Was the Haitian Revolution seen as another part of the Liberal revolutions like those in America and in France, or was it just seen as a big chimp out?
Was the Haitian Revolution seen as another part of the Liberal revolutions like those in America and in France...
It's a chimpout, of course it's liberal.
Some liberals supported it, some didn't. Hamilton actually helped draft the Haitian constitution.
The European nations and the US refused to trade with or recognize Haiti for decades, of course they have the right to blame white people
They slaughtered thousands of innocent white families, so I doubt it was seen as very liberal at all.
Those aren't mutually exclusive thing user.
Trade is no some inalienable right. If they wanted to trade they shouldn't have pissed off everybody.
It was a series of revolutions by each strata of society, sometimes the revolutions happening concurrently, sometimes the revolutions fighting each other.
It begun with an attempt by white land owners to use liberal principles to gain more autonomy from france,
then the mulattoes rose up to gain equality with whites
then the slaves rose up for freedom
all three sides fought a three way battle that resulted in the whites all being slaughtered, the molattoes being destroyed as an economic force and country splitting into two (Kingdom & Republic) largely ruled by the blacks and few molattoes hanging on.
>murder all the white people
>wonder why white people dont want to trade with them
Niggers everyone
You can't expect people who are enslaved to show mercy, because you wouldn't show any yourself.
>France drafts the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man
>"Oh, but we didn't mean to include you fucking niggers when we said 'universal', lol, you are still slaves"
The French deserved it.
This. I dont really get people who say this while also holding the belief that jewish people should be mass murdered because they make TV shows with a white woman kissing a black man
>they shouldn't have pissed everybody off
That's impossible considering their very existence pissed everybody off. France refused to acknowledge their independence and looked to retake it and all of Haiti's neighbors used slave labor extensively and were sure as hell not going to recognize a slave revolt as a legitimate state.
Committing evil to other evil-doers does not balance things out and make it all okay and justifiable.
That's a misconception. Other governments refused to formally recognize Haitian independence before they killed all the white people.
If they had and supported more level headed leaders like Toussaint Louverture, who wanted to reconcile the races, then that could've been avoided entirely.
It doesn't matter. What matters is who wins. And the blacks in Haiti won against their slaveholders.
Yeah, the state of Haiti for the past two hundred years has really been one of success and triumph.
Nice goal post you got there. Be a shame if somebody moved it.
Some in France did consider it part of the French revolution and believed that the declaration of the rights of man applied to slaves as well.
Unfortunately because of the distance and the rapidly changing nature of French politics at the time there was far too much confusion and instructions were constantly changing so there was never any real consistent policy on Haiti until Napoleon attempted to put them all back into slavery.
American and French revolutions weren't racial in nature. In Haiti the nogs first killed almost all the whites, even people who weren't in a position of power like small children. Then they also killed a lot of the mulattoes who participated in the revolution with them, and their descendants created one dictatorship after another.
So yeah it was a chimpout.
Slavery in the colonies would've been reimplemented by the enemy coalition, had the French lost, and they needed the colonial economic machine to prevent victory by the enemy coalition. So, in the end it was a trade-off between a lot of opression and a lot more opression. In the continent, at least, they worked hard to stick to principle - hence men like Dumas, père.
As long as reactionary forces were afoot, a certain degree of ruthlessness was necessary to secure victory.
That said, I think they handled Haiti poorly. They should've just compromised to have voluntary trade with the black farmers. It isn't like Haitians had many trading partners to turn to instead, so the French would still have a strong position for negotiation. I doubt it would've hurt the war effort more than the way they choose to do things.
>gain independence
>attempt to become an imperial power inmediatly after
>kill all whites
>kill and try to enslave all your neighboring blacks
>wonder why nobody likes you
Nobody at the time wanted to recognize the American independent states, how long did it take for Britain to recognize the US? Or for Spain to formally recognize Argentina, Peru, Chile?
The american wars for independence were french revolutionary proxy wars and only the European powers that stood to gain something from x country being freed weren't completely opossed to it.
>how long did it take for Britain to recognize the US?
Till the end of the war. Treaty of Paris had Britain recognize their sovereignty. Both France and Russia recognized them almost from the start, funnily it was Morocco who was the first to recognize them. Most other European states had formal relation with America less than a decade after the war ended.
The US was officially recognized by Morocco in 1777 and most imperial powers recognized its sovereignty by 1800.
