Redpill me on these "white" people
Other urls found in this thread:
Those who are behind the negro*
and in front
It's fucking berbers, does anyone here even read books?
Why do they wear the feathers
What's the meaning of their tattoos and why their clothes are so elegant compared to others.
Their haircut is so aesthetic.
i can see his balls
>moth people
Ancient Egyptians were literally space moth people
- Every book ever made, every website ever. It's one of the most history picturne.
My grand-mother have the same tribal tatoos.
That's not ancient egyptian, that's "libyan" "tehenou", ancient term to describe berbers.
Is it true that before they mxied with niggers in the middle ages they were white?
North african are still "white" mediteranean or middle eastern tier "white" for most of them despite the sub-saharian admixture.
>ostrich feather in hair
>tribal tattoos
>cloaks made from painted skins
>basically naked except for the "phallus cover"
they're african alright
Berbers got more swagg in the middle age.
Almohad / Almoravid soldiers were top tier fashon.
I wonder why people living in the Libyan and Egyptian desert wouldn't be heavily dressed
You forgot the BBC aka BIG BERBER COCK
Libyan in Ancient World =/= Modern day Libya.
Ancient Libya = Mostly Morocco and Algeria, plus Tunisia/Libyia
Please at least reads some wikipedias pages guys
No, you retarded fuck.
The tribe that the Egyptians called Libu, from whom the Libyans took their current name, lived in Tehenu, that was mostly Western Egypt and Libya, you ignorant retard.
PLEASE read something instead of just glancing at Wikipedia next time, retard.
I may be wrong, but i read that Greeks called everybody west of Egypt, Libyans. From modern day Morocco to modern day Libya.
Those depictions date back to the late bronze age and depict the nomadic populations living in the Egyptian desert and probably also in part of modern Libya, Greeks settled in what is modern day Libya and used the name of the people living there to name the region, in some case they also used it to refer to most of North Africa, but the Libyans mostly lived in Cyrenica (Eastern part of Libya) and West of the Nile
>MENA people are white
la creatura...
>lived in Tehenu
what does this mean exactly?
My ancestors :)
Filthy wh*Toids invaders
Yes we wuzz white and shit; but then we capured dark skinned semen demons south of the sahara and we made a few babies with them, corrupting forever our genetic purity and losing a few iq points in the process.
Worth it desu
I don't know, maybe read the rest of my post?
lived in Tehenu, that was Western Egypt and Libya,
Fun fact=there was Slavic settlement in Libya and Morocco in Middle Ages, it is mostly forgotten now.
Vandals are no slavs, you retarded asshole
That's pretty aesthetic
Fucking slavniggers, you're worse than niggers. Vandals were Germanic.
not Vandals,Slavic merceneries and slaves were settled there