handle my bantz. I am an empathetic guy, I easily figure out people's insecurities.
so fucking autistic hahaha
Damn man
i don't see hows that gonna help him, its either befriend the bullies or be violent to them. both a terrible options.
he should talk to the employer or quit the job at this point
it's a combination of chads, numales, and cunts from HR
the perfect storm
That's not an example nerd. I need people with a high enough iq to get a job to respond.
that was pretty mean user
Just act happy and pretend you have no idea what they're trying to do. Can't be bullied if you're oblivious to it. Unless you're a cuck, then you're screwed. Well not literally, since you'd be a cuck, but metaphorically.
Then they just laugh at me all together.
its tuff
clearly you exposed yourself too much and people found a target
suck the bosses dick and throw everyone under the bus
then act pitiful so they bad about it
That's when you laugh with them and it confuses them. Stop letting them cuck you.
you seem soft
what's your work?
what you do?
>be me
>work shit trade job with a bunch of rednecks
>take shit daily, get fed up
>sabotage their work and egg them on to act stupid
>boss thinks I’m great in comparison
Don't be the guy that can dish it but not take it. Tell me if I did something but sit on my ass all day trading monopoly money I wouldn't need examples.
Hmm may be time to go for the jugular. Find their weak spots and absolutely obliterate them. Yes they’ll hate you. But if you pose a challenge to them every time they try this they will stop trying, or will only go surface level.
It’s REALLY important that you do exactly what you say you’ll do, though. Never threaten a consequence that doesn’t actually happen - they’ll consider that to mean there are no consequences.
no bully pls
>Be working in office
>Cubicle relic of the past
>I have anime posters plastering the walls of my cubicle
>display of various waifus on my desk
>women snicker me as they walk past
>chad in the cubicle adjacent to me often tosses balls of paper at me while I'm attempting to work
>Gary from accounting keeps eye-balling my waifu collection like he's contemplating stealing one
>boss often stands at the opening of my cubicle coffee mug in hand only to offer one remark
>"You better not be looking at your Korean cartoons while on company time"
How is that less cucked? Laughing at yourself is admitting you're a cuck...
There is virtue in self deprecating humor. Look at trump for example. The guy posts a tweet where he says “covfefe”, what does he do? Posts another with “lets see who can figure out the meaning of covfefe :^)”
No apologies, no retracting the statement. Pure ownership. Laughing at yourself removes the power from others.
And as a result everyone either loves or hates him, but knows either way he can’t be fucked with.
If someone calls you a faggot and you reply "let me suck your cock ill swallow" that won't win you any points though. If I laugh at their insults that makes them think I accept their insults. I've tried it before many times and it only made it worse.
We are all friends here. Until the next thread anyway.
practice 100 push-ups and punch them in the face.
i don't know this feel wagecuckie
You don’t have to go full throttle with it, just enough to reject their insult. Basically giving an uninterested reaction. Like their wasting your time.
>you’re a faggot
>My wife/gf/hoe doesn’t think so
There ya go, retains ownership of the accusation yet logically disproves it with keeping you in a dignified position.
Imagine they’re some random homeless guy on the street. You’d devote probably 10 seconds or less to that interaction.
if your entire workplace is bullying you its probably because you are an unlikable person/douchebag
Canacuck here, same experience. construction people are insanely dumb and rude. on my last day I intentionally fucked up in secret just so they'll have to fix shit when I'm not there anymore. Fuck them
>this has never happened to me in my life. sure i've worked with cunts and dipshits but they've never tried to "bully" me, i can't even imagine
Have to agree with this post
Omg stop pretending you are in some weird anime fantasy you fucking freak
People hate intelligence. even kids can sense if somebody is way above them, they are often targets. Same goes with work places with average people, even tho they are dumb as rock they can sense somewhat somebody is more intelligent than they are, they hate it ofcourse
Jealous people and people who suck in general themselves are the bullies
Just do what I do. I just say "want to step outside? No? Pussy."
But you gotta know how to fight
I cant fight
if you are so smart you would be able to reflect and fit in socially
people who think too highly of themselves get bullied the hardest
>Jealous people and people who suck in general themselves are the bullies
Intelligent people often have trouble relating with average people
I-I'll g-get teleported to the 2D w-world one of these days, y-you'll s-s-see!
>Intelligent people often have trouble relating with average people
I know. If you train yourself, you can become a leader socially. You can power over everyone else, that is, if you are truly intelligent, and not just delusional