>ugh, i hate modern world so much. Society was better in the old days. I was totally born in the wrong generation, if i was born in the past i'd have a loving traditional wife
Ugh, i hate modern world so much. Society was better in the old days. I was totally born in the wrong generation...
Other urls found in this thread:
this image is hilarious
How the fuck do people get that huge?
"le wrong generation" is a redditor consumerist meme
big bones and genes
wrong, idiot. he consistently eats far over his calorie need every single day. if he just ate less food his genes and big bones would not make him fat.
What's so controversial about the notion that some people would benefit from simpler and more strict lifestyle of the past?
Leftypol wants white people to live in debt and be the slaves of the neo liberals
The fact that people who have the mindset described by probably would not be the ones to benefit from this lifestyle due to their laziness, inertia, lack of discipline and intelligence, fear of change, and other factors that make them utter failures. It's nothing but wishful thinking and an attempt to fool themselves that they are not responsible for the pathetic state of their lives and it's just the fault of modern world.
No that's just pol
That dude could be a fucking beef monster godChad if he lost the fat and started growing muscle
And had a chin
I feel like lot of those are the exact qualities that could be helped. I've seen great people in the army who I am confident would be druggie drifters without it. There are some hopeless types but most of the time we are just products of our environment
But he has? I think I can see it poking through the fat.
aynone have the original?
Sorry about the caption. You can crop it out if necessary.
>that guy wearing the Iron Cross and DPM in the background
is it normal to casually wear kneepads in america
the caption is what makes it funny
I think that this is a strawman. The complaints against "modernity" usually are not "I would do better in the past, so the past was better". But rather that, in some ways, things got worse. There is this ideology where people suppose we are in better situation than those from the past in every way. I don't think this is really true. We have improved in some senses and got worse in others.
That fatty legit looks like Kingpin.
>getting baited by fossilized jokes
Same as "freeze peach". Honestly though people who think current era is perfect and you're damnable if you think it used to be better at some point are fanatical retards.
*Watch out Antifa
I get that teenagers are cringy and awkward, but if my son did something like that I believe murder is necessary.
Everyone in this picture is either a faggot, a manlet or a fatty. But I don't know what exactly makes them nazis, they're mostly just cringy libertarians.
Really? Cuz /pol/ seems to be implementing that
good post
Sorry for wishing to buy a house in my lifetime op
Not denying that some things have gotten worse, it is true. But still, it is not an excuse to renounce any responsibility for one's life and claim that it is the fault of the world that one cannot live a life they envisioned. Maybe their expectations were too high to begin with? We don't live in the fifties, which were a time of great prosperity in the USA, anymore, so why set life expectations as if it were the fifties?
Mostly that they found someone actually as fat and dressed up as Goering and the iron cross.
i didn't catch the cross, still seems more of a retard thing than a nazi thing
>Iron Cross
>CNT hat
I imagine this playing in the background looking at that image
I don't get why people bitch about it. Trust me, if you have the funds to support a home wife then you won't have trouble finding a loving traditional wife.
Why should you bother wanting anything better than what you have? Be content with your shitheap and keep your mouth closed.
Wow this fella here? This guy right here, he has moxxy! Look at that glare, the sunglasses in hand, that expression, calculating, cold, judgmental, yet charismatic, he should have a right wing talk show.
To be fair the guy also has a CNT (anarcho-commie) hat but is at some kind of libertarian meet up
It's not so much the other dorks who look semi-normal, but that ridiculous grey blob in the middle of it all.
Nice get btw.
they're americans, probably don't get the connection
Ye gods
>iron cross = nazi
I highly doubt he's just nostalgic for Imperial Germany
People would walk past him and say, "what's new Fat?"
He'd call a taxi, and the driver would welcome him with, "where to Fat?"
"Get enough to eat Fat?"
who wouldn't be
The girl is cute tho.... wait a second...
When he'd walk past a sailor they'd say "What's our battleship doing on land?"
Everyone in the world outside of Veeky Forums and /gsg/, and the majority of people on those places as well
pretty much everyone used to be given a virginal wife back in the days, this practice still persists everywhere outside of the western democracies
so yes, objectively speaking, i would have a traditional wife
>if i was born in the past i'd have a loving traditional wife
And a truly amazing lists of disease that could not be cured.
>Nothing's changed, you just have to buy love and tradition now.
Just as hapless young men have to buy a father in the form of Peterson.
Like 99% of /pol/ would have been "Odd uncle George" who never married or had kids
anyone with a sense of justice would look at the great wrong that was done
He would have at least had pure aryan nephews and nieces due to having siblings due to the high fertility rates of white women wedlocked in holy matrimony with a white man and premarital sex being shunned at the time.
