Is it true that racism only comes from experience...

Is it true that racism only comes from experience? Every American I know that grew up in and currently resides in an upper class enclave seems to genuinely believe that blacks are equal to whites/asians in every way

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I think it's a bit of both really, in general I can't fucking stand boongs but I've met a few that were pretty decent as well

There's a whole spectrum inbetween being a /pol/shit racist and "believe that blacks are equal to whites/asians in every way"

Yes. I'm a Swede was not racist as a young teen, after the migration has reached critical levels I now have vast experience with africans and arabs and I despise them utterly. They are violent, very stupid and they seriously even smell bad.

Most people in Sweden who do not see this live in white upper class enclaves, like our politicians.


Racism comes from lack of experience. Anyone who interacts with a lot of different ethnicities comes to think people are pretty much all the same, and that education/affluence is the deciding factor. People like Police are different, because they only interact with the scum of the earth and they are rarely Mensa candidates themselves.

There are sub-racist racial prejudices, however. I don't like playing poker with middle aged Indian men because they gamble like fuck, and I find Israelis domineering in conversaton, but I know that if I actively shunned Indians and Israelis I'd miss out on some life experience and get stupider as a result.

Sure seems like these people don’t exist unless 75% of the population is that scared of hiding their power level

My experience with blacks has been largely negative
you could argue it’s the carcinogenic ghetto culture that does it but they went to the same schools l did growing up and many lived in the same neighborhood
There’s at least a part of human nature that’s heritable

>Well they don't go around screaming "fuck the kikes, race war now!' or unironically listen to Moonman in their car so they must love other races
Are you a fucking idiot?

How are you defining racist? In Canada it can mean any of these things:
>I'd prefer/I'd prefer my children to be friends with people of the same race
>to have sex with people of the same race
>to work for people of the same race
>to do business with people of the same race
>to live around people of the same race
>that some races are naturally better at some things
>that some races are naturally worse at some things
>that some races are not as intelligent and don't count as people
>to work for the annihilation of one specific race
>to work for the annihilation of all other races

Only the last three are truly "racist", but if you say you find most black people unattractive or annoying relative to your own folks you're basically a Nazi here. It really depends.

it's the opposite in the us, it's the politicians who have never met a nonwhite in real life that hate them, and the average joes who spend time with them think they're fine

Ghetto culture is just one of many trash cultures in the U.S. Interact with white people from L.A. and you'll see what I mean.

The biggest misconception of all is that “it all comes down to income/education”
High income blacks still have twice as high of a murder rate as low income whites. Anybody who grew up in a poor area of the South will tell you that while rednecks might get drunk and steal occasionally they are generally peaceful. Blacks on the other hand are prone to violence no matter the occasion

>Interact with white people from L.A.


>Is it true that racism only comes from experience?
Yes and no.
No in that racism is a natural consequence of the nature of our mind, which is based upon dualism.
Yes in the sense that if you've grown up being told that we're all the same regardless of skin colour and you basically never met anyone not of your race you're gonna have a much easier time conceptualizing as "other" people who don't think like you than whatever flimsy idea you might have of minorities, because for all intents and purposes people with different ideas are "other" and you've been primed to think of minorities as "us".

>white people

The relationship between violence and education/income isn't a correlatory sliding scale.

Education informs culture, behaviour and income.
Income informs culture, behaviour and education.
Culture informs behaviour, which informs eduction and income.

It's a really complex tapestry of bullshit that stretches back a thousand years. There are white Russians who make black serial killers look like humanitarians. There are Asians who are the smartest people in the world, and there are Asians who actively participate in genocide. The only racial truth is that race doesn't work as catagorisation and to think otherwise is, ironically, the same deficiency of the experience and smarts that blacks are often accused of.


To add, note that all the "fuck racist people" rhetoric is pretty much the exact same shit racist people use, because it's literally the same natural instinct.
Also a consequence to this is that people brought up by racists without ever meeting minorities are genuinely gonna be racist without any inherent malice, because both nature and nurture favour it.

Yeah, that too

I agree with this. Racial prejudice is bullshit, but the most vocal "anti-racists" are uncomfortable or hyper-aware when around other skin tones and are often closet racists themselves.

>I'm a Swede was not racist as a young teen
Let me guess, and now you're a late teen and you know everything...

