How will Gaddafi be remembered by future generations?

How will Gaddafi be remembered by future generations?

Blood thirsty tyrant or victim of neo colonialism?

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He would be remember.

as a Black man.

goddamned hero

>neo colonialism?
you mean victim of neoliberalism? sick of everyone bitching that everything they don’t like is fascist, imperialist, corporatist, colonialists, ect. when will people realize that liberalism and progressivism are inherently violent, avaricious, and dominating ideologies?

>liberalism and progressivism are inherently violent, avaricious, and dominating ideologies
You've used literally every word wrong.


Old hag of a dictator member of the secularist pro-Nasser generation of Arab politicians, created a country with good living conditions albeit socially stagnant. Got caught off guard at the start of Arab Spring and ended with a bayonet up his ass. Hopefully in the future people will have a more objective image of him instead of "evil terrorist rapist" or "based man who opposed the petrodollar"

>overthrowing your rightful king

>Kataffi was killed becuz BANKZ!!!! (also something about the jews)
Common morons like you just need a boot on your face. Even when freed from your oppressors, you'll still venerate them and seek new ones.

Every post inckuding a brainket wojak without exception is accompanoed by the most ignorant selfindulgent crap written. They've become an unintentional ironic self statement.

+1 happy meal coupon

>the most ignorant selfindulgent crap written.
Sounds like literally everything I've ever read trying to defend this piece of shit by making up irrelevant conspiracy theories about "MUH PETRODOLLAR!!!1" and ignoring the fact that he was a fucking dictator who murdered thousands of his own citizens.

But seriously, why is everyone the far right adores some weirdo looking guy? Gadaffi is a caricature, Trump is a caricature, Mussolini is a caricature, Hitler, Saddam, Farage, Putin, Bashar, etc.
Why isn't there a normal looking dude?

Neck yourself you RT-watching delusional manchilds

Many leaders are characterized by odd quirks it’s not exclusive to /pol/s favorites

Obama doesn't have some cult following of braindead fans tho.

great arguments


Whatever happened to his all female bodyguards?

>far right
Gaddafi was a leftist freaking hero before he was declared ”bad guy” in arab spring

Considering what Libya is like now, probably some bad, bad things.

how is Asad not normal looking? (beside his rather average/unattractive face)
his dad was even more boring looking.

Tyranical people are almost always mentally ill. Mental illness shows in your eyes, your facial expressions and sometimes your fashion sense. That's why Pol Pot looks like something from a Japanese horror movie - that's what a totally uninhibited psychopath looks like.

He aged as shit.

Assad has a very weak chin, which is often a sign of inbreeding. It give a degenerate impression.

I-Is that anibal?

>that forehead
>that funny shapped head
>normal looking

Assad is a rightist now? Before Obama murdered him i'd imagine the left adored him and considered him on of their own.

*Ghaddafi is a rightist now? Before Obama murdered him i'd imagine the left adored him and considered him on of their own.

I'm talking what about far right autists like, not that the leaders themselves are far right.

Someone's mad :)

Well, I know what I am going to remember about him at least. I'm going to remember that he and his country was destroyed because Obama couldn't put a lid on Hillary Clinton's insane and psychopathic ambitions.

because they didn't get there by the virtue of looking the part like most politicians.


he's not. But he's neither a lefty like most lefites want to believe.

He's an Arab Nationalist. Nationalism is theatrically neither left or right depending on it's foundations.

Yes, because the USSR's not real Socialism was so much better...

What's with the shoddily shaved mustache?

lets not get ahead of ourselves here

As a fighter for pan africanism.

Neoliberalism is closer to capitalist conservatism.

Literally every black, gay, and left leaning teenager in the country bounces up and down on Obamas cock like there’s no tomorrow and if you believe otherwise you’re deluded

How is a weak chin now just a simple heritable trait?
how is it a sign of inbreeding?
6/10 got my (You)

>Gaddafi oppressed me from the other side of the world


Yes, like Jesus in the temple. Righteously angry

As a retard who got killed for doing retard shit, and then a bunch of people got #triggered because it reminded them of Iraq.

He didn't do a single thing wrong tho

He was a retard, and that's why he's dead now. Edgelords will try and use the event for whatever pet cause they have, but it really is that simple.

This is what Libyans actually believe

Head like a fucking orange

Based Obama taking out the trash.

Bassel was a chad and should have been President.