I hate my job. How do I get enough money to not have to work? Should i spend all my money on bitcoins?
Yea what could possibly go wrong
Well nothing has went wrong for everyone that's done it before me over the last 8 years.
>I work too hard check out my 3 series xDDDD
Ever heard "Past performance is not an indicator of future outcomes"?
Actually no.
If all data ever points upwards, why the fuck would you doubt the trend to keep on?
>Quick note, BTC hasn't always gone up...
Maybe they worked super hard and saved and saved to buy that heavily depreciating shitbox
What data points anywhere?
Wagecucking until the day I die if these bags don't moon. Hold me bros.
Honestly the "wagecuck" meme might be the single most psychologically damaging meme on Veeky Forums outside of r9k. I don't know a ton of successful people, but all the happy people I know who have millions of dollars and are considered a 'success' by all accounts have "wagecucked" for a significant portion of their career.
As you get older you realize more and more how important perspective and outlook is. Imagine the difference between some red-eyed Veeky Forums faggot going to work who's mental framework is "another day wagecucking, woe is me", vs. someone who goes to work and views it as an opportunity to [gain experience, bolster discipline, grow socially, get a great recommendation for the future, etc etc etc]. You faggots are killing yourselves with your own minds. And the ironic part is the positive outlook I described is the best first step to escaping "wagecucking".
God damn I should charge for the gold I post on this stupid forum.
Nice LARP cuck
I don't understand how anyone can enjoy working.
If I wanted to LARP on Veeky Forums I'd do something juicy on pol. Keep using any excuse to reject good advice and see where that gets you.
I'm not saying I have all the answers. But be careful to avoid the "how it is now is how it will forever be" mental trap. For example in my 2nd job I had long brutal periods, but as my responsibilities grew the job became much more enjoyable.
Enjoy getting replaced by AI robots within 5 years. Wagecucks are gonna get btfo once they're replaced and will realize that everyone is a dispensable commodity in the eyes of corporations
If you ain't watching what's being developed right now you're bound to be shocked in the next couple of years. Pro tip: Don't get any mortgage that will take longer than 10 years to pay off
>thinks not working has anything to do with money
happy retirement grandpa
First of all you're a dispensable commodity whether or not you are a "wagecuck". That's the whole point. The game is to become an owner of said commodities, and "wagecucking" is a perfectly suitable avenue to initiate that process, and most importantly what you get out of something relies to a large extent on your perspective when you're doing it (also applies to "NEET"s). That's the point. But you guys get caught up in the details and instinctively defend your entrenched position perhaps due to insecurity.
>God damn I should charge for the gold I post on this stupid forum.
this is not somehow groundbreaking
a lot of tech-industry faggots in California
are absolutely "obsessed" with maintaining
a positive mindset and shit like that. but it becomes extremely fake & gay because it's *forced*. i'm not against "positivity" if someone is genuinely happy and thankful for their wagecuckery, but most people fake it and it's very obvious. the entire "corporate culture" becomes this extremely phony ploy to force everyone to smile and be happy and shit like that and if you ever frown or raise real concerns, you're seen as a negative person, someone who should be removed.
anyway, to cut to the chase, if you think being positive works well for you and will get you the outcome you most desire, go for it.
some of us "Veeky Forums faggots" enjoy the negative mental framework because to us it's more real, and truthful, and the pain is what makes us feel something rather than the typical "tee hee let's go get trendy faggot coffee and lunches and make pointless office gossip".
when i used to work i was just a zen robot and got my tasks done. that's the way i like it. i hated all this gay shit like team building and company outtings and office parties. whatever. to each their own. i'm the type of employee that others believe will snap and go shooting the place up, but instead the reality is that i'm going home, being an alcoholic or getting my dick wet with either whores or bar sluts.
the job just pays for the bills, living expenses, freedom. compared to my current living situation, being a wagecuck was not the worst thing to go through. getting btfo on a few bad crypto trades is much more stressful.
