I warned you 2x times today..
Check Groestlcoin price
Luke Bennett
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Jackson Perry
what the fuck this shit is going to crash isnt it? Went all in at 4k but I am scared
Blake Young
i went all in at 3200 and literally 5 minutes later it was at 4k and it's not slowing down on the way to 5k. thank you Veeky Forums
Carson Gonzalez
Every single time I go all in on a mooning coin it crashes immediately, everytime I hesitate it keeps fucking going
Jordan Reyes
That shit is insane
Nicholas Cook
i'm watching it like a hawk and have been burned a few PnD before. Pick a safe number and get out with some good gains is my advice.
Jonathan Phillips
And there it goes... It's over guys
Jonathan Hernandez
watch this reach $1 MAX
Christopher Hernandez
Samuel Gutierrez
its over