What gives? I have plenty in my bank account and I've tried buying $100-1000 worth and it won't charge my card. What're my options, gdax since it's linked through coinbase? Just trying to get some coin
Coinbase Cancelling Buy Orders
Are you sure it's not your bank account canceling the order?
My bank called me to verify my Coinbase transfers were legitimate once, so it may be a similar case for you
what are my options besides coinbase?
Coinbase cancelled my buy order for 50 Litecoin when it was $20 each months ago... I thought they bamboozled me.
Months went by (like 2)... and I received an email saying it was their fault and allowed me to buy in again for the same price I tried to the first time... Litecoin was $47 at that point so I said fuck yes. Lol.
Also, buy chainlink you fucking retards.
Women like fat, outgoing, guys, it reminds them of their dad.
Same, I tired like five times and later got a call from my bank. After that it worked.
tfw, even if I got a six pack my entire stomach is covered in stretch marks.
>tfw don't work out at all and my body looks like shit but my vagina bones still show
most important lines tb.h
I had recently received my inheritance from last of grandparents and I tried to make a buy of 1k on CB but it wouldn't let me, even though the funds were in my account. My account limit is set to $1k max daily, would have put me over. Check with your bank yet?
Google, depends what you are trying to buy, BTC? ETH? LTC? There are lots of other exchanges.
Your vagina bones? What the fuck are those
>tfw even if i get a six pack my face is disfigured and so fucking hideous that it wont matter
pls be in london
Fuck yeah, Dylan is the man. I bet she fucked him soooo hard. Seriously love that shit
Pic related?
No one likes fatties, porker. Not even other guys.
Most likely it's your fraud protection on your card. I always have to try a purchase, reply to an automated text message saying it's me buying, and then try two more times before the purchase goes through.
Are you the guy that posted before about being so ugly that money doesn't matter
i like eating more.
>no one likes fatties
Ever one loves a phattie with a qt face
Fatty detected. Go be fat somewhere else.
I was thinking the exact same thing, this is coming from a fit ex service member; maybe this is a basement neet thing
What if I told you, you can eat a lot, and still have that body? Those bodies on the photos aren't sustainable at 1700 calories. Most of them would be on around 3000-4000 calories. (reverse dieting)
It's all confidence man, stop being a cuck! Start by selling all your Bancor and Paragon
whos this bitch? i would buy whatever shes selling
Paragon's CEO
CEO of scamcoin Paragoncoin
wtf lmao
lmao that bitch surely is living the dream eh
with biztard's money