If the Normans never won, would England still have developed a common law legal system?
If the Normans never won, would England still have developed a common law legal system?
it would be even more common
Alfred the Great established common law over 100 years before the conquest
Why does mosley have grey skin? Just saying, black and white photographs are not a result of the lack of colour back in those days
Common law and legal administration were hallmarks of the Anglos.
>Alfred the Great established common law over 100 years before the conquest
Yeah but he was a kiddy diddler so pedo was part of his common law.
The normans fucking died out.
>Yeah but he was a kiddy diddler
What the fuck are you saying?
What do you mean died out? They weren't all killed pal, they survived and are still present in England and Normandy
Who represents your Norman genes If your King can't have any children
Norman just refers to inhabitants of Normandy of Viking descent. Something like 8000 migrated to England and it's unlikely none of them had children
Nah its the meme that Anglo aren't white, /pol/ can't make them dark skinned as they clearly aren't so they make them look like vampires, hence ayran blood refinery. Basically make them look evil, soulless, pantomime villains that are used to scare the white kids at night.
Anglo-Saxons had already developed legal systems. However these legal systems differed from the eminently 'common' variety introduced by Henry II.
People in the thread fail to differentiate between the presence of a legal system and the ability for all men (except slaves lmao) to initiate litigation.
Things like novel diseissin and mort d'ancestor and the grand/petty assizes introduced by Henry II (which were exceptionally popular) did not exist in Anglo-Saxon England. Furthermore the legal developments under Henry II were 'common' in the sense that they were readily available to all men - a writ could be obtained fairly easily/quickly and for a fairly modest fee, whilst litigation in Anglo-Saxon England (and indeed in early Norman England - was largely restricted to the nobility.
As for the question, the Anglo-Norman state was more administratively and economically developed than its Norman counterpart in 1066, so I think it's likely that a truly common legal system would have developed at around the same point in time.
girls prefer dark hair to blond
Dolph is the peak of humanity
yes, the germanic aryan race is truly gorgeous
i must be some weird exception, i've primarily and almost only been attracted to blonde men/boys, or at least lighter hair shades, since i was little
hey, cherry picking the ugly ones isn't any more fair than cherry picking the hadnsome ones
Glad someone else has realized this.
Yes, and it would have been a better one.
Why can't we Krauts and Anglos just ally?
>hey, cherry picking the ugly ones isn't any more fair than cherry picking the hadnsome ones
maybe that's because he's specifically trying NOT to be fair because he's lampooning the other guy
irl, they mostly have. You'll only find this kind of sperging on /int/ and /pol/.
Do you really have to ask?
dolph isn't even german
What do you refer to with irl
You generally don't see Brits and Germans in real life arguing about how the other isn't truly "white" or "european." They'll have political disagreements of course (especially concerning the EU), but nothing ever as autistic as
you realise it's just banter right?
>amerimutts can't into banter still
they're not bees
Tbh alfred too was probably on the receiving end before he becume cyning
The divide and conquer strats of jidf are very potent sadly.