Was Alexander the Great Greek?
Was Alexander the Great Greek?
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No, he was macedonian
But not to say current macedon is representative of ancient macedon
He spoke greek
Do a bunch of goat herding tribesmen under the dynastic rule of tyrants count as greeks?
Obviously not.
The macedonians were a bunch of non-greek neighbors to the greeks and adopted some of their customs.
Alexander wasn't Greek, he was a hellenaboo.
He was a proto-turk
>Alexander wasn't Greek
You fell for the FYROMite propaganda
>spoke greek
>his name was greek
>his father's name was greek
>his mother was indisputably greek
>was allowed in the Olympics
>Alexander the Great(Greek:Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μέγας, Aléxandrosho Mégas Koine Greek:[a.lék.san.dros ho mé.gas]), was a king (basileus) of theancient Greekkingdom ofMacedon[a]
>ancient Greekkingdom ofMacedon[a]
forgot pic related
No, he was Turkish
>>ancient Greekkingdom ofMacedon
The Macedonians were northerner barbarians, like the Thracians, the Illyrians, and the Molossians.
Yes, but they were ruled over by a Greek dynasty, the Argeads, and had adopted Greek language and substantial parts of Greek culture, and where hence a Greek kingdom.
Drill it in there
>The Macedonians(Greek:Μαkεδόνες,Makedónes) were an ancient tribe that lived on the alluvial plain around the rivers Haliacmonand lower Axiosin the northeastern part of mainland Greece. Essentially an ancient Greek people,[1]
slander and name-calling. The main reason is a lack of heroes up until that point and being better at war.
Not him and you are right but quoting Wikipedia is next to worthless on this board.
Rather wikip*dia than some clueless revisionist
>FYROM memes
The Argead dynasty believed themselves to have originated in the Peloponnesus and his mother was a Molossian, at the very least he was half-Greek. Who gives a shit about what blood his shit-eating subjects had running in their veins.
He was Greek.It's retarded that Slavs are trying to claim him.
He was half-Greek, on his mother's side.
Phillip II was a barbarian, though.
Was Julius Caesar Italian?
That's literally the same as Ivan The Terrible claiming to be Nordic because of Rurik.
Macedonians are Slavic not Greek.
He was turkish
>every good barbarian is greek
>every bad greek is a barbarian
no true Hellene would say this
>to Ancient Greeks
>to modern Macedonians
>to ancient Macedonians
>to modern Greeks
Stop confusing Greek Macedonia with a Slavic shithole. Slavs came to the area long after Alexander died.
Alexander is from Pella Macedonia, which is in Greece.
There is 0 (zero) evidence for that claim.
Was Alexander the Greek great?
>doesn't know what the first slav migration is
He was allowed to compete in the Olympic games so yes.
It's also retarded for modern day Greeks to claim him too. It's RETARDATION.
He was Macedonian. That's known. You know, that small bit of land just above the Greek peninsula.
How come? He is responsible for the Hellenistic Period and the creation of Koine Greek, an Attic-Ionic dialect the predecessor of Modern Greek.
Ancient Macedonians were Ancient Greeks deal with it, also Ancient Macedon is within the borders of the Greek Peninsula.
he was macedonian but the macedonians at the time were apart of the greek culture
Alexander Makedonski
Yes. Greek was very broad. He believed in the Greek Gods and spoke Greek. Ge was just from a hick kingdom.
No he was a TURK , his name was Iskandar Makedonisoglu.
Well let's see
>Spoke Greek
>Worshiped Greek Gods
>Was tutored by Greek philosophers
>Took part in the Olympics at a time when only Greeks where allowed to
>Had a Greek name
>Father had Greek name
>Mother was undisputedly Greek
>Descendant of a Greek dynasty
>Almost all ancient sources tell us he was also considered Greek
>He considered himself Greek
I'd say he was Greek
Macedonia was seen as the weird one by the greeks.
>The Macedonians were northerner barbarians
So what were they ultimately, culturally speaking?
Aside the fact that their elites were obviously hellenized, what was the language of most of the population ? Thracian? Illyrian ?
What ?
>was allowed in the Olympics
Yes, only after he and his father buttfucked the Greeks and made them let him in.
Show me Macedonians participating in the Olympics before him and your point will stand, until then, get fucked.
