Wars in Europe
>Nation A
15,000 casualties
>Nation B
14,000 casualties
Status quo ante bellum
Wars in China
>Nation A
200,000 casualties
>Nation B
400,000 casualties
Provence Y anhilated
30,000 civilians eaten
City X and Z razed
Wars in Europe
>Nation A
15,000 casualties
>Nation B
14,000 casualties
Status quo ante bellum
Wars in China
>Nation A
200,000 casualties
>Nation B
400,000 casualties
Provence Y anhilated
30,000 civilians eaten
City X and Z razed
Other urls found in this thread:
We've already had this thread. Why did you need to make it again? Did you actually forget what they said in the last thread?
they ate millions
China has mostly always been more mettle then Europe
Higher population in china simply meant more casualties
the more you have of something the less you consider it valuable
this happened with lives in chinas case
Yup. I think that is certainly the case today. That is why there are so many fucked up videos on /gif/ of Chinese citizens getting run over or otherwise killed in horrific accidents and people just walk on by as if nothing happened. When there are over a billion people in a country an individual life means leas and less. That and there js just something cruel in the nature of Chinese to be uncaring and selfish.
Before the Springs/Autumn the wars were like wars in Europe. This was because their army was lot smaller and didn't have conscription. Once Qin dynasty started mass conscription, the whole nature of war changed. Instead of a separate entity, wars became an effort by the entire country/nation.
This concept would later come to Europe via Napoleon.
Because China was the first to utilize the concept of total war, the whole country would mobilize for war, this was made possible because of their autistic bureaucracy.
Europe wouldn't see mass conscription before the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.
>le higer population meme
Says brainlets that forget they had the same population as Europe
This is the only correct answer.
The numbers are fake
Europe isn't one country though.
because more deaths look cooler. whenever i play any total war title i purposely let as many as my men die as possible because when the battles over all the bodies look really neat.
What the fuck
Zerg rush
>he doesn't know the superior chinese tactics
> When there are over a billion people in a country an individual life means leas and less. That and there js just something cruel in the nature of Chinese to be uncaring and selfish.
Chinese homicide rate 0.78
USA homicide rate 5.1
Even if Chinese are faking their data, it is unlikely that their murder rate is higher than USA's.
thats because they are uncaring and selfish, that gives them few reasons to act impulsively and risk punishment, also thir system is rather total, what with one party rule and state control of absolutely everithing
Their accidental death and death through negligence must be through the roof though.
Death rate for US is 8.2/1000.
Death rate for Chins is 7.1/1000.
So your hypothesis probably isn't true.
mean for
I thought this was because when you help someone in China they can sue you.
1. Europe had big battles
2. Numbers couldn't really be trusted (in both Europe and China) because everyone wanted to make their war-dicks appear bigger
Because we don't fuck around. Wars are to be avoided when possible, but once they start, a proper war is always understood to be a total war. Chinese wars are apocalyptic because you don't start a war unless the current government has lost the mandate of heaven. They are the fire that makes the nourishing ashes from which the next age and new world is born. There can only be one winner in the end and you don't want any doubt as to who the new order is going to be centered around, so you sort all that out to the point of exhaustion during a war.
You are correct, as fucked up as it is it’s better to kill someone driving than to just hit them and hurt them, something to do with insurance and traffic laws. Has nothing to do with the amount of people in the country like this jabroney said
Isn't China proper a fuck huge flat plain connected with river networks? Maybe better logistics made it easier to raise and command larger armies.
To save billions... from starvation.
that doesnt sound right
That's Northern China.
Southern China - still China proper- is mountains and jungles.
>5000 years of Chinese culture
Chinese food.
and? They are roughly the same size. Idk what you are trying to convey here.
Stop being obtuse.
How ironic
The autistic bureaucracy, ironically, made it harder to keep track of an individual, thus civilians displaced by war were oftentimes counted among the casualties. This, coupled eith each province's specialization and the ensuing scarcity of goods when even one province gets fucked which leads to famines, along with mass conscription and the ability to field more soldiers overall, is what inflates Chinese casualties compared to European wars.
