The OHNI ((((developers)))) are freezing addresses with large amounts of OHNI from transferring tokens to artificially affect the price.

Dump these shitcoins now while you still can

Proof: etherscan.io/address/0x4e80c45d45784e43b97b63bc54d389b47c33e1aa

They are banning people from their Telegram who bring this up. Fuck these faggots and their scam project.

Other urls found in this thread:


Chat logs with the main developer

this team is so fucking incompetent. FYI, they approached me multiple times asking if i wanted to be a developer. Cautious, i decided that i should observe their progress and see if i wanted to join them or not. I dodged such a big fucking bullet not joining this team

>tokens can be frozen
>pajeet airdrop before crowdsale
>'CTO' cant even code an erc20 token, and the ohni codebase is based on a template from steemit
>US based group selling tokens to US investors, and even freezing tokens of investors

the third man, [12.10.17 21:38]
Want a position in Ohni Corp?

the third man, [12.10.17 21:38]
Name it. Make a fake FB with a professional photo.

the third man, [15.10.17 20:15]
Hop in the officer chat

the third man, [15.10.17 20:15]
and correspond with the others on this

the third man, [15.10.17 20:16]
You should come work for us and work on stuff that could be worth billions

the third man, [22.10.17 04:19]
How do you feel about being our exchange go to guy

the third man, [22.10.17 04:19]
And joining Ohni corp?

the third man, [22.10.17 04:25]
Well you realize that's sort of the software we exactly need

the third man, [22.10.17 04:26]
We could incorporate you or pay a handsome check if it works out and we work out

the third man, [22.10.17 04:26]
We could make you a divison of Ohni, specifically for you.

Just checked, these fuckers froze my OHNI too... apparently all EtherDelta withdrawals of OHNI were/are frozen as well. What a fucking disaster

Sold mine in the morning for 0.5 ETH. Cheers.

Holy shot, their website says they’ve only made 1ETH on their crowdsale so far BAHAHAHAHAH HOLY SHIT.

I’m not even mad anymore, I just bad for anyone involved in this scam


the fuckers banned me from their 'private' channel but its public LMAO

btw you can totally lurk the channel without joining it

Friendship ended with Veeky Forums. Reddit is my bestie now

I thin TTM is autistic, and I don’t mean that as a compliment