At first, looking at it from afar, you can think it's impressive
That it looks kinda like Westminster because you naively think the spots are windows
The "Great" Djenne Mosque
Other urls found in this thread:
...but then
it’s a giant sand castle
and it was built by the French
and it's considered the greatest monument of black africa
this is way more interesting
Westminster is just more of the same euroshit architecture
how much of a contrarian you have to be to pretend that this mudshit "castle" is more impressive than Westminster
Yeah, fuck real buildings!
Long live embellished mud huts!
I live in an european country, anything that isn't more of the same is more interesting and impressive
>nigs couldn’t even build that
Ah, so a self hating yuropoor?
Pick any asian, arab, mesoamerican, indian, etc. architecture and it's miles better than any of this negro shit (which was still built by french so they even didn't build that, top fucking kek)
Remember when Civ5 included the "great" mosque of Djenne (drawn from afar ofc) so black people would have a "civilization" too?
The absolute state of Sub-Saharan Africa
Wtf? No it isnt.
Great zimbabwe was built by blacks. And im pretty sure the madagascar ruins were also built by (ibadya) islamized blacks.
That and somalia before industrializations was basically a string if stone fortresses and castles under the rule if (khawarijia) islamized blacks who built them.
Then theres the nubian temple complexes and pyramids south of egypt.
Ethiopian churches.
>Pick any asian, arab, mesoamerican, indian, etc. architecture and it's miles better than any of this negro shit
Based on the totally objective measure of architectural goodness.
>Egypt not black
Egypt was and is still very much black compared to europeans.
Take an egyptian and raise him in anerica, he will grow up thinking he's a lightskinned blacko.
Step up, whiteboi
Lmaoo I knew a Copt girl who literally looked like an arab or indian to me. She def didn't see herself as black . /anecdote
Fair but that can be explained by eguptian exxeptionalism and her veing raised by egyptians.
I was envisioning a tarzan scenario where a southern (dark) egyptian from a place like city Tiba were to ve raised by african muricans.
With the chicken and the no dad and all the stereotypes.
I suppose if you are talking about Southern Egyptians many of whom look like Nubians, then you're right.
My bad I should have specified.
Color varies drastically from alex to aswan.
>being this much of a contrarian
Yes, taste is subjective, but you have to be a moron to not think that the engineering marvel of the Sistine Chapel or Taj Mahal beats this shit into the fucking ground
Fucking lol. A wonder that is a fucking large mud-hut... jesus.
This is Great Zimbabwe. Impressed yet people?
Yes, I recently built a sand-castle in my back yard, it is the equivalent of the Notre Dame and equally significant, you can't say otherwise because everything is subjective.
Yes. See how African-Americans are welcomed by their brothers in Egypt when they travel there.
Following the patterns of those ruins
It looks like a cluster of circles
Reminder that, while it took niggers decades and the greatest wealth on Earth (Mansa Musa) to build this crap, a lone postman in late 19th century France single handedly built a prettier one during his spare time
Also, look at the trees. The ruins are tiny.
>lol dude this is nothing!
>proceeds to boast about stonehenge or other celtic ruins
Now that's a great zimbabwe if I ever saw one!
Probably the greatest zimbabwe I've seen so far, and I seen a lot
Stonehedge was built by the romans
>built 5000 to 4000 years ago
>great zimbabwe
>not even a millennium old
Your move, niggy
There's pre islamic settlements two. Typically eroded and buried due to climate change and neglect of current.
Like there are about 150
Of these
Who is boasting about the stonehenge?
"The first mosque on the site was built around the 13th century, but the current structure dates from 1907"
"Archaeologists believe it was constructed from 3000 BC to 2000 BC"
Just a SLIGHT time difference there.
Not really, those trees are enormous
Zimbabwe is really interesting, though it's true that bronze age Europeans built better dry stone structures, it's still quite remarkable
The roads are enormous too I guess?
I'm not saying that African history isn't interesting, I am saying that they never built anything impressive ever though.
I said egyptians were black. And a lot of them are.
So what if they dont identify as African american (niggas?) ...Thats a very specific identification.
Moreover fuck that american guy walking into an impoverished country with a fucking diamond hanging off his ear and then getting pissed off because a dude wants his fucking money.