White people from any big city in the U.S. should just be reclassified as honorary blacks. Most disgusting beings I have ever met.

The most racist people I know grew up in rural Southwest Missouri 30 years ago, are brain damaged alcohols and have never had any meaningful interaction with the people they hate.

No, now I'm 30, married and don't want my daughter to be raped or get a grenade thrown through my windows by muslims (which happened across the street in the last place I lived).

Those smarmy oxygen thieves are proof that any race can be garbage.

by any chance, are you doing anything to prevent the terrible fate of your country my good user?

Of course he can’t that would be considered hate speech

Sort of. For example in the uk the most anti immigration (not racism i know but it serves the point) are the whitest places with the least immigrants.

On the other hand in the us racism is most prevalent in areas of the south with high black population.

So it konda goes both ways. Its more based on your experience of other races and also waht youre taught about them.

>For example in the uk the most anti immigration (not racism i know but it serves the point) are the whitest places with the least immigrants.
This is COMPLETE bullshit. The anti-immigrant parts of teh UK are exactly those parts with the most immigrants, it's middle class people in the south and rural people who never see a groid who vote for more of them.

I just want to say that everything else aside, these guys are hilarious.

Honestly user everything about race in this country is being instigated by small groups of shit stirrers. Most people in the US genuinely don't care or think much about race and are more concerned with shit like the mortgage.

The thing is, everyone hates ghetto blacks. Whites, asians, latinos, non-ghetto blacks, hell even other ghetto blacks.

Small children don't know what race is, but they stll prefer dolls the same color as themselves, and they still congregate in single-race playgroups. It's hardwired, and in fact "racism" in the modern sense (ie, preferring your own race) is the reason races exist at all, without it we would have all blanda upp centuries ago.

Can someone please translate that image?

Oh that explains why my white ass niece asked for a black baby doll for Christmas last year?

She's old enough to have been brainwashed. Also nice anecdote, too bad we have actual studies that confirm my position and refute yours.

I mean preference is one thing, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want everyone to just get along.

>oh god it doesn’t agree with my narrative must shift blame to somebody or someone else
Feel free to link actual studies, I feel like it’ll be something from the mid-1900’s that’s inconsequential

>libtards actually believe this

>I feel
See this is why you're so rubbish at arguing, Facts trump feels, faggot.

>t.middle class white faggot who never has to mix with nonwhites

You suburb types don’t know what city life is like. You’ve never been in a class just trying to hear the lecture and having to watch the teacher turn into a babysitter because a group of black kids are consistently undermining their authority and derailing the class time and time again. You’ve never seen a classroom just totally break down into a frenzy of shouting, you’ve never seen the social pressures that force these kids to act like hooligans, how they mock each other’s attempts at climbing out of the bucket and how they’re like a bunch of crabs keeping each other down; anyone who takes the classes seriously is ostracized from the group, intellectualism is mocked, disrespecting authority is quite literally a right of passage, most of the kids go into gangs and threaten other students, they’re impossible to handle and you just feel really bad for those teachers that have to deal with it every day.

All I had to do was read about them.

You wanna explain why the article you linked specifically proves your point of preferring your own skin color wrong?

>muh quotemine
You are a pathetic mendacious sack of shit.

Explain why your article doesn’t support your thesis you literal nigger

What does racism mean? Around blacks never relax isn't racism it's a survival strategy.

Racism does not exist brainlet

/int/ taught me that every culture can be interesting and fun to learn about, but I also think that it would be better if people lived in culturally homogeneous regions to avoid tensions, so I'm not racist and only hate/like people on an individual level.
Expect for turks.
Fuck them.

>and "believe that blacks are equal to whites/asians in every way"

Go ahead and tell the people that you know that blacks are ever so slightly less intelligent on average and see what happens.

You will be labeled a white supremacist

ey where u from hater?

Ok Mohammed

Have some first hand experience for you. I think most people who are "racist" don't really believe that the genetics of another race are inferior, and they just hate how members of that race act.

I live in Zürich, basically the New York of switzerland, and cultural tensions are pretty fucking obvious. When I was still at school, cliques formed around different cultures. There were the "foreigners", consisting of turks and ex yugos, and the "swiss",consisting of the actual swiss and german imigrants. These groups behaved in different ways, with most of the foreigners picking up a muslim/arab demeanor(regardless of their country of origin)
Peer pressure was strong, so even the smart kids quickly picked up this thuggish style.

