I personally believe the Siberian Gulags and killings of Russian Political Prisoners should be taught just as much as the Holocaust is.
The stuff Stalin got away with is outright disgusting.
I personally believe the Siberian Gulags and killings of Russian Political Prisoners should be taught just as much as the Holocaust is.
The stuff Stalin got away with is outright disgusting.
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>I personally believe the Siberian Gulags and killings of Russian Political Prisoners should be taught just as much as the Holocaust is.
but they are
Where im from I remember hearing alot more about the crimes of soviet union than about holocaust but then im not american.
Gulags are taught in shcools pretty extensively
They are.
nice /pol/ thread tho
Not in America. I paid a lot of attention in class especially history, we got very brief summaries of Communist atrocities, Nazis got dozens of times more attention than them.
There is nothing particular about Gulags. There were significantly less prisoners per capita in the USSR compared to the modern USA or Russia. Was it not for the Cold War, noone would talk about them at all.
They are. When I was in high school GULAG archipelago was required reading, while there wasn't a single book about holocaust.
Okay well maybe you can appreciate that not everyone gles to school in rural alabama
In britian i spent a fucking year studying all the shit mao did and how many people he killed
We also spemt half a year studying vietnam and all the shit the us pulled and people they burned
Seriously? That's rediculous.
I thought UdSSR only turned into totalitarian shithole in thirties.
Didn't happen.
You guys are being factious and you know it. There is not the same amount of attention put on the crimes of communism as much as the holocaust is focused on. I think this shitty education is a direct cause of leftypol faggots who diminish those atrocities.
t. Amerimutt.
Ir was always a totalitarian shithole.
I think you're just an uneducated swine.
Because the holocaust was worse and it killed more people. Most people killed by the Soviets died of starvation or in Gulags (due to terrible living conditions). Holocaust was an attempt to exterminate Jewish people and in some countries up to 90-95% of Jews were murdered.
>pointless insults
About what I expected. Also, how stupid do you have to be to not realize you just made OPs point for him? If people are saying they didnt learn about this shit, and your only response was "you went to a shitty school!" then you are proving the point that schools need to focus more on the crimes of communism.
No they aren't you faggot.
I've had to dig up every single factoid I know about the gulags and Stalin's reign from outside sources until I specifically took a class on Russian history
Used to be like that 4 years ago, this year it's switched and only WW2-atrocities related book was Sophia's choice. However there are still plenty of books about commies from the cold war era.
Or perhaps Soviet atrocities are less documented, less interesting, less intensive and from land far away.
Dunno about where you're from, but I went to school in America and we were constantly bombarded with shit about how evil the USSR was, how Stalin was worse than Hitler, how they started the Cold War because they were power-hungry, etc. etc. That was the entire spring of my junior year, while we spent only a week on WWII and skimmed over the holocaust.
7 million people died in Holodomor alone user, and dont give me that "they starved so it wasnt really genocide!" shit. this is LITERALLY a point stormfags use to deny the genocide. Theres also the fact that the guy who came up with the word genocide said that the holodomor was a perfect example of one.
And the worst part is, this shit is still going on today. Even a holocaust survivor said the camps in north korean are worse than what he survived
t. third worlder
We didn't. I grew up in one of the biggest cities in America and I don't think I heard the gulags mentioned once until some Russian girl mentioned her parents had fled Stalin sometime during the Cold War section of the curriculum. We were too busy talking about the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Domino Theory
Again, you are proving OPs point for him.
Where did you go to school?
And you are being dense pretending there is some great conspiracy hiding those crimes. Themes of history (memes if you will) like "civilized" people turning into monsters because of chain of command resonate much better with western audiences than weird class warfare in a developing country. A minor display of eurocentrism really.
yeah, my cold war education was just
-berlin airlift
-cuban missle crises
-my lai massacre
-fall of the berlin wall
-PEACE! boris yeltsin is our friend and everyone is happy :)!
there was also this mocking derision of cold war paranoia as if it was completely unfounded
>And you are being dense pretending there is some great conspiracy hiding those crimes.
I never said anything like that. Shitty education doesnt have to be a conspiracy, its just lazyness and people who are bad at their jobs.
>be American
>receive bad education
>interpret this as a conspiracy because you're uneducated
No, 7 million people died in Russian famine, holodomor was just a small part of it (4 million Ukrainians died in the holodomor). It was genocide, but it wasn't an attempt to exterminate Ukrainians.
And this guy is of course talking about labor camps, not death camps. Maybe NK camps are worse, but I doubt they genocided anyone.
Again, no one said anything about a conspiracy you dumbass. Just that they werent taught about something. You also proved the point by just mocking their schools for not teaching that subject. I had to teach myself most of this stuff from scratch.
a bodycount doesn't determine historical importance. You are quick to criticize others while being ignorant yourself
Have a look at Drawings From The Gulag by Danzig Baldaev. Pretty horrific stuf.
No user, 7 million Ukranians died alone. This is independent from the other mass starvations. Kazakhstan, proportionally, was worse off than that.
>Maybe NK camps are worse, but I doubt they genocided anyone.
you dont really get what genocide is, do you?
Did they say anything about Volhynia massacres? Or about Indonesian massacres? Or death squads from El Salvador?