What did he expect.
Egyptians literally cant afford food.
Walls as high as 36 feet
So yes the roads are probably pretty large
How is this impressive? This is and was standard fare in the rest of the world.
I didn't posit it as impressive.
I said it was more impressive than the god damned mud muask.
Why dont you fucking people go back to /pol/ you're obviously retarded enough to twist every gid damned word I put out into some libshit comment.
You've proven you're "based" go jack off somewhere else.
About as impressive as your average Roman ruins.
Given that you insist on painting a picture if white supremasism.
I hope the zangbeto gets you.
Jesus you paranoid fuck. Someone posted "The Great Zimbabwe"-ruins as an example of impressive African architecture, I posted a picture showing that it's not impressive at all. Then you started saying that the trees and roads are gigantic (which is BS) and countered again by saying that the walls are 10 meters.
Are you now backpedaling and saying that you posted "the walls are 10 meters high" in agreement with the people that are unimpressed? You are full of shit, and I dont' know what kind of agenda you have by trying to paint these pathetic ruins as something grand, but it ain't working.
Just be honest and call a spade a spade. The ruins aren't impressive. The Great Mosque is laughable.
Not him but I think it is interesting since it’s a civilization that developed originally without strong outside influence
>Everyone who doesn't agree that this little ruin of a stone-village is on par with the Sistine Chapel is /pol/
Can't we just be honest? We have eyes and brains, you know.
Not him but great Zimbabwe is impressive considering it developed mostly by itself
Is there a door? or do you have to climb those sticks to get in?
What didn't develop by itself? Japan developed by itself, look up what they built even earlier than the 13th centure. A hint: It wasn't big sandcastles.
Japan developed thanks to proximity with China
How did that help them create impressive buildings? What influenced China then?
>Someone posted "The Great Zimbabwe"-ruins as an example of impressive
No, dck head I posted it as an example of a black african structure more impressive than the mud mausk.
Then a pair of you retards decided to get defensive because "muh wewuz" is so far up your ass you cant read a simple comment without adding it as context.
>I posted a picture showing that it's not impressive at all.
You posted a picture if a structure partially buried that wasn't even the largest structure there.
>Then you started saying that the trees and roads are gigantic (which is BS)
Wasnt me but tge riads were quite wide and well maintained due to the regions dependence on supply flow.
>and countered again by saying that the walls are 10 meters.
Alkso wasn't me.
>Are you now backpedaling and saying that you posted "the walls are 10 meters high" in agreement with the people that are unimpressed?
I didn't post it at all.
>You are full of shit
Your the one experiencing PTSD from nigger dick.
>and I dont' know what kind of agenda you have
Agendas oh wow quite the original vocabulary you have there.
Sure does legitimize your retarded sperging.
>by trying to paint these pathetic ruins as something grand, but it ain't working.
They are grand you faggot.
Given how the came about they are a very well resoected acheivment as far as primitive human indeavours go.
Why are you guys so obsessed with race? Probably the same faggots in the cuck threads on /b/
Prove me wrong then if you aren't lying. The only pictures I can find show the same thing, if you got the hidden ones that show the impressive part, then by all means show them.
"Construction on the monument began in the 11th century and continued until the 15th century"
You are saying 'primitive' like they were built in 2000BC or something, they weren't. They are quite recent. They are very underwhelming, not at all impressive, I don't see how anyone can see that little stone village and be impressed.
Too bad they aren’t that old or it would really be impressive
aren't the madagascar people indonesian in origin?
>implying 1000 years makes any difference in the scope of human existence
They based their buildings on the Chinese ones and took writing and other technologies from them
>Prove me wrong then if you aren't lying.
You value proof!? Holy fucking shit!
>The only pictures I can find show the same thing,
Get on youtube, there are plenty of documentaries were archeologists are actually walking among the ruins. And looking through the riads for evidence if trade routes and durection of goods.
The walls are high as fuck.
I didn't say 10 meters high, that was someone else, but they're pretty god damned high.
>"Construction on the monument began in the 11th century and continued until the 15th century"
Given the technologica l level of the people in that area. Yes it's pretty fucking cool that they dud what they did.
