Do you guys hate money? Why haven't you gone all in on GAS or NEO for staking?
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Yes, I actually hate money. The concept of money only makes me miserable.
So go away, thank you for you suggestion.
I will buy it but I dont know I what to know when its going to its lowest
All in on NEO it is!
NEO gives you GAS
Spend GAS on more NEO
This is called compound interest, bitches
this is free money.
If I put NEO on my Ledger nano s will it generate GAS?
not familiar with ledger, but as long as you control the private key, you will have access to the GAS.
Binance also distributes GAS at the end of every month unlike Cuckrex.
Isn't Ledger working for NEO compatibility? Last I read, yes, you can generate GAS when you store it on the Ledger.
how much NEO to live off it in future?
dude imagine NEO at ETH prices. If GAS keeps its ratio with NEO, its price would be only a little less than NEO. So if you made even just 5 GAS a month, that's like 1200 bucks a month. Insane. NEO is INSANE
Neo is the key to financial freedom
that sounds dope.
Fake news. It's not compound interest, faggot
You get gas, which itself doesn't generate anything, so there is no compounding
Getting gas is a good, probably great, deal especially with both neo and gas so low right now but don't lie to people
>every NEO thread
>You get gas, which itself doesn't generate anything, so there is no compounding
it compounds when you use the gas to buy more NEO, simpleton
he described how to grow NEO, not Gas
That's not what compound interest is, idiot
I could also use casino winnings, my weekly paycheck, or dividends from a high yield bond fund to buy neo.
>Compound interest is the addition of interest to the principal sum of a loan or deposit, or in other words, interest on interest
Getting gas isn't an addition to your neo balance, retards
Also there are fees and costs such as slippage and bid/ask to convert gas to neo
Plus you possibly miss out on upside from just owning gas outright instead of neo and waiting for it to pay gas
btw. I'm coding smart contracts on NEO, there's a whole lot going to happen in the rest of the year.
If you want to know the gist of smart contracts on the platform:
Thanks for sharing
Any questions?
b-b-but v-vapor ware chink scam...
>muh semantics
Neo is awesome, love my GAS
been a long time since i've seen da hong fei memes
NEO is interesting because people work 24/7 while the market cap is small enough for it to moon again. The usecases so far are folks (like RedPulse and the upcoming Chinese ICOs) who get direct support from the OnChain company, and the East-West communication could be improved, but the protocol is open sourced and soon there will be lots of folks who actually know what they do. As of yet, the blockchain is still hosted by the company but dApps can freely be developed and deployed on testnet. Today in a month, $ 300k will be awarded for dApps
As far as I can tell, it's the smart contract platform after Ethereum with the most activity. Then maye Lisk.
And EOS I saw open source folks write IDE's too recently.
>NEO is interesting because people work 20/7 while the market cap is small enough for it to moon again.
bingo. NEO WILL reach 28 billion dollar market cap in 2018. period.
you made it
I have about $750 in NEO and and $100 in GAS. Should I just use the GAS to buy more NEO? Or is GAS undervalued and therefore worth holding some?
Gas supply can be manipulated as they please, if the price is getting out of hand theyll simply add more gas in to the market to stabalize price
hold your gas for now.
GAS has a much lower supply. Price will be higher than neo next year.
Use your GAS to buy NEO. NEO will be worth A LOT more long term than GAS since GAS won't be as valued in the long term.
not really.
fake news, no.