The article sounds like bulshit
The United States isn’t a real country, we’re a confederation of ethnic groups and we’ve had tribal-like rivalries between the groups since our inception, racism is intrinsic to the American experience: everyone hates everyone in the lower classes but the rich all get along. Our lower classes are at each other’s throats and they’re the most heavily-armed population in the world. We’re not the Wild West for nothing, shit has always been crazy here.
China is just Chinese people. There used to be variations in the region but China swallowed them all and their genetic lineage was integrated into the Chinese population. It’s easier to control a racially and culturally homogenous society, the US is the most diverse place in the world and the most armed; naturally the US has more domestic violence. Most chinese violence is perpetrated by the government and the gangs but the gangs don’t have access to the kind of weaponry we have in the Us
China had a more developed economy and infrastructure system too. One small detail. Europe didn't catch up until the 1600s.
It's from a book about cannibalism, Tim Chen.
>culturally homogenous
>ethnically homogenous
>Europe didn't catch up until the 1600s
Only if you completely forget about the Roman Empire and the Frankish Empire
That's just one facet of it.
The Frankish Empire occurred during *the* Chinese golden ages though. So not really.
>*splits empire between sons*
Yeap, at par with China alright.
The Frankish empire didn't have a city near the population of most cities in China. Paris at that point had like 30,000 inhabitants.
Who needs numbers ,when you have tactics.
>Forget that Rome was the largest city in the world for 500 years
Could a factor in this difference be the fact that China was more fertile and could better afford to go to total war. While europe took a longer time to get there and had a set war doctrine by that time?
>american thinks he has more internal differences then fucking China
>Burger thinks he has any internal differences at all
Damn man fucking Italy is more internally diverse then US.
USA created their own problems with lack of homogeneity by importing all those black slaves. You only have yourselves to blame.
I doubt it, the chinese states that had the most success reforming their beurocracy was located in the wastelands.
because human wave attacks lead to a lot of casualties on both sides
I'll never tire of suiyangposting.
How is it cannibalism when the chinese aren’t human
Not plains but foret hills with water sources, which suggest why Chinese dynasty tended to he inward-looking. But then again, I doubt such correlation is true. Also, cultures like Rome and the Latins had the same circumstances but still waged small scale skirmishes against each others. It's around Kaifeng or Luoyang I forgot.
It's right because China is still overall younger than the US, and young people don't fall dead at the same rate. The average age of the US is 38 while the average age of China is 35.
>20,000-30,000 civilians were eaten
How? Using chopsticks?
>average european war pre 1914
>100k deaths at max
>average chinese war
>30,000,000 deaths
as shocking as it sounds, most people do not have violent deaths
Battles in ancient times were huge according to their stories. But the moment we got more exact information they quickly started to diminish.
We know very little about East Asian wars... and look at that! These battles are huge. Just like when we didn't know anything in the Western World and had to rely on stories.
Chinese eating chinese is still cannibalism.
Thing is most people in China don't die from homicide, they die from accidents and negligence.
No China actually did have fuckhuge armies, it's just that the way they counted them isn't like most nations. When they say they had an army of a million men, they TECHNICALLY did, but they're couting the army guards who never leave the capital, the reservists, the ones who are on the other side of the country from the battle, etc.
>They are roughly the same size.
No, China is over twice the size of Europe.
Chinks are incapable of empathy. Savages, that’s what they are.
>this level of education
China had a census, medieval Europe did not. It is harder to determine civilian casualties when one isn't bothering to count them.
>eastern countries
>real europe
wtf chinks! I was counting on food shortages to be one of the factors in the collapse of China but I guess I should remove that from my list
~92% of China is "Han Chinese".
The other 8% are in transition to becoming Han Chinese via ethnic cleansing.
>General Tso
>20,000-30,000 civilians eaten
Am Chinese. Can confirm. Looking mighty tasty there manchop.
I'm American and you are fucking retarded. We are a nation, majority of the U.S is german followed by Mexican and then finally Irish. Third you're fucking retarded. You make the rest of Americans look bad.
Just look for history of cannibalism, even finish soldiers ate soviets during the winter war, it's pretty common actually but people always make a big deal out of it.
> "the Japanese started selecting prisoners and every day one prisoner was taken out and killed and eaten by the soldiers. I personally saw this happen and about 100 prisoners were eaten at this place by the Japanese."
>ywn eat Pajeet meat with your fellow japs
Why live?