>You are saying 'primitive' like they were built in 2000BC or something,
15AD africa is brinze age tier, everyone already knows that. You are the only ones interpreting what I'm saying to mean they were amazing master builder.
>they weren't. They are quite recent.
1000 years ago is quite recent.
2000 as per more modern findings.
>They are very underwhelming, not at all impressive,
Get that sentence tattooed on your forehead.
>I don't see how anyone can see that little stone village and be impressed.
Because you belong in a containment board.
And what did the Chinese base their buildings off of?
Mix. Still quite black though.
Meanwhile, in black Sudan, 1700 bc
Implying it doesn't?
So you are just saying that it is impressive when contrasted with the low technological level of the Africans? Well... I guess, but I wouldn't call a passable drawing by a retard impressive just because he's retarded.
Now here's something that is actually SOMETHING.
Yes user, you got it. good for you.
Looks like current Sudan to me
Why did blacks stop evolving 4000 years ago?
Now we’re getting somewhere
We wuz kangz an shiet
Technology grows more complex. It takes a lot more cooperation of intellects to design and construct a computer than it takes to design and construct a stone house.
Yes but understand my iriginal comment was a reply to a guy who said
This (referring to the mud mosque) is the best black africans have ever built.
Zimbabwe was sited as an example of better built structures than the mosque, NOT on a global level.
This is why I lost my shit when people kept comparing it to better arcutecture that had nothing to do with the topic at hand.
It was obvious as fuck they werent paying attention and interpreted in the most /pol/ way possible.
Someone give this guy a nobel prize in comedy.
"It" has nothing to do with what we were talking about.
You shoe horned it in lile you shoe horn it into everything.
I swear it's like if someone wished you a happy birthday your only answer would be w-well niggers don't have birthdays.
Soooo funny and original
Lmao, they had no alphabet so they never wrote anything about themselves.
You look so fucking stupid. Why didn't you just say.
>oh fuck, I was wrong
Or just stop responding.
Instead you sperg out about le /pol/boogieman when proven wrong.
Is your ego really that important on an anonymous image board?
You look so fucking stupid. Why didn't you just say.
>oh fuck, I was wrong
Or just stop responding. Instead you sperg out about le /pol/ boogieman when proven wrong.
Is your ego really that important on an anonymous image board?
Probably because we're all supposed to nod along and pretend that's impressive because Africans did it. Like putting your four year olds shitty drawing on the fridge for everyone to 'admire'.
>sankore was built by Arabs (name literally means 'white nobles')
>it was rebuilt by the French in 1907
Great Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and even the Walls of Benin are more impressive IMO.
Fuck you crackers and your "bricks" and "stone".
Mud is where we come from, mud is what we eat, so mud should be what we live in. This is why y'all are getting bred out by the superior much bigger BBC, your white women are tired of you. You're all show and no action, the black man does both. He shows his dick and then fucks a white bitch.
Your buildings are shit and will be bulldozed and replaced by our superior practical architecture.
Pls go back home
In fairness most of it has crumbled away aside from the central market.
JUST WOW! A village! And look at this communication grid, it must have been a huge commercial hub.
Where does this picture come from? It doesn't make sense.
It's like the work of a species below human intelligence, like a termite mound.
The French? I don't get the obsession with blacks on this board. No one is out bashing teepee. I'd be the last to say Africans were on the brink of anything, but it gets to be rather bizarre at times.
>The French?
Precisely. :)
It's a reconstruction of Kerma, retard
>frenchs building mosques
based, just like today :^)
Ethiopia - St. George Church
Carved out of a single block of stone.
12th Century AD
>implying 1000 years don't make a difference in the scope of human civilization
kys, buddy
t. reddit
Ethiopia - Biete Amanuel
17th Century AD
Axum Obelisk - 4th Century AD
Debre Damo Monastery - 6th Century AD
I find it interesting but reasonable how I always have preface my interest in Africa by saying something like," I know Africans weren't doing anything major but..." I just have an interest in what they were up to. I make no preposterous claims. I guess I'm being coy if I say I don't understand where the vitriol comes from, and it would be naive to tell everyone to take a chill pill. The Abos of Australia get less shit than nigs on here.