Hey Veeky Forums, I'm just curious as to how the ancient Assyrians would have looked like. I've noticed the modern Assyrians have features ranging from brown/Arab to European or Caucasoid, I've even met one ginger Assyrian. What would have caused this level of high genetic diversity when they were essentially isolated from the rest of the Arab world due to their Christian faith? Just how much genetic admixture did the ancient Assyrians have and how much would it have affected modern day Assyrians?
Assyrian Genetics
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it could be that with these small insular groups that dont marry with outsiders like assyrians, samaritans and druze end up expressing more recessive genes then they otherwise would with a bigger gene pool. A form of inbreeding I guess. Gingers are fairly common in the levant and in northern mesopatamian populations and they tend to have more european facial features then the non-gingers as well. Originally, the fertile crescent was much more fertile then it is today, originally there were no deserts there and the climate was cooler. There would also be left over genetics from the ice age. The original population in the levant were the "old europeans" best represented by sardinians and haplogroup K, this is found in the mdna group of levantine and northern mesopatamian ethnicities, and ashkenazi jews. The J haplogroup is ydna that was brought with male invaders or migrants
What about the R1b haplogroup? I've noticed the Assyrians have a fair bit of it in their DNA. Wasn't the J haplogroups part of the native Assyrian DNA along with the T haplogroup to begin with?
Assyrians and Armenians are genetically identical.
So they are both a mixture of Semites, Caucasians and Indo-Europeans.
I don't know much at all about assyrian genetics, but I would say yes, J would probably be part of their native DNA. J would have been introduced long before assyrians as an ethnicity were around.
R1b is at about 20% in syria and is its own subclade so its not from european contribution, I'd say its the same with assyrian r1b. r1b is probably correlated with rufism in the middle east.
R1b came from Assyria originally, could be back migration too
It didn't. R originates in Siberia and R1b in Europe.
Armenians have R1b because of Yamna settlers and Assyrians have it because they are the same as Armenians.
Very interesting, so we could say that Assyrians can be separated into three genetic groups due to their ancient admixture with certain groups. The Semitic ones would be more brown, the Caucasoid ones would be more pale, similar to the Armenians, and the Indo-European ones would be more European looking (red faced, blue eyes, blonde or ginger hair, etc), then we'd have them probably mix with each other rather as they lived in seclusion from the Arab world for the most part.
External features aren't that important on a genetic level, they don't account for a lot of genetic material.
So what do external features come from if not genetics?
Where do* sorry phone posting.
Not based on Ancient DNA but speculation.
Although it is both harder to acquire very old bones from Middle East as well as extract DNA of reasonable quality from them, the results so far show 0% R1b in Middle East and 100% R1b and R1a in Eastern European Hunter Gatherers.
Assyrians don't have any Indo-European admixture and Armenians have very little Indo-European admixture
Because apparent phenotype judgements are not accurate compared to genotype classificatios. I think this is easy to understand.
Cro magnon shows brachycephalic cranium in europe over time, and they don't show asiatic haplogroups admixture in those brachy skulls.
Isn't this example enough for you to understand that appearance judgements are nothing now that science has genetics?
why do syrians have it?
Regardless of the amount it should be noted when the subject is the Indo-European R1b found among Assyrians and Armenians.
semites are caucasoid
>, and the Indo-European ones would be more European looking (red faced, blue eyes, blonde or ginger hair, etc),
that is actually "old european" middle eastern farmer population
Your genes literally determine how you will look like.
it comes from genetics its just not that important on the genetic level, like you can have different ethnicities of the same haplogroup/groups, but external features a bit different. For example that afghan tribe thats almost entirely blond or ginger with light eyes, is the same haplogroup wise as their darker neighbhours. Jews aren't that different genetically to other semites but have always been noted as fairer skinned and more ginger then their neighbhours/host populations in the middle east
Semites originate from Africa, Caucasoids come from the Caucus mountains.
Sumerians were Indo-European, you don't think the Assyrians would have attained some of these genes found in Mesopotamia?
That's why genetic studies stomp appearance judgements.
>Semites originate from Africa
>Caucasoids come from the Caucus mountains.
>Sumerians were Indo-European
>Semites originate from Africa, Caucasoids come from the Caucus mountains.
caucasoid is a phenotype shared even by indians. Europeans didn't come from the caucasus mountains
Do you understand how geography works?
Europeans had to come from Caucasus mountains at some point.
not btw
Are you saying desert dwelling Arabs are Caucasoids?
Why is this such a hard concept to grasp? All of their artistic depictions show them to be of fair complexion with blue eyes. They most likely migrated from the west coast of India and settled in southern Mesopotamia. Heck, they didn't even speak a Semitic language. What were they if not Indo-European?
geography doesn't work, its mental masturbation not a machine or a physical system. And you're wrong anyway, people migrated to europe through the mediterranean sea and anatolia
I'm not "white", you mongrel.
phenotypically thats usually the case
non-indo-european caucasians, there's some chirka ethnicity that is a perfect match genetically
They don't. They literally called themselves black-headed people. And their blue eyes were a sign of some kind of divine power (that's why even their animals have blue eyes). They also didn't know horses or chariots before they were introduced by Indo-Europeans. Their language is also clearly non Indo-European.
And of course blue eyes didn't come from Indo-Europeans but from Western Hunter-Gatherers. The oldest one were found in an individual from Spain long before any Indo-European migration.
>They literally called themselves black-headed people.
thats referring to their hair
What's the point in making the distinction between Semites and caucasians if they're the same?