>"Aww well, it doesn't matter if I don't pass on my own DNA"
It's literally the opposite of what you said.
>knowing about reddit boards
You don't belong here either.
>ugh, i hate modern world so much. Society was better in the old days.
That's objectively correct, even that fat guy looks better in the old looking suit then he would probably look in anything else. Of course back then people didn't get this fat to begin with, which is also a benefit.
there were a few fat people like that, but of course they were with the circus
Only part of reddit that's not TOTAL cancer.
He's actually pretty normal looking.
other than the fatty and the guy with the iron cross, they look like pretty normal.
I'm laughing at whatever country you come from.
This but unironically
2001 pre 9/11 was really the best moment in human history
>knowing anything about r*ddit
This. I sometimes wish I was born in the 80s so I had a stricter and less technology dominated upbringing but I could still enjoy the technology and society we have today
I'm not saying to have no expectations at all, just don't expect something that you have little or no chance of achieving. Or at least don't bitch about it as if you were entitled to things you desire. For some people it means just what you've said, to "be content with one's shitheap and keep their mouth closed," but I believe it applies to a small fraction of the population. The rest just have to stop deluding themselves and accept the fact that they are not going to get what everything they want, no matter how hard they work, because their expectations are so unrealistic. We would be happier if we expected less.
I don’t wish I born in the past but I do wish I was able to time travel at will(with a device that translated everything I said into the local language).A real life Animus, I guess.
haha he fat funnee
I dont believe the past was better but I do feel something has been lost ascetically
for example people used to wear nice looking uniforms working in a cafe
people just dont seem to care anymore
It was in many ways better. In some ways, not. In multiple ways it was the same.
Nah, the one that is wearing dirtbike gloves, elbowpads, and kneepads is still pretty bad.
nothing, except the particular 'simpler past' they are referencing was a period of radical modernism, rapid technological and industrial developments and international fuckups resulting in mass death and destruction
Well hes not a decorated german soldier
Same man, i think i’d go to precolonial south pafic just to check out thoses near naked women, and sea going canoes. (Also dude free love lmao)
If you look at historical writing, people ask questions like
>how do I find loyal friends?
>how do I show courage and wisdom?
The truly bad thing about modern life is questions like
>what is the meaning of life?
>who AM i?
90s art and miniatures looked better and no amount of fedoraposting will change this fact.
Eh, I prefer the newer skaven models to the older ones.
>So user tell me my i shoudl give you my daughters hand in marriage
mr garibaldi i have land and and education on the places you have fought, so we will provide you with plenty of grandchildren
It's controversial because it's so common yet so moronic. If you don't have the strength of character to take control of your own life and adapt to your environment what makes these people think they wouldn't just be outcasts in the past? That maybe their upbringing would've been different and they would grow up into strong individuals, problem is even if that's true it's a fantasy, their childhood is over now it's time to grow the fuck up and make the most of what you've got or it becomes hell, and we know what that looks like. 40billion starving Ukrainians is what that looks like.
Calling them fags would be insulting to the fags.
you're here, and you're discussing this. no.
The thing is many people this day and age grow up with parents who don't care or were never raised right themselves. They're dumped into a world more complex than has ever been and bombarded with more information than they can truely process and deviod of spirituality and obvious purpose. Is it really so hard to imagine if they were born a peasant in a farm, bought up with a pitchfork and plow that they could be a lot less lost and miserable than they are now. Cures for diseases? What good is that when every day is a fight to not throw yourself off a bridge?
Now do I want that? Fuck no I love this world, but I can easily see many people would be happier as peasants. Hell that's why the Amish exist.
>People in the 1900's didn't get that fa-
>Leftards magically transform into ultra individualists whenever this topic up
That makes perfect sense, having meaning forced on you rather than having to discover it yourself is a totally different environment.
This might be a reason Peterson is so popular for example, him simply preaching that people have the tools they need to navigate a world they feel lost in might give some people some hope.
It's still a horrible view to hold of the past because even if its true, that they would've been less nihilistic in a simpler time, they have to stop idolizing the past and deal with what's infront of them and actual reality or else it just gets deeper but I agree 100%, its very understandable but so is being abusive after being abused as a kid.
A lot of this, today's world is more competitive, more confusing and people are more prone to aimless "wandering", but damn the potential, everything at arms reach.
Don't ever say such evil things please. Warhammer died in 2000
>entitled loser expects to be "given" a wife
>take control of your own life
>adapt to your environment
Two contradictory statements you faggot
>The past sucks. I'm so lucky that I live in current year because we have Netflix and ice cream
taking control doesn't mean making the world an extension of your will you faggot. It just means dictating the future through actions that have effects on the environment.