It was a weird time for me because I was a foreigner my self but didn't bother to pick up the dialect so I didn't belong to either of the groups.

Honestly I'm not getting into inferior vs superior debates because that's subjective as fuck based on your criteria, but it's an objective fact that blacks are far more violent and criminal than all the other races. My personal anecdotes support it, official statistics support it, it's an undeniable fact.

There are no white people in Los Angeles. Non-hispanic whites are only 20% of the population and most of those are """whites""" like Jews, Armenians or Iranians. Taking a stroll through LA feels like you've been dumped in the middle of Nicaragua.

You gotta hit up the Westside sometime brah.

Low IQ brainlet.

Most people are "racist" due to sheer number of other people triggering a natural survival instinct among them.

If you wellcome a different group of people with open arms to your tribe they may slaughter you in your sleep and enslave your women.

That is what has been going of for tens of thousand years and we have evolved to have a survival instinct.

Africans, Asians, European for the most part do not hate foreigners as long as they are in tiny numbers and viewed as harmless.

But move 2 million Europeans to Japan in a span of 5 years and Japanese will feel threatened

Exactly what I'm talking about. """White""" people on Westside are Russian Jews, Iranians and Arabs.

Only people who have never interacted with blacks believe that they are equal

It is crawling with Jews here but white folk are still hangin on especially up in Topanga and Malibu.

It's not even about equal, it's about realizing beyond any doubt that there ARE fundamental differences between the races. People who never have to deal with other races think its all about education, culture, and wealth, but they're just wrong, and the policies they enact on this presumption are equally disastrous for the minorities and the poor whites who have to live with them.

>tell people you believe that whites are slightly
>they label you as a white supremist


I'm a white man married to a black woman. We are from two different worlds. One of us grew up with a single mom, wore holes through their shoes, carried weapons in high school, had a violent, drug abusing sibling, and has multiple uncles in and out of legal trouble, drug abuse, or dead.

The other one is black.

This is a line of thinking racists use to feel better about themselves, but there is just nothing to support the idea that most racists spend substantial amounts of time around the groups they look down upon. Metropolitan areas lean liberal, the denser they are the more liberal they tend to be, and some guy living in the heart of New York or San Francisco is going to have more experience on a daily level with other races than John Corn living on a farm in fucking Missouri.

As for the """fundamental differences""'? There aren't any really. People like to latch on to "muh crime demographics" ignoring how small those statistics are in reference to the sample size. Even if blacks do "commit twice as much crime" the number of blacks who are arrested for crimes each year is less then 2% of the black population. That's a drop in the water. Using it to make assumptions about the group as a whole is beyond asinine.

I think we have to define racism because if you mean political racism then yes those people don't spend time with other races because it goes against their ideology but in this day and age simply believing that race is a real thing and not just a social construct will get you labeled as racist. If we're using the second definition of racism then those people are the norm in big cities and just because someone votes democrat doesn't mean they think race doesn't exist. Did you know there is serious tension between blacks and latinos? Probably not because the media is only race conscious when white people are involved but that doesn't change the facts on the street.

>Anyone who interacts with a lot of different ethnicities comes to think people are pretty much all the same
I guess I don't count as "anyone" then.

Nah, at least in rural areas, hatred of blacks tends to increase with proximity to black enclaves/neighborhoods. For example, there's only two black families in my town, so not too many people here developed anything more than a passive hatred of blacks, and it was mainly caused by interactions with them in larger cities. This is in contrast to the nearby town to us, where 95% of blacks in the county reside, where racial tension runs pretty high and quite a few people who grew up side by side to blacks will have nothing good to say about them.

I think in general it's your exposure to "integrated" minorities for white people. If you grow up in an upper class neighborhood where the only non-whites you meet don't have a lot of differences from gentrified whites, you'll probably assume all of them are like that, but if you grow up near a dirt poor block where the cultures are very different from your own, you're generally going to apply that hatred you develop to everyone who vaguely matches the description.

As an average joe who works with them, 7/10 are shitty people overall, and at least 4 of those 7 are stereotypes personified.

I live in a ghetto and niggers are terrifying.

>correlatory sliding scale

get the fuck out reddit

You've hit on one of the reasons white people in "upper class enclaves" find it easy to convice themselves that black people are not inherently different than white people. White professional people interact, more often than not, with black professional people who act appropriately and conceal their hostility for whites for career reasons.

