Did Crusaders technically win in 1920 when Palestine came under a Christian empire administration?
Did Crusaders technically win in 1920 when Palestine came under a Christian empire administration?
>Did Crusaders technically win in 1920 when Palestine came under a Christian empire administration
Yes. The same way they won centuries ago.
Didn't General Allenby declare that "the Crusades are now over" when he rode triumphantly into Jerusalem or something?
>haha Jerusalem is once again Christian
>lets give it to the Jews
No wonder we lost at Gallipoli.
You could not be more wrong. He entered Jerusalem on foot in deference and was fastidious about respecting the three religions whole he did so.
That's what he allegedly said. And I doubt he actually said it because he tried to deter crusader imagery in general within his corps and banned the use of the term crusade/r within the press when the word got out.
This is a common misconception I keep hearing. The Egyptian people were actually happy the Ottomans were gone so the general tune that the army sang was that they were fighting the Ottomans, not Islam. No point in stirring up trouble needlessly.
Yes. Muslims always eventually lose to superior CHRISTIAN Cock
>Protestcucks and Atheist Republicans.
Still a Christian country
Except the concept of a Crusade is essentially Catholic. In addition Catholics once extended the crusade rhetoric versus Protestants.
Holy shit the larp is strong in this thread. Do you realise how faggy you faggots sound?
>superior CHRISTIAN Cock
>british crusade
Pretty sure Hatay was in the French Madate of Syria in 1923
Modern day ''Christians'' are about as Christian as my left toe, so no.
Not an argument
nah. France and the UK have been a humanist governments since the 18th cenutry.
Imagine being so assblasted by an event that literally happened before the founding of your modern nation state that you make a bait thread on an anonymous holocaust denial imageboard
no because a crusade has to be a military engagement blessed by the pope in order to defend christandom. WW1 had nothing to do with religion and the British were not blessed by the pope
Aw someone''s mad we took Israek from him and gave it to kikes that molest muzzies ever day
>an anonymous holocaust denial imageboard
This is Veeky Forums, not /pol/
But I’m a Texan, only euros and northerners care about the crusades.
It’s a two sided joke about how we have one of those threads multiple times a week.
Veeky Forums is /pol/ with dates.
Lmaoing at the "mandate" appellation
>Uh you see we just mandated ourselves to rule your land, sorry sandniggers
>Uh you see we just mandated ourselves to rule your land, sorry sandniggers
That's not what the mandate was about you illiterate mong. The mandate was about the Sykes-Picot agreement and creating Israel when the Arabs only wanted help in throwing out the Turks.
Don't talk about history again you fucking retard. You're the cum stain that ruins this board. Your mother should have done us all a favor and swallowed you.