Does anyone here do affiliate marketing? Has it went well for you and is it an easy way to make some decent gains?
Does anyone here do affiliate marketing? Has it went well for you and is it an easy way to make some decent gains?
I turned 25 bucks into 1500 in a week. Ama.
I'm being serious. I did some blackhat seo shit and it had massive returns for a week or two. I'm a NEET and i spent all my money on vidya and drugs tho
Explain exactly what you did. If I had 1500 and I could flip it and start the process of becoming a millionaire
Basically, I had a coupon ref code for some software on retailmenot. I went to some forums and hired a pajeet to make me a bot to upvote my code to the top of the page with free proxies. I paid him 25 bucks over paypal and it took him about 6 hours. I set my bot up overnight and woke up with ~900 usd. I did this a bit more and then I jacked off for a few months because i didnt need money.
I take tips
Thats bloody genius mate. 11/10
I was like 16 and parents wanted me to get a job. I showed them my PayPal balance. Didn't need to get a job anymore.
Fuck you, you piece of shit. That money would have been better off in my hands. I can't even do what you said either because it's really specific.
must suck to live with your parents at 35 though
Lol looks like we got ourselves a CRYPTOBABY
I actually prefer working manual labor (landscaping, construction, etc) to these massive returns. It's more fulfilling. If you can eat, you don't need money. I may fire up the affiliate links again one day but eh. Too much work.
Im 18 nigga
Why don't you do what I did? You won't almost 100x your money, but you could easily double it.
God damn you are an idiot. But I guess we do need people like you. Brain dead, simple-minded, short-sighted muscle heads doing the dirty work while patricians like me live the good life. Cheers
What is the good life?
How about not limiting yourself to manual labor? How is that fulfilling? You're just working to live. Your overall quality of life is going to be shitty too.
Have you ever felt that feeling after a job done? When your muscles are long dead from being overworked and your skin is peeling from the past 12 hours of sun? This isnt my long term plan. If i ever have to feed many mouths I'll become a NEET like you and make bank.
Yes I have, it feels like fucking shit and not fulfilling in any sense of the word. If you really crave overworking your muscles then go to a fucking gym. Focus on securing your financial future now so you're never at the feet of jewish money men. That's the way I see it anyway.
Why not live simply?
what forum did you find pajeet on?
I used to do it about 10y ago. Making $3k a month selling Wii homebrew guides and other useless PDF. SEO was way easier then.
Its been 2 years. Idk. Start with the blackhat seo forum
Fuck it I just wasted my time. Enjoy breaking your back faggot
Where'd you get the referral code?
I could write a bot like that in under half an hour.
I'd do that with my amazon affiliate code, but I'd probably get banned for that.
>Making $3k a month selling Wii homebrew guides and other useless PDF.
How'd you deal with the messages about being scammed? I presume you just didn't give refunds.
I work for an affiliate marketing network
AMA thats not where i work
It isnt active anymore, but image line.