People on the left are especially defensive against any criticism of Islam as being "Islamophobic" despite not being Muslims themselves and the fact that the religion in both ideology and practice is the the antithesis to what most liberals believe (gay rights, women's rights, sexual freedom...). Why is this and how did it come about?
Why have many in the west become so defensive about Islam?
Because wh*tes have no backbone.
this is true
They defend Muslims not Islam
Without trying to sound like /pol/, multi-culturist brainwashing. Ever since non-Western immigrants have coming to the Western world, they have been defended by societal institutions (mass media, schools, politicians) without rational thought. The 'man in the street' is quite indoctrinated by now. I have no explanation for this phenomenon. Like you pointed out the people who defend islam the hardest, are most of the time all so proponents of progressive values, gay and women's rights etc, which are the opposite of the values of islam. I have yet to find a non-muslim advocate of islam who is able to reconcille this paradox. I chalk it up to blind group think.
The white left hate white culture and white people so very much they will defend whatever seems to have a shot at destroying them, even if it goes completely against whatever else they claim to believe.
group think that doesn't tolerate dissent
and no I'm not a right winger
Because I'm not a liberal, women should know their place, theives SHOULD have their hands chopped off.
This. It's a reaction to the right's growing anti-Muslim sentiments.
Not judging individuals for the excesses of the group and defending people's right to disagree with you are the core tenets of liberalism, even if the liberals are often guilty of ignoring them.
that's definitely not true
>Written by a Muslim
Doesn't count
I'm not talking reactions to terrorism or anything "excessive" about Islam. I'm talking about what most Muslims actually believe and practice. They hate gay's more than the far right does but it seems that most liberals are willing to completely overlook that. Is it the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of thinking maybe?
I'm guessing you're referring to I didn't get that she was a Muslim out of the article at all
That seems like too simple an explanation. Could it be possible that the right's anti-Muslim sentiments are a reaction to the left's over defensive pro-Muslim sentiments....we could talk in circles all day
No, the right's anti-muslim sentiments are in response to the rise of extremist Islamic groups and terror attacks.
Read her other article
>In my particular case, being half Mexican, half Lebanese, and identifying as a Muslim woman
Ι tried to convince a group of peers that the Quran openly encourages war to the infidel by directly quoting it and they were so in denial they told me the translation must be wrong
Because border control sounds like right wing thinking, and the left (predominant in social network and mass media) bases all of its intellectual development in being as anti conservative as possible
Reaction. The recent rise of far right ideologies, which took to an offensive against Islam, triggered a hard reaction by the left.
>In my particular case, being half Mexican, half Lebanese, and identifying as a Muslim woman
The absolute fucking state of America
Well people have this thing called "empathy" where they see someone being treated like shit, imagine themselves in that situation and realize how awful it is, so they work to minimize those situations as much as possible.
which is ironic because they're overreaching in trying to be as pro-Muslim/accepting as possible is backfiring and just pushes more and more people further to the right
To be fair this goes both ways, which is why you get people on the right denying basic science just to differentiate themselves from people on the left
They don't "side" with it. They just have the audacity to believe that people should be given the same rights and treated the same way regardless of their religion. Of course we conservatives know that things like "Civil Rights" and "Freedom" are limited physical resources and to let a Muslim have them means it gets taken away from a Christian, Just like how when Gays got the right to marry we had to take away the right to marry from Straights because there just aren't enough civil rights to go around.
Kinda sad how most of modern politics have degenerated into contrarian bullshit.
What's pretty incredible is how third-world migrants who fled their countries for the West because the inferior cultures/religions of said countries results in them being shitholes are being allowed by Westerners to bring said inferior cultures/religions with them instead of being forced to assimilate superior Western lifestyle
This results in the third-worldization of the West (very noticable in places like Paris, Mrseille, Malmo or London)
What the fuck are you even on about? When did I say anything about taking their rights away or not allowing them to practice their religion? You're just the kind of over-sensitive person I'm talking
>They just have the audacity to believe that people should be given the same rights and treated the same way regardless of their religion.
Religion = ideology
Unlike race, it dictates how you behave
Would you treat a nazi like anyone else regardless of his ideology?
>People on the left are especially defensive against any criticism of Islam as being "Islamophobic"
Wrong, you can always cherrypick a few exemple but as is saying the left is merely opposing muslims being insulted or 'oppressed', as they do with every minority group.
>Why is this and how did it come about?
The real question would be why the far-right is using leftist ideology to criticize islam when an allience would be possible and in the interest of the preservation of traditionnal values in the west.
Some people do. A depressing number of people don't, and yet we allow them to participate in society with the freedoms that the rest of us enjoy.
Where in London is third world? I'd be fascinated to know. I live in London and haven't noticed, and I've visited the third world a lot so I'd know when I saw those conditions. So where in London do you mean?
you sound like a self-important ass hole
>the right's anti-muslim sentiments are in response to the rise of extremist Islamic groups and terror attacks
Nah both you and i know that the right-wing would have had anti-muslim sentiments regardless of terror attacks happening, or not.