Working class white people have to work with, and live around, working class black people, and it's like dealing with people from another planet.

In a sense, a lot of upper middle class white racial idealism is the product of this privilege.

racism =/= cultural discrimination

If you dislike someone because they are a different color from you, you're an idiot. If you dislike someone because their cultural values clash with yours, that's quite another story.

go back to pol shit

Race and culture are intertwined

>Racism comes from lack of experience
Lack of experience with assimilated people of other races.

>Anyone who interacts with a lot of different ethnicities comes to think people are pretty much all the same, and that education/affluence is the deciding factor.
Except when it comes to culture. And this is true of whites too. Whites have their own poor cultural enclaves like rednecks and hillbillies. Poor people tend to be especially tribalistic, and interacting with these people is often uncomfortable. This has less to do with race than cultural tribalism, except that these cultural tribes are centered around race. This is why people believe other races are always alien and you need a homogeneous ethnostate etc. When you're lower class and use your racial tribe as support with cultural shibboleths, other tribes really do seem alien and incompatible.

Found the nog

It's impossible to live near niggers and don't become racist.

High income blacks are not the majority of their population even in Africa the poor blacks are the most dangerous psychos in their countries.

Humans were always racist, even the so called white liberals get nervous around crowds of black people.

It depends. On one hand, for most little ones if they are in school or playing with neighbors it doesn't really matter if their playmates are the same race or not. On the other hand, the fact that giving a child a doll of different race causes them to cry makes one conclude that racial preferences get narrower and narrower the intimate/personal the relationship is between the two subjects.

>married to black wife.
>lived with her family
>worked with black coworkers
>attend NAACP meetings
>go to black barbers exclusively
>not racist

My racism against blacks has come from my experiences with them, yes.

maybe. i'm asian-am, and the few times i've worked in majority white workplaces just confirmed how awful white people are.

Yeah, it's just due to the constant propaganda they are forced to consume and have consumed since childhood. The funny thing is, if anything, citing these statistics should make you an "Asian supremacist," but of course that is absurd.

You have no fucking clue what you're talking about lmao.

Upper class white people generally profess an advocacy for racial equality but do little toward that end in practice.

Lower class white people will openly express contempt towards black/hispanic/asian people but will behave more equitably toward them.

You evidently know sweet shit all about uk politics, ukip got the most votes in countryside and seasidd towns that are almodt 100% white

This right here.

Good post. That being said, I do want to live in an majority-white neighborhood. And an majority-white country.

I lived in the ghetto for over 10 years
niggers aren't terrifying, bullets are terrifying
it's cliche but if you don't start shit there won't be shit
that doesn't excuse shooting people over dumb shit, but there's nothing to gain by shooting innocent people and drive-bys are a thing of the past so the odds of you minding your business and getting assaulted are pretty much zero
>you must be black
nigger I'm fucking four different kinds of European and le 1/8th Cherokee and supposedly a little bit Gypsy
>you must have been a bootlicker and a cuck
I didn't talk to them outside of school, my mom was pretty neutral, and her husband was racist as fuck, full on "we should shoot 'em or send 'em back to Africa"
he was the only to get hurt while we were there and it only happened once, and that was when he went off his bipolar meds and picked a fight with some asshole neighbor from down the road
>you must have lived in a nice "ghetto"
Flint fucking Michigan, have you heard of it?

I don't buy the whole "don't start shit there won't be shit" meme. Blacks are more violent. Period.

>High income blacks still have twice as high of a murder rate as low income whites.
what defines "high income"? because I don't think whatever it is in this case is what most people would think of as "high income"


Didn't this group make some kid cry in some video that I saw? Are these those black Israelites?

i legitimately do not judge anyone based on race or gender. i consider everyone equal until they do something that makes them a lesser person. the only time i say things that could be considered racist is when its for comedy, as you know shock comedy is really good.

Prepare to laugh your ass off.


>the French something in 100 years
>something not something French build? something grand something Paris Zoo
>defense of something about eating
also I think the person in yellow might be a man but who can say

You kidding me? I'm not white (latino) and I can't stand the dark ones at all, I'd rather be around Whites than niggers any day, shit I'd rather be around whites than other beans sometimes