Yes. So what makes you think they were Indo-Europeans if outside of blue eyes (but dark blue, not light blue) nothing about them is Indo-European?
Anatolia is mental masturbation, not a physical entity in the real world. The very idea of it relies on that which does not work, geography that is.
right, its not like the land calls itself anatolia. Whats the point though?
Note: I am from the group which you are referring to.
>What would have caused this level of high genetic diversity when they were essentially isolated from the rest of the Arab world due to their Christian faith?
First of all, they are isolated from each other. It is a mountainous region.
Second of all, many of them - essentially those known as "Assyrians" proper - did not live in the "Arab world" in the sense that they did not live near large groups of Arabs. Instead, they lived among Kurds and Azeri Turks. I say "lived" because they were the most attacked or ethnically cleansed subgroup with the largest diaspora today. The other subgroups live among Kurds and Turks but also many Arabs. This itself forms one line of isolation among themselves.
Of course, Kurds and Azeri Turks were majority Muslim, but there are also Armenians and it's not a case of them being "genetically identical" as another poster said but a case of 'interaction' over the centuries, you know.
And don't forget that Armenians lived across the Middle East, so this did not affect the subgroups geographically nearest to them alone. That diaspora is probably the cause of it in the first place.
Third of all, besides Christian Arabs existing in the Levant, many of whom also retained Aramaic until the end of the Middle Ages, you may not know that the Persian Gulf region included a few Arabian Christian strongholds and academies that were only taken over a little while before the Portuguese arrived. They produced one celebrated Aramaic writer known as St. Isaac, from Qatar. Unlike Levantines at the time he was certainly an Arab. He moved to Assyria/Kurdistan and there was constant contact as the Persian Gulf was a chief route of contact for the Church of the East.
The Western subgroup of "Assyrians" - and to reinforce the fact of their isolation from each other, many would not accept this name "Assyrian" being applied to themselves - are claimed to be the descendants of Arameans.
why are you assuming there's a distinction made? there's three meanings to caucasian:
colloqial meaning is white people
technical meaning encompasses middle eastern and lots of south asian people
third meaning and probably the most true meaning is peoples of the caucus region
You refuted your first statement with the second.
im not the guy who thinks they were indo-european, but indo-europeans weren't/aren't all blond or ginger.
anatolia is a word/ concept representing something physical
So Anatolia is a concept of geography.
>They most likely migrated from the west coast of India and settled in southern Mesopotamia
There were no Indo-Europeans in India back then
>Modern historians have suggested that Sumer was first permanently settled between c. 5500 and 4000 BC by a West Asian people who spoke the Sumerian language (pointing to the names of cities, rivers, basic occupations, etc., as evidence), an agglutinative language isolate.[3][4][5][6]
>The Indo-Iranian language and culture emerged at the Sintashta culture (c. 2100–1800 BCE), at the eastern border of the Yamna horizon and the Corded ware culture,[2] growing into the Andronovo culture (c. 1800–800 BCE). Indo-Aryans moved into the Bactria–Margiana Archaeological Complex (c. 2300–1700 BCE) and spread to the Levant (Mitanni), northern India (Vedic people, c. 1500 BCE)
>their blue eyes were a sign of some kind of divine power
desu there's speculation their priestly class was an import from Vinca culture.
>blue eyes didn't come from Indo-Europeans but from Western Hunter-Gatherers
>Sumerians were Indo-European
They likely were similar to modern. Maybe slightly more steppe shifted.
One word. Hulagu.
But the dead guy is an Arab?
>Proto-Semitic is a hypothetical reconstructed language ancestral to the historical Semitic languages. A 2009 study proposes that it was spoken from about 5400 BCE,[1] in South West Asia, during the transition from the Neolithic to the Chalcolithic (Copper Age). There is no consensus regarding the location of the Proto-Semitic urheimat; scholars hypothesize that it may have originated in the Arabian Peninsula, the Levant, the northern Nile Valley, or Upper Mesopotamia.
Why are Iraqi Assyrians darker than other Assyrians?
new statistical evidence shows semitic origintedi n the levant
its all hypothetical though, a best guess
>Why are Iraqi Assyrians darker than other Assyrians?
They either have some iraqi arab admixture or have less caucasian admixtures(probably both). Some assyrians mixed with caucasians such as armenians.
This is I haven't noticed that personally, but not all of those "from Iraq" are indigenous to it but more than a few are refugees/descendants of refugees from southeastern Turkey after Ottomans declined and fell - in any case that was the closest subgroup to those of Iraq, and that same group of refugees may be the majority of those in Syria.
A couple possible factors if what you're saying is true are (a) the climate and (b) South Asian immigration to the Middle East - and the group with the closest religious ties are Dravidians - and (c) since Christianity declined in Babylonia, migrants may have gone north. Those refugees from Turkey may have been influenced the same way as (c) in the first place.
Armenians lived nearly everywhere Assyrians lived. Arabs lived (since the Caliphates fell) where some of them lived, but not all.
>Semites originate from Africa
You Assyrians are Anatolo-Iranians(J1 and J2) larping whiile your Semite masters were E1b1b
The Chad Semite vs The Virgin Hurrian.
I thought black headed people had just bad skin.
This is the dumbest post I've seen all week.
Were not Semitic speeches born in Eastern Africa ?
Why are some people living in hotter lands darker skinned in those living in other less hot lands?
Is Iraq really that hotter than turkey, iran, syria?
Former Assyrian Turkey
Wikipedia states winter temperatures in Hakkari can be -4 F
Yes. Iran and other countries can be hot but they aren't surrounded by primarily seas of sands like Iraq is or made up of.