don’t miss out!
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>tfw I've been holding this and COSS
>>tfw I've been holding this and COSS
this nigga gon make it
only thing left now is FUN
Eh I could vaporwave a fun meme if you got some
And no fuck holding fun if that's not what you meant.
Bought at ico. This shit is as good as gold.
EVX is a better OMG. Everything OMG has and with microlending.
EVX has the #1 ranked bank in Thailand, Bangkok Bank. OMG has Krunsi bank, ranked #5.
OMG has a roadmap based on a board game with no clear dates. A lot of promises.
EVX has several working products already and have completed a successful cross-border remittance pilot between Myanmar/Thailand.
Now compare the market cap of both.
Both are good user, stop starting shitty little coinwars noone cares about you're dogma. They are both gonna moon and be around in 3 years.
Noone gives a flying fuck about fake coinwars, we just wanna be rich.
OMG is an easy comparison, given their similarity. And you don't have to believe that EVX is better to know that it's a good buy. If it does half as well as OMG we're looking at a huge moon mission.
btw if your the user who makes those make more so I can vaporwave them