Where was God?

Where was God?

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yeah but we killed him

He supported it

he killed millions

Not even a Christcuck but I'm pretty sure the Christian narrative is that since humans were given free will God does not intervene on their behalf

Yoy do realise that the maiming was done by other niggers payed by the whites ,to make sure that everyting was going to plan?

they deserved it for being cannibals

Leopold was ultimately punished in the end.

The temporary sufferings of mortal life are insignificant to God.

He had to take a shit.

>create fantastic universe
>universe randomly pops out humans
>humans come up with idea of "divine intervention" and assume you are constantly playing dice
>really you just started the simulation and are just masturbating constantly as you watch it play out
>humans continue to fuck things up

it is not fucking hard to understand

That's pretty malevolent for a god who's supposed to be good...

A lot of the suffering in the world is not due to human fuck ups but due to natural laws. I wish it had been designed differently

Gods a huge dick in the Bible, but modern christians think of him as some benevolent figure who will grant them things if they pray really hard. Most christfags are so delusional.

Right there.

Free will doesn't explain why the victims had to suffer

No he wasn't, he died of old age and got off scott free. Belgium was punished though.

lol, punished about as much as a kid getting a toy taken away. Actually, even that's not a good comparison because Leopold still got paid millions by the government when he relinquished control of the colony. If anything, the average Belgian suffered more from it than he did.

Not really. God knows that every man is but a vessel for an immortal soul, and that even death doesn't really harm an individual. It's all just an educating experience preparing you for the true and eternal life that follows.

A person complaining to God about the cruelty of life is like a child complaining to his parents about having to go to school.

You want to know the most fucked up thing about that? According to Christian theology, there's a good chance the dude's daughter is burning in hell for being a heathen.

this guy gets it

Life is hard. Grow up

FUCK relgion..

Did Leopold have to grow up?

You will too, one day.

That doesn't answer my question

Does it not?

Not the implication of the question, no. You said that life is hard and thus we need to grow up, but Leopold's life wasn't hard at all, leading to my confusion that it doesn't seem as though he had to grow up like the guy in OP's pic. Why didn't Leopold have to go to go to this metaphorical "school" too?

>You said
Did I?

These repulsive niggers deserved it.

If wasn't you, then at the very least you appeared to support his statement with your reply to mine.

How do you figure?

Because you specifically used the word "too" in your response, which implies that you believe that Leopold had to grow up, which implies that you subscribe to the belief posited by which was that everyone has to "grow up" in accordance with what put forward as the reason for cruelty in "god's" universe.

And therein lies the answer.

This is according to God's will.

which is...?



ur dumb


So someone who get tortured to death slowly for months has no right to complain because it's an educational experience.

>this is the state of Veeky Forums now

What is?

>the newborn african babies choose to die of malaria and starvation :-DDDD

No one is stopping them from the noose, but themselves.

If God exists then why did He created niggers, neurodegenerative diseases and pathogenic bacteria?

he has a twisted sense of humor

He's completely justified in complaining to mortal authorities, but not to God.

Just because its not hard to understand doesn't mean its not retarded.

Is it really that hard to believe that niggers are literally retarded.

That explanation might wash if there wasn't an eternal abode where that cruelty is amplified by an infinite factor.

i wasnt him obviously buy feel free to reply to him 10 more time tho

If there is a god it probably isn't a nice one.

There isn't much in the Bible to suggest that Hell is eternal torture.

>the smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever
>their worm dieth not

>be meso-american in 1450
>expansionist Aztec army march into my village slaughtering my neighbors, and enslaving me and my family
>both wife and daughter get raped
>live as a slave for some time until one day I'm told the big news
>I'm to be the next sacrifice at the temple
>get tied down to the alter and have my heart ripped out by the priest as hundreds below cheer
>die (no shit)
>wake up in the afterlife hoping that I might finally have some peace in my existence
>nope.jpg, turns out I'm in hell for being heathen scum and not following a god and religion that I didn't even know existed
>Complain about this ordeal as I'm burned in a pit of fire
>560 years later some fuck on a japanese cartoon forum compares my cries of anguish to those of a petulant child

The guy got a hot teen lover in his old age, massive amounts of money, carved himself the reputation as the "builder king" by funding big construction projects. His atrocities are relatively ignored and on the grand scale a mere footnote due to who it fucked over. Hell no one understood or bother to comprehend the sheer depravity of his actions until he was long gone many many decades ago.

The guy "won" in the end with the possibility of hell being the only consolation anyone can actually have.

God has infinite time preference? A golden god planning his way to a brief second of paradise. What is lying and betrayal mean beyond the golden portal?

People like Leopold II are a gift of God to mankind. The wise king knew how to deal with the sub-humans. We need more leaders like him.

This place is a shitshow of autism and Facebook level memes, and yet it's still my favorite sub.

>people get tortured for no reason so there must be no God

Fucking retards.

Hi? Yes, hi. That was me. You're an idiot.

Imagine having a thorn of nails placed on your head. Imagine having nails driven into your hands on a wooden cross and being left to die there. Jesus is always depicted as solemn and silent, but you can bet he would be screaming in agony. Absolutely writhing with pain. And God let this happen.

No matter what occurs, just remember that God is real, and his signs are manifest. Just because some of his creation get killed by sinful people, or tortured by sinful people does not mean that he is not real.

And finally, he is a just judge. A JUST judge. He will decide who goes to heaven and who does not. By logic you can deduce (again it does not say this anywhere explicitly we are just using logic, you can do that with God because he is perfect reason) that if the person is not within his reasoning faculties, usually gathered around his 20s at peak mental and spiritual growth, and he still hasn't found God by his various signs, then he will go to hell. Rousseau said something similar to this in Emile. That it's up to whether or not the individual can reason sufficiently and has doubted whether or not this individual is going to hell. If their judgment is cloudy or they cannot properly see the signs being presented to them, then they may go to hell. It has nothing to do with having a fair or not fair life.

