Redpill me on Segwit2x
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Everything is going to crash, the Chinese will withdraw, Bitcoin down, alts down,
Put it all into Bitcoin and wait for moon mission
Better than btc anyone who tells you its not is a brainlet
HODLing BTC for the fork won't net you "free coins". 2x has replay protection so spending on one block will spend on the other. Despite this people will most likely hold btc into the fork and move their money afterwords.
On paper sg2x seems like the better option, but I can't dismiss all the people saying that it's a bad idea. What do they mean by this?
When are chinks withdrawing?
people are gonna premine 2x for personal gain
Quints of truth.
So sg2x supporters are saying it's good because it gets rid of early adopter advantage but they're creating one for themselves????
It's going to kill all of crypto
we all got in too late to make it
Veeky Forums never wins
Replay protection is gone. 2x will not have replay protection.
the chinese withdraw already happened
God is this true? idk what to believe on this shit, nor does anyone else hence people holding btc til the fork just in case.
>yfw you realize the bcore astroturfing is actually working
Yes, it would cause too many problems
its garbage compared to 3x
Replay protection doesn't exist because Segwit2x is not intended to form a separate token. With so much hashpower behind 2x, the old chain will simply die and be unusable due to lack of support. This is how hard forks are supposed to work. That's good for bitcoin and good for getting a doubled capacity- lower fees and faster confirmations.
Now, if you're going to try and be sneaky and sell off your 1x tokens before the chain completely dies, yeah it makes for some issues. You should definitely have your coins on the exchange you want well in advance of the fork. Days in advance just to be safe.
You're aware of Blockstream and their essential takeover of Bitcoin, right?
Saw on coinbase that i can just leave my BTC there and i'll get it. any other exchanges where this does happen? thanks
lol you are retarded.
2x is a obvious Scam from vig bankers to take control.
Bitcoin will be fine and even skyrocket even more.
reminder that biz stands behind core.
You're the second person I've seen claim shit about 2x and bankers. What is all this shit about?
2x is a scam by the bankers to centralize bitcoin. they're going to take transactions off the blockchain which will necessitate having some huge central authority maintain all the transactions.
i think afterwards the big banks are going to dump a bunch of money into 2x and make all normalfags think its the version to invest in. this will effectively destroy 1x. bitcoin will forever after be centralized.
Isn't that what Segwit more or less does with transactions? Segwit is on 1x, how will 2x be any different?
Lol isn't x2 just doubling block size to 2 MG?
why the fuck would you increase the block size ? you're not creating bigger blocks you're building bigger things on top of the damn thing just like in normal dev
Are you retarded?
It's not a scam but it's a dangerous conflict.
Many miners are for Segwit2X, 2MB blocks will make it possible to send more transactions will lower fees.
However, most exchanges and users won't acknowledge 2X as Bitcoin and so will consider it just another altcoin. And for an altcoin, 2MB 10 minute blocks is nothing special, it's very very and useless for an altcoin.
But many miners will miner 2X, which causes the real bitcoin to slowdown for a while, which is badddddd. But when people realize that Bitcoin will remain Bitcoin, some miners will come back to the old chain and it will speed up again probably. 2X will slowly lose value and eventually be a top 10 altcoin, people will stop using it though and just hold it for a potential pump, when it's not coming people will slowly sell more and more.
AKA, Buy Bitcoin after the fork, sell 2x in increments when it pumps.
Holy shit my English is so bad.
>Buy Bitcoin after the fork, sell 2x in increments when it pumps
Why not buy it before the fork so you can sell it as early as possible?
>2MB blocks will make it possible to send more transactions will lower fees.
But segwit basically makes bloc sizes unlimited.
Making blocks 2MB was just a compromise they reached with the anti-segwit people.
Now, they're backing out of doubling the block size.
shameless self newfreind bump
Because it will go down right at the moment of the fork because of panic and uncertainty which chain will survive.
Maybe it will go up in anticipation though, so buy now and sell 2 or 4 days before the fork.
I've heard that Segwit is practically a 2x size increase, so it's not infinite. Like off chain reactions get merged, but they still have to be send (together) on the blockchain, which allows for more than normal transactions but certainly not infinite.
But I do think that if Bitcoin ever increases Blocksize it should be with more support of exchanges/users and preferably a bigger increase so we don't need another hardfork in 4 years. Bitcoin needs to scale one day, better do a big step in one time.
If your coins are in a market, which one you get is kind of out of your hands.
Markets can just support both, or pick a winner.
The only reason people would panic sell is because of people like you telling them to.
I had the wrong impression of what segwit was.
wikipedia explains it pretty well.
I imagined something a hell of a lot better.
Yeah SegWit sounds a lot better than it is.
But there will be people like me telling people to panic sell and there really might be a good reason because of the exchanges.
What happens if some exchanges choose 2X as the new bitcoin and some choose the old one? Total chaos possibly.
Important to note is that many exchanges simply refuse to even add B2X, and those that do will name is B2X or something similar.
Bitfinex is a very important player nowadays and they state
As the proposed consensus protocol Segwit2x project appears likely to activate, we have elected to designate the Segwit2x fork as B2X, for now. The incumbent implementation (based on the existing Bitcoin consensus protocol) will continue to trade as BTC even if the B2X chain has more hashing power.
SO the old chain KEEPS the BTC ticker EVEN if the vast majority of hashing power is on B2X
This really means that B2X has no realistic chances of winning on the longterm unless a miracle happens. And even if they win the market on BFX. What about the exchanges refusing to add B2X? What will happen to BTC price if the hashrate is only 20% of what it used to be for over a week? People will think BTC will die and sell it and maybe buy B2X, but when they realize many exchanges won't consider it bitcoin they might swap back. It's a chaotic situation.
I really would be careful with keeping BTC during the fork.