4 days left until bittrex
is your body ready?
4 days left until bittrex
is your body ready?
I just sold all mine at a 70% loss to buy req so no.
Doubled my stack today. 50K reporting in.
jesus fuck, Good luck with that. Hopefully REQ can recover your losses.
>I just sold all mine at a 70% loss to buy req so no.
stop bro
Even if true it won't save Chainlink.
It's too late. They lost momentum and the confidence of investors.
Binance is not helping also.
Delisted from all exchanges save etherdelta in q2-3 2018
Screencap this
>It's too late. They lost momentum and the confidence of investors.
lol okay. I guess a bunch of upset internet trolls is going to ruin this whole project. guess I'm selling now.
everyone point and laugh at this knucklehead lmao
ironic how crypto youtubers seem very confident in chainlink
Wew lad, you must be a masochist.
ironic how crypto youtubers actually make money in crypto while /biz faggots can't hold a coin for more than 10 seconds.
Next level ADHD Kid reporting in? The coin is one month old give it time, it will develop its own momentum.
I'm just sayin'. FUD all you want faggots. Who am I gonna listen to? Some faggots on Veeky Forums or a guy who actually knows what he's talking about
LINK $ 100 BY 2018
I am in agreement with you lol
wow how did he know
confirmed $100 link
Gawddamn lord kek is with this coin with all these gets
based user
Waow how u do dis
I'm a 50k linklet myself. I couldn't sell my whole stack because I believe in Kek and meme magic is real. And I feel the meme magic in Link. That's it.
But from a logical standpoint investing in link is nuts right now.
mother of god! how ?
Saved for future to counter faggots pink posts in 2018
Time traveler confirmed
this shit is yet another BILLION SHARE++ piece of poo
why oh why do u believeee!?
I must be a newfag because I have no idea how to choose your ID, but you apparently did. And I've been here for two years
Are you all newfags? He knew his ID name/colour because he'd already made a post in this thread.
Hahahahaha. Duh
>chainlink continues to steadily decline in value
>eventually delisted after falling below $0.01
>the establishment's plan to tank value and shake everyone out of the market worked breddy gud
>other than smartcontract.com and the reserve piles, the only hodlers are a couple of hueg whales and a few linkmarines
>free of bullshit, swift implements chainlink
>price soars but there are no exchanges
>now, other than swift and the banks themselves, only true iron hands and the accumulators who stored their link in cold wallets own link
>year is 2021
>price of link is now $1488
What's a good place to buy REQ?
Been saying link is the new sigt, now we have the bittrex listing meme, see you all at 200 sats in 2 months time.
Oh yeah... Well watch this. If my ID is blue and starts with /dax then this coin is crashing to 100 sats.
>is this a dream?
Hahaha haha I never saw this I'm fucking dying.
I was a sigt marine and it really does have the best memes. That logo is so fucking smug with the sunglasses.
on v this post would have 300+ replies
on b maybe 1000
on reddit 20.000
Nice job deleting your previous post
nice job being GAY
also nice checkem friend
this is disabled on biz
Is everyone blind or what?
>no backseats
>basicaly toilets
good. nice sold 100k too
bet he hired that crowd, women know shit about crypto.
fucking scamming slav cunt
11k waiting for moon mission
; )
Seriously? I'm a Linkie myself but some of us are just too desperate for every hint of meme magic. Just hold on and wait.
why did nobody record the SIBOS thing?,being this shitcoins 15 minutes off fame and in this day and age nobody had the hindsight to whip out their phone?
but did he get succ afterword?
Proof or I'll kill your family and drink their blood.
>They made everybody at the sibos presentation sign NDA's
Nu-fag here.
Red me on Chain Link. Why is being shilled on Veeky Forums so much and what makes it unique in the alt coin market? Also why is value expected to grow ?
>Red me on Chain Link. Why is being shilled on Veeky Forums so much and what makes it unique in the alt coin market? Also why is value expected to grow ?
it's the next ETH
I'm speechless. Buying more link now due solely to this post.
Just bought 100k.
lol at this rate it looks like REQ will get on bittrex before LINK
digibyte will moon before link ever does, kek. screencap this.
LINK holder here, can we actually just STOP shilling LINK so much? I would actually prefer less people knew about chainlink, our shitposting isn't going to affect the price anyway, so stop being so altruistic and just quietly accumulate.
Praise kek. Praise him
Honestly outside of 4dicks and crypto circles it's relatively unknown and it's not like anyone takes us seriously anyway. It's not like you're gonna get a call from your grandpa tomorrow asking about pulling money from his Roth IRA to put into "linkchain", y'know.
being listed i did my research and hard passed.
do you guy not understand what link does? ffs
Thank God! Finally, an exchange with enough liquidity so I can dump this shitcoin!
its sigt all over again
>bittrex soon!
You've ruined this now you twat
More like LINK will be $500 Q1 2018
If I get blue ID V+AI+pKe it is confirmed.
no it's not you can do it quickly
Ok I'm wrong, I swear it was possible just a few days ago
Buy high sell low. Req is a meme.
Does Bittrex even allow shitcoins anymore? I haven't seen recent ICOs being accepted to that exchange.
They made a post, deleted it and made a new one.
SALT literally just got on there