Female Warriors

Other than the obvious example of Scandinavian/Viking society (whose armies were 50% male, 50% female), were there any other examples of pre-modern cultures that allowed and encouraged women to serve as a rank and file soldiers?

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I’m going to need some sources before I’ll believe this

Typically you only cite historical sources when you communicate an idea that is not well known or already accepted as fact. I'm not going to spoon feed you when there are books and scholarly articles on Viking shield maidens.

I am, however, looking for information on other such societies.

>Other than the obvious example of Scandinavian/Viking society (whose armies were 50% male, 50% female)

Is that why they were slaughtered by a militia of monks once their surprise attacks stopped working.

Post cute female soldiers pls

They're not even 50/50 in the larping show, how would they ever be 50/50 irl?

That said, lots of cultures had female elements in their militaries. The Scythians, I believe, were one example. Several African cultures would also have roles for female soldiers. At times, you even have the case of female honor-guards, usually doubling as a harem. The late Qaddafi was the most recent example of this practice.

Maybe, but there are examples of heroic women, too. In either case, do you have any examples of other such peoples that were not sexist in army conscription?

>Scandinavian/Viking society (whose armies were 50% male, 50% female)

you can't make such retarded claims without backing them up lad.

Not OP but see

Not that user, but since when is it accepted that the armies were 50/50? Few people doubt the existence of shield maidens serving in some capacity, it's the proportions that are in question. 50/50 gender distribution doesn't suggest an army, it suggests colonists. Furthermore, societies tend to have surplus men, not surplus women, and it's the surplus men who take up the job of being pirates and invaders. If the local Chad has collected all of the nice village girls as his wives, because norse society was hardly monogamous, than you had to go steal one from elsewhere.

Semi-related but all Nords are Chad. No one south of Denmark is even white.

>armies were 50% male, 50% female

>whose armies were 50% male, 50% female
I'd ask where on earth you came up with that notion but your op pic explains enough.

Say it with me: "TV dramas are not historically accurate"

Kingdom of Benin

It's a joke, not a dick. Don't take it so hard.

>whose armies were 50% male, 50% female
>50% female


OP is a faggot.

>Typically you only cite historical sources when you communicate an idea that is not well known or already accepted as fact. I'm not going to spoon feed you when there are books and scholarly articles on OP being a faggot.

user you are not as funny as you have managed to make yourself believe

>Other than the obvious example of Scandinavian/Viking society (whose armies were 50% male, 50% female)
>Typically you only cite historical sources when you communicate an idea that is not well known or already accepted as fact. I'm not going to spoon feed you when there are books and scholarly articles on Viking shield maidens.
>The Scythians
This is a clear reference to Tomyris in Civ VI.

The particular reference was removed from wikipedia(probably for being too "problematic"), but the Gragas laws banned women from holding weapons.

>Other than the obvious example of Scandinavian/Viking society (whose armies were 50% male, 50% female)
: ^ )

t. Never been to Norway

Or Sweden

Or Finland

Or Denmark

Or Iceland

Either that or is an actual autistic nordcuck, stay mad aspies

In terms of Ireland, in the Cáin Adomnáin, Adomnáin legislates against making use of women for "fighting, raiding, wounding or slaying", suggesting that they were used in some sort of martial capacity before then.

He goes on to discourage duels between women, declaring a fine of five rams for the instigator, and an additional three rams for the deliverance any wound that breaks the skin.


you are OP stop larping

>falling for the bait

lol most danes are about this color, blond hair and blue eyes doesn't make you white if your skin is technically brown, in my opinion

>Scandinavian/Viking society (whose armies were 50% male, 50% female)
Excellent bait

>suggesting that they were used in some sort of martial capacity before then.

wasn't this law brought about because the monk had a violent dream were his dead mother shouted at him for not defending her and other women and children when he was younger?

that's not really evidence of women used in combat more that women were all too often victims of violence

>whose armies were 50% male, 50% female

Please don’t post my wife without my permission

The Taiping armies used female soldiers, as both grunts and officers

Stop us.

Mods please ban him

>tfw no pregnant Anne Frank wielding my raifu