Greeks hated Macedonians because they were monarchy, while rest of the greece was democracy. It had nothing to with them being Greek or not.
*nothing to do with them being Greek or not.
No, he was a noble Anglo
>only after he and his father buttfucked the Greeks and made them let him in.
His ancestor, Alexander I (498–454 BC), took part in the Olympics roughly 150 years before Macedon subjugated the rest of Greece
Get fucked you retard
Ancient Macedonian elites spoke Greek as a lingua franca, as we speak English in diplomatic matters, and the Russian court spoke French, other than that it is beleived that the common folk spoke a different language (connected to greek still) which wasn't written. This and the manner of rule were some of multiple differences that distinguished Macedonians from Greeks. Which in and of itself is a stupid distinction, seeing as "Greek" was mostly defined linguistically in ancient times, and people defined themselves as Thebans / Athenians etc. Macedonia was a kingdom and not a polis, in stark contrast to the rest of Greece, which places it culturally more towards the northern peoples than the Greeks. Not saying that modern Macedonia can claim them, but I think there is a reason why every single entity occupying the Balkans distinguished Macedon from Greece.
Yeah, I'll just believe this one poster on a Veeky Forums troll thread. How about you post some evidence fag?
>inb4 wikipedia
>inb4 google it
Post some citations or don't post at all.
>, other than that it is beleived that the common folk spoke a different language (connected to greek still) which wasn't written
two can play that game
source faggot
"Hammond's firm conclusion that the Macedonian spoke a distinctive dialect of Aeolic Greek is unconvincing to me, resting as it does on an interpretation of a bit of myth quoted by Hellanicus, who made Aeolus the father of the legendary progenitor Macedon". ("In the Shadow of Olympus" p.92.)
"The handful of surviving genuine Macedonian words - not loan words from a Greek - do not show the changes expected from a Greek dialect. And even had they changed at some point it is unlikely that they would have reverted to their original form". ("In the Shadow of Olympus" p.93.)
Obviously, googling will give you "unbiased" information if you don't find these convincing.
That doesn't prove that a Macedonian participated PRIOR to his conquest retard.
>That doesn't prove that a Macedonian participated PRIOR to his conquest retard.
Can you distinguish between Alexander I (the one Herodotus references) and Alexander III (the Great) or have you just not finished grade school yet?
My bad, but that only proves his personal descent, it still proves that Macedon was considered Barbarian and so were the natives. Alexander I and his descendent's having Argive descent doesn't make the common folk also or Argive descent now does it?
No he was white
What ethnic group were the Ancient Macedonians? What would they have looked like?
Basically this.
Alexander I was given the right to participate to the Olympics as compensation for his secret support of Greek States during the Persian invasion, despite being basically a Persian vassal. A great political move, it literally gave his kingdom the first page of history. I'm not sure if there are any written sources about Ancient Macedon before Herodotus' mention of Alexander I.
I don't think the Greeks back then thought the guys in the next valley over were Greek, they sure were a contentious people. Probably close enough though. Kinda like asking are Syrians and Iraqis both Arabs. What's fucking retarded is how the Fyromians insist they alone are the pure Makedonijshits whilst the idiot Hellenes seem to believe that despite occupying part of the same territory of the ancient kingdom the slavs there somehow don't have any familial continuity, the truth as always is in the middle but I'm gonna lean towards the Polisfags here.
Probably something between Dorian Greeks, Thracians and Illyrians. Regular Balkanite phenotype.
I am Greek
They were Albanians, Skanderbeg claimed descent from alexander the great and everybody at that time period believed it. From Pope to Sultan. It is known.
I'm just joking, Georgios
It's obvious that Alexandros o Megas was Greek
Assuming you are referring to the Illyrian-claim, it's bullshit. Philip II was Macedonian and Olympias was an Epirote (that's also how Alexander is related to Pyrrhus of Epirus), she wasn't Illyrian. The Illyrians were the enemies of Macedon and Epirus alike.
>language is the sole defining element of ethnicity
That H. passage refers to Alexander I you tard, and his Argive lineage is specific to him and his dynasty, not Macedon as a whole.
If having one ancestor of Hellenic descent is all it takes to be Greek, we've got a fuckload more Greeks than we realized.
>Native Cretans
>Native Sicilians
"Not Greek" - t. Antique historians
What fifth column work did Alexander I provide, exactly? Herodotus notes that he warned the Hellenic League of the Persian approach around the north of Tempe, but that only lead to Thermopylae and the Wooden Wall battles, which weren't exactly 'successful'.