>Nice goal post you got there. Be a shame if somebody moved it.
time for you to learn about winning a short victory but losing in the long term
>France - 1778
>Prussia - 1797
>Austria - 1794
>Italy -1794 (The Two Sicilies in 1796)
>Netherlands - 1781
>Portugal - 1790
>Russia - 1780
>Spain - 1783
>Sweden - 1783
>Great Britain - 1783
And like said above Morocco was actually the first in 1777 and the treaty that follows actually makes Morocco America's oldest friend.
Revolutions in the 18th century were all seen as chimpouts.
Kind of illustrates the point tho, it took a while for a lot of countries to even recognize the US, and the Haitians were already making enemies within the first decade of it's existence as an independent state.
Probably because they WERE essentially chimpouts that European powers used to fuck with their competitors.
The problem is unlike the US, Haiti was nation brought about by a slave revolt. When every other nation around them was using slaves extensively. They were fundamentally never going to be friends just by their very existence. .
Except the state of Haiti or its history was never the discussion. It was about justification of force.
They have no obligation to do it, it's not about blacks and whites, it's about no one wanting nothing to do with a country made from slaughterous slaves
Again, it had less to do with slaughter and much more to do with slaves. Nations refused to trade with Haiti before Dessalines ran around murdering all of the white French he could find.
Slavery was abolished in France and had been for decades. Colonies were a separate matter.
South Africa
Are there any detectable patterns to be observed in these historical events and their outcomes?
I only see that you should go back to /pol/
t. murdering nig
All of the Lib*ral revolutions were chimp outs.
>When /pol/ boogeyman is more objective than you
You can go ahead and prove the evil racist wrong by telling him how the blacks made those places better.
Wow racist whites won`t trade with us after we slaughtered every single white person in our land.
No one even mentioned jews you mentally ill jew with persecution complex.
Ooooga boooga white devil show no mercy! Did South Africans enslave blacks to deserve being murdered in their homes?
No South Africans improved the land but only refused to treat blacks as complete equals
>>"Oh, but we didn't mean to include you fucking niggers when we said 'universal', lol, you are still slaves"
Who would view naked savages practicing human sacrifice as equals? Those rules were meant for fellow civilized people.
Tbf they refused to do so even when everything was still sunshine and roses and San Dominque looked to be a place of relative racial harmony.
Just imagine the niggers doing a liberal revolution...
If a place can go from "relative racial harmony" to open slaughter that quickly, than there was never any harmony to begin with. Haitians made their choice when they decides to smash in the heads of children.
The slaughter of the whites on the island was really all from one man. A brutal savage and moron named Jean-Jacques Dessalines.
After Toussaint Louverture was betrayed and arrested, Dessalines became the head of the Haitian army, declared himself emperor then went on a purge. The brutality of it soured most of the people against him and Dessalines was then assassinated but the damage has already been done.
>But surely if soldiers followed his orders that must mean that they too hated the whites
Actually no. Dessalines was having issues of soldiers letting whites escape so what he would do was rotate regiments to different areas then personally go inspect their work to make sure they were executing sufficient numbers. And if they hadn't, then the soldiers would be killed by a second regiment.
One can see why he was assassinated shortly after crowning himself. It could've all been avoided if France and the US would've just backed Louverture's government.
How was the US in any position to back Haiti's government? That would send a pretty awful message to the southern states that the federal government supports a slave rebellion. The civil war might of kicked of decades earlier and im sure US politicians at the time saw that as a possible risk if they backed Haiti.
Trade is not some fucking ideal in the wind that sounds nice you fucking twat, trade requires some white person frazy enough to sail to Haiti and try there luck on an island famous for slaughtering all the white people and being in a constant state of chaos and war. As some merchant from Boston, are you really going to risk your life and your goods trying to sell them to a bunch of ex-slaves that would just as quickly rob you and kill you? You wouldn’t take that chance, and yet you expect people from the 19th century US, England, etc to take that chance lest they be blamed for French treatment of slaves? fuck off you’re lucky white people didn’t glass that fucking rock, it’s strategically unsustainable and was never meant to be an independent country. Don’t blame white people, blame the world because that’s how the world works, don’t go crying and blaming every vulture that takes advantage. They didn’t make the corpse, they’re just feeding off it in whatever way they can since peaceful interaction is impossible.
>No one even mentioned jews you mentally ill jew with persecution complex.
yeah, but you all believe as such, which you just proved.
Here come the strawmen.
slaughtering thousands of people is unironically the most liberal thing you can do.
Europe must be littered with the blood of the nobility :^)
It's taught in my spic country alongside the American Revolution as one of the first independence movements in the continent.
It’s also easily the least successful, which is saying something when your competition South American nations.