I'm surprised they didn't teach you anything about Gulags, Soviet famine and Stalin's purges because they are all really well-known and the numbers are almost always vastly exaggeratd.
We learn nothing about east Timor or the Israel ethnic cleansing, or the rwawandan genocide.
Soviet crimes against humanity get alot of attention
>I think this shitty education is a direct cause of leftypol faggots who diminish those atrocities.
Lefties playing down gulags sounds pretty purposeful
Two different teachings: against tyranny and against hate.
The situation was different. The Holocaust and other ethnic cleansings are done out of almost purely emotional reasons such as hatred for an ethnic group. Politial assassination and imprisonments are done for objective reasons (maintaining power), but that comes under the protection of democracy which is already taught in school.
You know that Urainian historians and Ukrainian courts disagree with you? Because according to them 3.9 million Ukrainians died. Even your own source says that 5 million Ukrainians died, not 7.
>you dont really get what genocide is, do you?
It's you who don't get it.
>You are quick to criticize others while being ignorant yourself
projection. you were being an arrogant ass and mocking people who werent afforded a good education. Mocking them for demanding a better history class on a history board of all places, and you tried to piss on them, oblivious to the fact that this proved their point.
Now that you realize you fucked up, you tried twisting their words and implying they were saying this was some massive conspiracy. Fuck you you piece of shit. you should be ashamed of yourself.
>call people dishonest and faggots because they disagree with you because they had a different life experience
>complain when they stop taking you seriously and just mock people
What's there to say? In my country they teach those things and I studied them in a public school of all places.
>A minor display of Eurocentrism really
See this is where you played your hand too openly, shill
>I learned about them so that means everyone else did to!
youre being purposefully retarded because you were called out user.
>It's you who don't get it.
you cant really say this when you claimed the holodomor wasnt a genocide and then you got proven wrong by the guy who invented the word genocide.
youre a leftypol shill, arent you?
I'm not sure where people get this idea that Stalin was not heavily demonized for what he did. Plenty of Marxists have denounced Stalin, books like Animal Farm and 1984 are both a big fuck you to Stalin, there are a number of historians like Robert Conquest who paint them as villains, concepts like "cult of personality, gulags, totalitarianism, secret police, the knock on the door, staged trials, etc" often come up when talking about him, and his name has become synonymous with mass murdering dictators yet some think he is not hated enough or his crimes don't get enough attention?
They definitely made sure everybody knew how evil he was at my school.
>Those mountains of corpses arent important because I said so! just learn about the gospel of Marx!
It is really your own ideological pet peeve about genocide Olympics than criticizing bad education
Not in Canada they aren't
no, its you being a stupid and arrogant ideologue who proved OPs point for him with your mocking derision and then you going into damage control mode. Good going leftypol.
Except those prisoners weren't tried and found guilty of anthing in fact they weren't tried at all and those prisoners were prisoners not for crimes but due to tiranny...
How is this even comarable for you? Your entire post is pure autism.
that's what they say to excuse what was done in the 20s and to cling to b-but stlin ruined it.
>I learned about them so that means everyone else did to!
Yes, everyone that went to school when I did should have since public schools use the same standardized program. At least that's how it works in my country which leads us back to the previous problem.
man, you're hopeless. summed it nice, I'm sorry if you believe that your school glossed over this but that isn't the experience for the most people in US&Europe
>it wasn’t the experience of most
Based on what? Remember, you already mocked people who didn’t receive a lot of education on this which only proved OPs point. I also don’t care about leftypol talking points where you try to put everything at the feet of Stalin
I'd like it if WWII was actually gone into detail rather then just being a primer to give context to the 60 bajillion who were sealed into the zyclon Dimension by Hitler's wizards.
>leftypol this, leftypol that
If you're trying to pass as a concerned citizen here, stop mentioning your bogeyman every post
translation pls
op seems to imply everywhere in the world receives the same education everytime.
Which is not only wrong but plain stupid.
plain stupid statements merit little more
>Remember, you already mocked people who didn’t receive a lot of education
Not the guy you were arguing with but I'm not sure where you are going with this. Some people received a different education therefore the OP is right? If the OP was complaining about how it is taught in a specific location then they should have listed that location instead of speaking in the general sense.
>>leftypol this, leftypol that
did i mention leftypol? You are hearing what you want to hear it's my first post in this thread and it's true. So many people are oblivious to what was done in the soviet union before stalin took power.
Go back to whence you came you political spook.
>Anarcho bait and switch
it was meant for sorry.
They deliberately pretended they didn't get OP's point, almost pedantic even.
Listen redcoat, I'm from a state that is the opposite of Alabama and has the best public schools in the country. We learned way more about Vietnam than we did the Soviets. We learned more about the Nazis than anyone else.
That's fine, but the problem is not enough schooling on Stalinism and Leninism.
What was wrong with making political prisoners do work in the 30s. Almost all european nations did it during that time. Also, its always taught due to massive western propaganda literature against the USSR.
Opinion discarded.
So based on your limited experiences you conclude that there isn't enough schooling on the crimes of Stalin in the general sense? This thread was shit from the get go because it was based on anecdotal evidence and when the OP received push back from people who had different experiences all those that supported what the OP was saying could do was discount their experiences and insist they were right because they were right.