Herodotus says that after warning the League, Alexander and his people went right back to supporting Xerxes' march through Macedonia. Does he come up later in Book 8 or 9, or does Thucydides mention him more?
People who neither spoke Greek nor had a Greek culture were not Greek, agreed. Macedonians had both, so...
It's time to stop the meme.
Alexandreios III or Alexander the Great was the King of Macedonia after his Fathers Philipp II death. He himself beliefed that he was a demi-god, he thought Zeus, not Philipp. His mother told him so, Egyptian priests, many People believed so.
Ironically this would mean he was 0% Macedonia, as his mother was Greek. But regardless of the memes, his position was threatened by the fact that his father married a Macedonian woman, which would have resulted in a pure-blooded Macedonian prince beeing born.
Also, besides Philipp II,Alexander and his successors, Macedonia really had nothing to offer historically. As Alexander himself said, before his(or better said his Father's) rule the Macedonians had nothing more than sheep.
The Greeks viewed them as Barbarians, which isn't all wrong, just that they adopted Hellenic culture and Tradition.
Anyways,before Macedonia expanded North during Alexanders Balkan Campaign, it only reached to the Prespa and Ohrid lakes, which is about the border between modern day Greece and Fakedonia.
Everything we now call FYROM is Paeonnia, Illyrian territory that got later invaded Slavs.
In fact the Slavs invaded the Balkans so hard that even Northern Greece was deeply Slavic territory for a while, before getting reconquered and resettled by Greeks, how then could the Fakedonians claim beeing true Macedonians.
In fact Macedonian DNA is basically identic to that of Southern Serbians and Bulgarians, just that the latter have 5% Bulgar admixture.
Until the Yugo Commies tried to copy Stalin and turn regions into fake-countries in order to get better administration, there was no movement or group of people that wanted a Macedonian Nation-state and the Macedonian "Independence fighters" of the Balkan Wars were Bulgarians btw.
It's a 40% Muslim shithole anyways.
Oh wait, you forgout about Doric/Mycean Sparta, and also that all Aetolians, Peleponnesians, Aegeans and Atticans were descendants of distinct sea peoples, in fact Epirots are a hybrid culture of Illyrians and Celts, and Pontic (""""""""""G***KS"""""""""""" )are actually Kartvelian/Armenian.
>Not stopping it already
What I see are Slavs. Northern Greeks and Macedonians were blondish, not dark as Balkan peoples, even though they basically shared the same genetics.
Aleksandrov the Great
>tries to stop meme
>memes harder
>Anyways,before Macedonia expanded North during Alexanders Balkan Campaign, it only reached to the Prespa and Ohrid lakes, which is about the border between modern day Greece and Fakedonia.
Looks at moder map once, yup see, case closed.
Doesn't it makes sense to you that those real Ancient Macedonians who shortly after conquered modern Macedonia would also settle and live there? or is people migration too complicated for you to contemplate?
>Everything we now call FYROM is Paeonnia, Illyrian territory that got later invaded Slavs.
Again using modern borders to describe a very fluid location where borders and nations shifted constantly. People conveniently forget that modern Macedonia is the result of the partitioning of Ottoman Macedonia, which included the Greek province Macedonia and the Bulgarian Pirin Macedonia, after which it has been a widely contested piece of land, where every neighbor vying for control, seeing as how both the Serb and Bulgarian empire have critical interest in the region both today referring to it as "Old Serbia" and "Old Bulgaria". You see, modern Macedonia is considered a vital part of the ethnogenesis of these 2 countries, which is why they try so hard to denounce the language, church and nationality of Macedonia. As for the Greeks, firstly its a matter of simple economics, losing the port in Thessaloniki would be a huge blow to their trade in the Med, and losing the wider region of Macedonia would mean them practically starving, as most of Greece is arid and only fit for olives and goats.
On top of that, getting Macedonia into Greece also satisfied the rampant hellenabooism of a certain German ruling family in Greece, and losing it now, along with ceding the name Macedonia would legitimize Macedonian claims not only of historical worth, but also territorial claims as the partitioning of Ottoman Macedonia was agreed to last for 99 years, a period which has past in 2014.
