Bullshit aside. What exactly are Romanians?
Bullshit aside. What exactly are Romanians?
Other urls found in this thread:
Certainly not Slavs like I sometimes see claimed on other boards.
t. Slav
BLACK kingz of Europe
A genetic mixup of native Thracian, Slavic, Roman and a fuckton more.They somehow managed to avoid being assimilated by the Slavs and they maintained their language to the present day.
Is there another key that allows me to understand the key in this map?
Here, do note that is showing the origins in the context of Europe and these are not universal.
>sweden and norway more germanic than Germany
Do you know what the term Germanic means?
Bulgarians and Cumans that got Vlach'd.
No, that's Hungary.
They're all gypsies
Well one assumes it means ‘of german descent’
with the germanic tribes were in the approximate area of what is now Germany
>Well one assumes it means ‘of german descent’
>with the germanic tribes were in the approximate area of what is now Germany
user, I...
One of the most mixed people in the world
t. 56%
"Germany" is literally built on a slavic and celtic substrate. Pure "Germans" come from the Scandinavian region.
And the Southern bit at that. The Lapps of the north are Uralics.
Where do the original Dacians fit into all of this?
>7000 BC
Western Hunter Gatherers
>5000 BC
Sardinian-like Cucuteni-Trypillians.
>3000 BC
Indo-European conquest by Yamna
>much later
Turkics, Gypsies assimilation