Only a matter of time before this blasts off.
Isn't there a rumor of some military contract in the EU?
what is this?
Cyber Crypto Security
Check out their website user.
Did not hear about that. What happened?
sounds like a shit coin
why should i care?
Go to their telegram and find out.
uhhh 7% increase != moon
and there's only 4.4% in circulation
dump that shit
>0.41btc 24 hour volume
This shit is shilled here every hour just fucking stop. Gonna post this everytime I see one of these shit shill threads pop up.
As someone working in the infosec industry I can't believe how easy it is to scam with buzzword blockchains now a days. Who's genius idea was it to put AV on a blockchain? Why the fuck does AV have to be on a block chain?
White paper makes no sense and is complete utter trash. Bring this garbage to any security conference, BSides,Schmoocon, Defcon, etc and it'll be laughed out of the con.
If you fall for this pump and dump scam you deserve to lose your money.
you gotta be retarded to buy something with $2000 24hrs volume placed only on coinexchange. gtfo of here with your bags
> Talks game but didn't read the whitepaper
> Already working tech
> Staking working as well
> Comfy hold at pennies.
There is an ICO for a similar coin called "gladius" do you think that this is also vaporware ?
Larp cuck gtfo
coinex went down for like 8 hours earlier faggot
GTFO scamming pajeets. Everytime you post a XCS pump and dump thread ima reply to it. For all we know it's the shady as fuck devs selling their 240mil stack of scam tokens.
>goes down to 298sats
Haven't heard of it. Did a quick look at what they trying to accomplish and it seems pretty interesting. Denial of service protection is hypothetically doable via blockchain technology. When every node on the chain is serving traffic from and to the website, this potentially can mitigate DDoS attacks of web servers.
Now haven't read the white paper so not sure how they going to accomplish this, or looked much into their team to see what backgrounds they have.
Hope that helps user.
t.gladius dev
Now fuck off
Fuck off poor mong.
Fantastic summary.
*Meant the great summary for your analysis.
Sorry for hijacking your pump and dump thread pump superstars discord pajeet, you lowlife scamming fuck.
If you can't even come up with one explanation how xcs isn't a scam token, no idea why you even here with the ad hominem attacks.
Read the white paper. Join the discord if you have any doubts ranjeet.
The fuck? My summary wasn't even for the scam of a coin XCS???Looooooooool.
Calls me out saying I know nothing then replies with saying great summary. Just fuck right off already, learn to ID.
there is no devs to dump their coins you fucking retard. devs are being hired.
had you done your research you'd know. it took me five minutes to find this out. go ahead and post your circle jerk copy pasta.
the founders are being extremely responsive to community input. they have a working product that could be huge given the proper support and guidance.
Looooooooool so there aren't even devs on the XCS team?
And what working product? A fucking wallet? Wow. I REPEAT, THE WHITE PAPER LITERALLY SCREAMS BUZZWORD BINGO.
>The third and final phase of feature releases include Anti-virus, Cyber Security, Intrusion Sensors, Secure File Transfer and additional based innovations...
WTF does that even mean? How the fuck is "Cyber Security" a feature.
for starters a p2p messenger that ODN is working 5 years on.
The only difference is that odn got shilled here and this one didnt
Lowlife faggot neet over here has ODN BAGS!