Which is why the surrounding countries have such a vested interest in destroying any kind of mention of "Macedonia" to this day. This is evidenced by a multitude of occupations (sorry, "liberations") and forceful relocation and resettlement of the populace, especially the one during the Ottoman reign, where hundreds of thousands of ethnic slavs from "Greek" Macedonia were relocated to turkey and then resettled by anatolian turks (read: greeks pretty much), and to this day the Greeks have the audacity to cry about it as if it was a wrong done to them, while they were completely informed of it, and were accessories to the deed.
Don't get me started on the Metaxas regime, where Slavs in Greece were forced out, had their properties seized and people were killed for speaking anything but Greek, properties which today the Greek Government refuses to return, even after several international courts ruled against them.
Such is the life of the "noble" Gre*ks of modernity.
Really makes you think.
You could say Alexander was a European.
Or we wuz kangz
While there were disagreements about it due to political reasons, both Macedon and Epirus spoke dialects of doric greek. If we go solely by language then they were descendants of the doric migration like the Spartans. If they were a people that merely adopted the greek language what language did they speak before? Thracian? The burden of proof lies in the side of those who propose these fringe theories.
Not him, but there is a reason why you can't infer lineage solely from language, languages change, and people change languages. For instance, the British and French occupying Africa educated the local populace in their language respectively, while any written evidence of the native languages (Sub-Saharan Africans don't tend to write down things) would have been destroyed, purposefully or otherwise. Does this make a good enough point to label these Africans as French or English?
I'm not arguing with you on whether they did speak or did not speak whatever language or dialect, I'm saying its a flimsy foundation for "nationality", which we now is a very, very modern concept. Especially considering the other differences between Northern Balkan peoples and the Hellenes.
There is no such thing as slavic Macedonia, it was a meme invented by Tito. These were slavs that arrived there during the 8-9th centuries during the Byzantine empire.
It is unfortunate that these slavs were kicked out, because we greeks and slavs share the same religion, but this is the state of stupid nationalisms. Bulgaria also shares a tremendous amount of responsibility for siding with the Central powers-Axis twice, in order to unscrupulously take a part of land that never belonged to them and that was majority greek speaking.
Not really, because if we go by language (was doric greek), religion (olympian pantheon), naming conventions, and culture, then the burden of proof lies on YOU, to prove otherwise.
In every proposition the outlier does not matter unless there is evidence to contrary. Yes there could also be life on Mars, for Atlantis to exist, and for God to plant dinosaur bones. Now I ask again if the Macedonians were not doric greeks, what were they?
>These were slavs that arrived there during the 8-9th centuries during the Byzantine empire.
They still widely spoke Slavic (Macedonian and Bulgarian), or dialects of them.
> in order to unscrupulously take a part of land that never belonged to them and that was majority greek speaking.
I agree with you that they are huge faggots, but they are "majority greek speaking" only as a result of the aforementioned relocation and Metaxas regime renaming lastnames, towns, villages and topographic elements, and enforcing Greek. (Unless you are talking about Thrace, in which case forget what I wrote)
I understand your sentiment, believe me. In this moment I really can't present factual evidence, especially not one that would be "academically sound" as I really don't have a lot of information about it at the moment, however, in theory:
Are things that tend to be enforced on populations whether they like it or not, I can even argue the same with >naming conventions, although anecdotal, I have seen first hand persons in Macedonia with 3 different ID's, with 3 different last names, mind you these are very old:
>Last name variants:
>First: Stefanovic (during Serbian/Yugoslav regime)
>Second: Stefanov (During Bulgarian occupatin in WW2)
>Third: Stefanovski (In modern days when the person was allowed to write his own name down)
As far as culture, there are very few similarities when you take language and religion out of the equation, such as customs, food and dress, given that Macedon was a slave owning, hereditary monarchy, which the Hellenes detested. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, I'm just pointing out that there is always another side to the story, and things are much more complicated than the simplistic ideals that we force, which might not have been there in antiquity.
hereditary monarchy was widespread in Greece during the archaic age and even classical times such as those of the Arcadians, Argos and the Messenians
Even the Spartans had a hereditary monarchy, the difference being that it evolved into a constitutional monarchy.
It's funny cause it's true.
Both modern day Greeks and Macednonians are LARPers t b h
get an education already
He was neither Slavic(TURÄN) nor Greek(Negroid) but Nordic