Someone could exist that had one million dollars and went to heaven, and the poor man had a horrible life, didn't marry, and he ends up going to hell, simply because he didn't realize God was real. Who knows? Perhaps he was even poor because of God himself. Through God everything is effected.

He can make the ones who don't believe in God have a shitty life, and the ones that do have a better life, even if that man has no money at all. It's God. It's how it works. Have faith and grow up.


>just remember that God is real
prove it nigger


Look around you.

Also the fact you used the word 'nigger' sufficiently shows me you have no idea who God really is, and who he would be. Your moral system is all funky.

They should stop having 8 kids.
>Everyone in Africa is starving and dying of malaria meme
Those charity adds really brainwashed an entire generation of fuckwits, didn’t they?

Those who never heard the good word of Jesus are just in Limbo. No torment for you, prehistoric Jose.

what the heck is limbo? On an eternal scale how is sitting on a chair not going to be a hell in itself?

Even if God is real doesn't make Christianity true

What can these deus vult edgequeens possibly say to this? God cannot be all knowing and create hell for people he created without being evil. I've never seen this argument countered by Christians or Muslims and its so basic.

I'm a Muslim. A white one, before you make your 'sandnigger' comment.

Watching everything, shaking his head and sighing dramatically. This guy pretty much explained it, we really don't need a divine explanation for humans being dicks to humans

okay snownigger

Give me a single quote from the bible with the word "limbo" in it.

They literally just say people send themselves there. That's all they have. Oh no, you just THOUGHT you didn't want to suffer burning agony eternally. Christianity is just one big sin-laundering scheme.

inferior beings go to an inferior state of existance after death

>And finally, he is a just judge. A JUST judge. He will decide who goes to heaven and who does not. By logic you can deduce (again it does not say this anywhere explicitly we are just using logic, you can do that with God because he is perfect reason) that if the person is not within his reasoning faculties, usually gathered around his 20s at peak mental and spiritual growth, and he still hasn't found God by his various signs, then he will go to hell. Rousseau said something similar to this in Emile. That it's up to whether or not the individual can reason sufficiently and has doubted whether or not this individual is going to hell. If their judgment is cloudy or they cannot properly see the signs being presented to them, then they may go to hell. It has nothing to do with having a fair or not fair life.

>sentencing people to eternal suffering of the highest possible magnitude before they even exist
>A JUST judge
Take some time to reflect

Even if God is real doesn't make Islam true either.

to save billions

Its another Catholic invention because Sven was like "Wtf my whole family is burning alive because they failed to worship a God they never heard of" and JEWseppe was like "No, they are in-a limbo".

Niggers go there then.

Can we just stick with one crazy dogma at a time here?

>47% of africa is in poverty
>"yu brainwazdd :-DDDDDD"

In Catholicism IT’S THE CATHOLIC CHURCH which interprets matters of theology. not the bible. What’s so difficult for brainlets to understand about this? the RCC does not teach nor has it ever taught sola scriptura.

“poverty” is a meme. Things like gdp or medium wealth are useless indicators of actual lifestyle or quality of life.

>"“poverty” is a meme"
>people like this have the right to vote
god preserve us

Because that really makes the dotrine flimsy. Even the US constitution isn't dramatically altered by the whims of a single man.

And who, besides the Catholic Church itself, gave it the authority to be the ultimate interpreters of God's will?

They would Jesus did when he gave Peter authority. Also relevant. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prima_scriptura

>the Jew S cuckstitution
into the trash it goes, mutt.

This is my favorite fanfic

Last time I checked Peter's been dead for nearly 2000 years now. I know catholics claim the pope to be the successors of Peter, but this still leaves some questions:

1. Did either Jesus or Peter give any specifics on whether or not his successors would also carry this authority?

2. Were either of them specific on what was meant by "successor," and does the office of Pope fall in line with those specifications?

3. Was their any elaboration from either of them on how the process of designating successors was supposed to happen?

4. What's stopping me from interpreting the passages that supposedly designate Peter as an authority on theology differently such that I do not come to this conclusion?

By now, the ever-ramifying plethora of Christian sects, should estalish that the Bible cn be made to mean whatever the person wants. But the lordship salvationists are the only ones who seem to have the full extent of it.

If you believe in Christianity, Judaism, Daoism, or Buddhism, you're basically already a Muslim

uh, wut?

I’m not saying you need to believe in Catholicism, or any religion for that matter, but what is the logic behind referring to prima scriptura a “fanfic” when it’s a principal dating earlier than sola scriptura by 1500 years? pic related. Obviously people like Saint Paul came up with theology outside of scripture. Otherwise we’d be reading the talmud right now. It makes me suspect you grew up protestant or in a protestant society and as much you might not realize it are still heavily indoctrinated by Protestant dogma.

where the absolute fuck is this episode in the gospels?

The bible was put together in 325 by the Council of Nicene. This was a council of bishops working with the Roman Emperor. They debated passionately about which books should become biblical canon and why. Some books like Revelations barley made it. Others came close but didn’t make it. What you are saying isn’t shocking to people who know about history or theology. Why act so smug about it? kek.
Saint Paul had revelations from Jesus in a vision. He wasn’t in any of the gospels. You clearly don’t know anything about Christanity.

>he temporary sufferings of mortal life are insignificant to God.


>That's pretty malevolent for a god who's supposed to be good...

God doesn't owe mortals anything.

>Gods a huge dick in the Bible

90% of what the Bible describes as God isn't that which is God - that's one of the big problems on this planet: mortal insubordination to Pharaoh is the foundation of this society but Pharaoh is a god.