Reminder that the french killed a bunch people too and where extremely brutal, it wasn’t just hatians who killed whites
>I'd like to have my cake and eat it
lmao mudcake nog real mad
>In Haiti the nogs first killed almost all the whites
>t. ignorant poltard.
you have a flawed picture of the timeline.
the slaughter of "whites" (with the exceptions of Poles and their families) was largely the result of the french attempting to violently reconquer haiti and re-enslave many of the blacks who had revolted.
Haiti killed far more people than the French. The country was so chaotic that people on the island fled to the south side and established Dominican Republic, just so they don't be confused for Haitians.
Citation needed. Any numbers to back up that claim?
There's a very good reason why Dominicans would rather be Spics than niggers and it's because of Haiti.
What took Prussia so long?
at first, it was...then things went haywire and both governments applied sanctions. don't get me wrong, Haiti fucked itself in many ways for 200 years, and alienating their biggest potential allies at the onset was the worst step.
You seem to have a few holes in your knowledge of how things played out.
>National Convention abolishes slavery
>Napoleon takes power
>reinstates slavery
High quality bait
No r e f u t a t i o n
The haitians literally invade the spanish part of the island and close the university
t. dominican
So... No numbers?
Barbados is full of nigs but didn't turn out to be a shithole because the Royaume Uni wasn't half as autistic as France
And the French Revolution saw thousands of innocent white families killed
supporting the degenerate Monarchy does not make you innocent
>murder all the white people on the island
>wtf why wont the whites trade with us
Depends on what skin color you are
>White's slaughter dark skins for profit
Sudden change of skin color
>WTF why won't whites trade with us??
>kill all the white people
>kill all the mixed race people
>invade your only neighbor
>'why won't anyone trade with me? :,('
You're the first person to mention Jews, dumbass.
napoopan tried sending some polacks to reclaim Haiti
that probably left a bad taste on the nog's mouth
And yet Jews commit 99.9999999% of crime, COINCIDENSE??? O think not!?!
>slaughtering slaves for profit
This place has becone a shithole of contrarian idiocy. Do you even know what a slave is? Fucking dickhead.
How about you actually read a book about history you dipshit? I know your head hurts if you read anything longer than 140 characters but that is no excuse to be a retard in modern society
Not really, the haitians liked pollacks so much that they made them legally black as per the constitution
woah really
They also let British and American trades come and go as they please.
Haitians just really hated the French.
Ye. Napoleon couldn't spare French troops to retake Haiti so he sent several regiments of Poles to the island instead.
When the poles got their they said fuck this and joined the Haitians then settled after the war was over.
Pretty much. Small white populations that weren't french or associated with french interests got a free pass, in particular the germans.
No, the dominican republic volunteraly joined haiti.
But they werent aware that france had fkrce haiti to pay a ridiculous amount of money in exchange for stopping tryjng to reconquer the place. To pay this the haitians exploited the fuck out of the dominicans, eventually leading to dominicas independence.
Oh yeah and then the dominicans decided to genocide the haitians living in dominica
You don't know your own history you stupid nigger. Yes, women and children got slaughtered too, not just administration and military people.
And there were no Polish "families", the Poles in Haiti were all soldiers sent there by Napoleon, so all adult men.
...what about Botswana, Barbados, Bahamas, Dominica, and Seychelles?
and you cant expect people you've angered with your chimpout to trade with you
That seems like most modern liberals would be in favour
A girl I was speaking to was sincerely upset the new zimbabwe government "so light" on whites
>murder whites arbitrarily
>why wont whites come here to trade with us
>Be enslaved by blacks
>whites buy you]>murder blacks
The error you made is assuming blacks were human
There was really no evidence this was the case back then
(there is still no evidence)
>wants to slaughter all jews,blacks,mexicans
>ooooo why did these blacks slaughter us! im innocent!
go back to pol you fool
Haitian revolution is just the logical outcome of liberalism everywhere.
Guess being a slave state in modern times really puts you on the spot, doesn't it?
Was the Haitian Revolution a massacre? Yes. But the Haitian Revolution was an honorable massacre. A massacre that was in defense of liberty, in opposition to oppression, and fought in the name of freedom. For that the Haitians can not and shall not be blamed.
Bahamas and Barbados are +90% Black First World countries.
The French were just shit colonial masters.
This. But backing Louverture was not an option, and Bonaparte used all the tricks in the book to take him down, and if France could not take back its colony, it was better in the end if the rebel state was to end in utter failure, thus the astronomical debt to be paid, crippling the island's economy to this day.