this team is so fucking incompetent. FYI, they approached me multiple times asking if i wanted to be a developer. Cautious, i decided that i should observe their progress and see if i wanted to join them or not. I dodged such a big fucking bullet not joining this team
>tokens can be frozen
>pajeet airdrop before crowdsale
>'CTO' cant even code an erc20 token, and the ohni codebase is based on a template from steemit
>US based group selling tokens to US investors, and even freezing tokens of investors
the third man, [12.10.17 21:38]
Want a position in Ohni Corp?
the third man, [12.10.17 21:38]
Name it. Make a fake FB with a professional photo.
the third man, [15.10.17 20:15]
Hop in the officer chat
the third man, [15.10.17 20:15]
and correspond with the others on this
the third man, [15.10.17 20:16]
You should come work for us and work on stuff that could be worth billions
the third man, [22.10.17 04:19]
How do you feel about being our exchange go to guy
the third man, [22.10.17 04:19]
And joining Ohni corp?
the third man, [22.10.17 04:25]
Well you realize that's sort of the software we exactly need
the third man, [22.10.17 04:26]
We could incorporate you or pay a handsome check if it works out and we work out
the third man, [22.10.17 04:26]
We could make you a divison of Ohni, specifically for you.