eh, i disagree, because it depends on what your position is...most people are wagecucking and earning only a fucking tiny fraction of what they could be getting paid given the amount of work they're doing. the whole wagecuck meme hinges on the fact that workers get fucked over by their boss/owner because the boss/owner gets a much larger share of the profits compared to the bi-weekly paycheck given to the employees who do most of the work and have to get dicked by both internal office stress and, if they are client-facing, dealing with stress from customers.
so the criticism is that by wagecucking you're just making enough to live and maybe enjoy some gay entertainment like netflix or $9 drinks at the bar on weekends, but you're not really earning enough to free yourself from the wagecuck cycle and become an owner of assets or your own company.
so it really depends. if someone's earning $200K as an employee, i don't think most Veeky Forums fuckos would call that guy a solid wagecuck because he's pretty high up on the food chain. sure, he might have had to work his way up there, or maybe he got there through connections. who knows. i just disagree that it's a "suitable avenue to initiate that process". no it's not. you don't need to be a wagecuck first to then start your own company later, or to acquire assets through your own intelligence. a smart guy working part-time as a bartender, is technically wagecucking, but is much better off than your typical officedrone working full-time. and the bartender could be developing his own nifty invention on his free time or banging hotties. doesn't matter. if wagecuckery was a great option, 80-90% of people wouldn't be so miserable and "hate their job".
I hear what you're saying, but I'm not advocating phoniness. I just believe that language, and memes are actually important and affect people more than they might realize. I know that when I work at my job, I'm pouring my energy into something to make someone else rich and if he felt it beneficial to him he'd fuck me over. I'm aware of all these dynamics which lead to working for someone else being described as "wagecucking". And I don't think it's ideal in any way - that's why I'm trying to escape. But I am trying to win no matter what. Keep in mind that when looking at a 8 ounce cup with 4 ounce of water in it as half empty or half full, neither person is deluding themselves or being phony. It's just a question of perspective. You can choose to utilize that power in your favor or ignore it and get fucked by it. I'm just trying to explain to you how I look at this stuff because as a matter of fact I can't stand people who delude themselves into fake happiness...yet I still take advantage of choosing to focus on the things in a way that will benefit me vs. a way that will ultimately damage me.
Also I think you're conflating things with your talking smack on office gossip all the social aspects of working in an office. That's just part of being in society and you have to deal with it whether you're a wagecuck, an entrepreneur or anything else. And if you're not a natural at it, it's best to stay humble and try and get a little better, rather than dismiss everybody who does it and live in your own bubble, which is in fact a way of deluding yourself/phoniness just like what you were describing you don't like.
I have 2 uncles who "wagecucked" at offices, went to business school, then continued to "wagecuck" and ended up making mid 6 figure to seven figures. Once they reach that upper level there is also an element of cushiness to the job (although still plenty of stress/responsibility). Didn't get their jobs through any special connection other than networking in school. Both are happy guys with great lives.
And yeah nowadays you can pretty easily save up enough to start a business from "wagecucking". It's cheaper than it ever has been.
Look man, I'm not even trying to defend "wagecucking" as opposed to NEETdom. Just pointing out that whichever you choose there are plenty of positives, and it pains me a little to think of people who are "wagecucking" going to work with this essentially poisonous meme needlessly implanted in their head, when with a different focus and some motivation and drive they could have much better outcomes.
I am a NEET.
I will be a millionaire.
uhhh what's going on in that gif
no but seriously, what is it
it's just a neck massage you mongoloid
her pussy is getting pounded by bbc
why did it give me a huge boner then
That's just Cub. She is smol
How did you make it?
How did you stoped working?
It is all a scam to makes joung foljs think that if they trade cryptocoins they will not work anymore?
I don't understand how can someone plow your mom, yet she's sucking off a different guy every day.
>And yeah nowadays you can pretty easily save up enough to start a business from "wagecucking". It's cheaper than it ever has been.
like what?