Which is worse?

Which is worse?

Prosperity gospel and megachurches or indulgences and the Catholic church?

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>chocolate and jizz are my favorite ice cream flavors
>which is worse?

Not an American so could you please explain in short what "prosperity Gospel" is supposed to be? I know what Megachurches are.

What the fuck are you talking about, indulgences were pretty much introduced to fund a megachurch.

They're the same thing though.

Are there actual Catholics here that still support Francis and all that? How can you not at least be a Sedevacatist in the year of 2018?

I'm talking about how "neither" isn't an answer to the question "which is worse" between any two options.

>things cannot be equally bad

Pope Francis is quite popular over here.

Why not Mormonism.

We're talking about Christianity here bub not Islam for white people.
Now run back home to Salt Lake City.

You (most often poor idiots who believe in sky daddy) give your money to some charlatan preacher and then Jeebus is supposed to bless you with material wealth and whatever else you want (that never comes). Many traditional churches use this extortion trick (it's even in the bible, Malachi 3:10), but these guys take it to the next level and become millionaires off delusional people. They are basically the same as the ancient Hebrew priests redistributing the wealth of the poor to themselves through spooks.

There are basically two versions. The first operates primarily on TV and radio and other Christian media, and they say that God wants you to give money to the church or preacher and you will be blessed. The money will be multiplied and returned to you in turn. They'll cite some scriptures justify this. They're basically con men. Here's a video of one of them: youtube.com/watch?v=wwMRPn7S60c

The second operates out of huge megachurches in the suburbs - think arena sized - and they're basically motivational speakers with a thin veneer of Christianity over the top. They tell you that God wants you to be happy and profitable, and so if you are already that, logically God must be happy with you. Here's Joel Osteen, a good example of this kind: youtube.com/watch?v=blzydAg86vw

Obviously these aren't exact categories, but that's kind of how I divide them in my head.

>Hagia Sofia was built by indulgences
>Cathedrals weren't an important medieval architectural location
user, Churches were big since they started using Basilicas as churches in the 4th century. If you live in a large urban or suburban population than a church is meant to accommodate a large amount of people. the criticism of megachurches isn't that they are "big" in size but that they represent a sort of strip mall, consumerist mentality.

>not paganism

He's talking about St. Peter's Basilica you retard.

My point was it was weird to call saint peter's basiclala a "megachurch" when nothing about it was unique in Christian history.

Both ask for money and use shaky theology to justify it, but one exists solely to do that and was created for no other reason, and the other hasn't happened in nearly 500 years. So you tell me, which is worse?

Basically shysters say that God determines you should be rich and to earn his favor you have to give them money. It's a P*otestant pyramid scheme basically.

Because Mormonism is obviously a scheme.

>Dr. Creelo A. Dollar


To fund a cathedral.
One takes from middle class, one took from poor peasants.

Joel Osteen is a kike so obviously creating a church based around giving him money is expected.

>absolute state of la creatura
Are am*ricans really this retarded?

So straight up "pay me or go to hell" instead of just collecting the "tenth"? Holy shit. Noone better tell them what Jesus said about rich people and going to heaven.


American evangelicals are really fucking stupid.

>Which is worse?

It's difficult to choose between Megachurches and Prosperity Theology, but I think Prosperity might be the worst/most sinful, to the degree that I would actively consider it's practice and teaching to be genuine, unapologetic, heresy.

Megachurches may be literal ampitheatres of hypocritical SIN, but they're ultimately just a building and can still be 'theoretically' used for good if they weren't run by covetous, disgusting, "priests" who've lost sight of the message of God.
Prosperity Gospel, however, though, is literal, full stop, heresy and couldn't be further from the original message of God and Christ:
>"I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
>"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
>"No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
>"But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs."
>"Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf."

There's literally dozens of passages in the bible telling you, black and white, through no vague terms, that the pursuit of wealth is in itself a grievous and ignorant sin. Prosperity Gospel is idolatrous, irresponsible, and heresy.

The prosperity gospels, 200% worse

Whenever I think that American evangelicals aren't dumb, I remember that there's a pastor literally named Creflo Dollar who asked for money for a private jet, and got it.


Great examples of the different types. There are people I know that are fixated with Joel Osteen, particularly, and I would appreciate examples of the things he has said contrary to the scriptures, with verses to back it up. I am also under the impression that preachers like Osteen simply do not exist or do not work well in countries such as India, China, Indonesia, Ethiopia, and other third-world parts of the world. They seem to be uniquely phenomena of decadent Western countries, especially America.

Some of them try to be sneaky about it though. They won’t ask for your money, but will serenade and preach for 15 minutes about how mouth god loves you if you donate. I even saw someone write a check at this one church I went to. And it had a bloody coffee shop and several Gs of electronics and music equipment.


The whole controversy was that indulgences were being bought the rich who didn't sincerely desire to make a sacrifice for their sins. Something which is bullshit anyway, but "muh poor peasants" is entirely out of your ass.

Prosperity Gospel and Megachurches are worse by far. The Catholic church at least stopped the practice. The Prots who do prosperity gospel just continue to shout "OY VEY GOY, DON'T FORGET TO ATTEND CHURCH AND DONATE. YOU 'RE NOT A REAL CHRISTIAN IF YOU DON'T!

Actually, I think someone said South Korea has one of the highest numbers of megachurches per capita or similar. I would agree though that their occurrence is more a symptom of relative prosperity of the population combined with a decline in traditional moral and social fabric.

but muh little gate theory

Apparently prosperity gospel is a major problem in Africa

Olsteen is actually not a prosperity gospel person but he preaches in a similar style (in a megachurch)

equally poisonous by being the Christian version of "Inshallah".

lutheran churches are just sad in how lowkey they are, as if spirituality is reduced from a refuge in a harsh world to a yet another functional but plain and uninteresting space of largely bureacrautic formalism

How is Osteen not a Prosperity Gospel preacher? Would you agree that he at least fits the definition of Word of Faith theology? The two terms are often mixed, but Word of Faith specifically refers to the "name it, and claim it" idea, with regards to receiving blessings.