>They just have the audacity to believe that people should be given the same rights and treated the same way regardless of their religion
that's funny, because the muslims that they defend don't.
Underrated post
>The real question would be why the far-right is using leftist ideology to criticize islam when an allience would be possible and in the interest of the preservation of traditionnal values in the west.
Most Western ''Conservatives'' are just Classical Liberals. Real Conservatism died in the West during the ''Enlightenment'' and French revolution. There are no real western conservatives today.
because muslims are a useful cudgel for anti-white activism by jews and leftists
That sure is a good reason to enable muslim rape gangs like the ones at Cologne, in Rotherham etc. Protecting muslims from racism by enabling their worst
>So where in London do you mean?
Greenfield Tower? Any other muslim or african burrow, you have jamaican gangs chopping up people
It's not a matter of empathy. If you come to another country, especially a country built around an entirely different system of values, you can't expect that your views and customs are going to be accepted by the population, or even the law. If you don't like it there, go to a country more apt for you (if you are fron the middle east, you have the far east/malaya region or the maghreb, or even pakistan) or adopt the customs, rather than crying because the evil white boi won't stop opressing you. If you don't like western values, why the fuck do you migrate to the West?
>because muslims are a useful cudgel for anti-white activism by jews and leftists
Muslims aren't a race and most Jews, especially Israeli ones despise Muslims with a passion that cannot be contained and vice versa. It's borderline genocidal.
this doesn't explain the trend of leftists converting to Islam
before you say dismiss it for being a foxnews clip, do you think CNN or the guardian is going to cover something like this?
Because modern leftism and historically entire socialist and progressive movements in the West are spiritual children of Christianity. Yet unlike Christianity, they offer only guilt, never the redemption. That is inherent problem of the West since French Revolution.
Islam is by far the most resistant religion in the world to Western liberal ideas.
That's why hate Islam
This, Israelis and Arabs have hatred for each other that not even KKK had for Africans.
*I hate
>Because modern leftism and historically entire socialist and progressive movements in the West are spiritual children of Christianity.
Thanks for the good laugh mate.
That's a broad generalization. there are a lot of muslims who defend the rights of others even in muslim countries
That is the truth, you can not see from where they take their moral values?
Except the left's definition of "oppressed" is extremely broad and only selectively applicable to "their groups" like Muslims and not say, like conservatives on college campuses.
>Muslims aren't a race
they effectively are in the West, as leftists focus on enabling muslims in the sense of enabling middle-easterners (they don't extend the same xenophilia to Bosnians). The somalies are treated the same way as other blacks, with the magic negro reverence etc.
>most Jews, especially Israeli ones despise Muslims with a passion that cannot be contained and vice versa.
They are against having them in Israel or as enemies of Israel. Jewish political organizations and money flow to enable African and Muslims migration into Europe. Similar to how jews in the US are for mass-nonwhite migration to the US, and against non-jewish immigration to Israel. Not a day goes by that jews in the media are not freaking out over the Trump immigration policies, and that they might lead to a larger share of the population becoming white. Ben Shapiro has the same stance here as nearly any left-wing jew
>People on the left are...
Some are, some aren't. Many people don't mind criticism of Islam at all - they just don't want to see all Middle Easterners / North Africans (a group that includes atheists, moderate Muslims, radical Muslims, and members of other religions) painted as radical Muslims. The number of leftists who would actually compliment Islam is pretty small.
In the sense of having a slave morality, they are
Because they're immigrants, with problems of assimilation, basically the proletariat of the XXI century in the eyes of some retarded leftists.
The public's eyes on Islam is radically changing these days and those defenses and stances are harder and harder to hold. That is why Brexit happened, and why Merkel is currently in difficulty in Germany. France has elected Macron who has done nothing but harden the immigration policies, and always made a clear distinction between war refugees (who would warrant protection), and economic immigrants who want money and jobs, the latter having no rights to do so.
>you can not see from where they take their moral values?
The values of leftists and Liberals come from the ''Enlightenment'' which was basically a complete and utter rejection of everything Christianity believed in.
there are also far right people who convert to islam so i don't really think it mean anything
Cologne and Rotherham were North Africans and Pakistanis, not middle easterners
>Muslims aren't a race
Can someone explain this to all the liberals who scream "racist" when talking about Islam. Face it, liberals just view Islam as the "brown person religion"
The Enlightenment took the moral values of Christ and made them secular.
Depends what leftists you are talking about.
True liberals who believe in universal values and rights stem from the enlightement. The real tragedy is when some retards and so called liberals negate that shit and say your rights, your values depend on where you come from and what color your skin is.
It's actually going backward ! What is the point of universalism if you're going to say it's not really universal and some rules shouldn't apply to everyone ?
You are correct. I know some Bosnians and Albanians who look "white" and get their shit out of triggering Westerners. When Westerner accuse them of anything, they simply reply they are Muslim.
They say "islamophobic", but yeah, you're right, some are indeed racist and assimilate all arabs or brown person as a muslim
>The Enlightenment took the moral values of Christ and made them secular.
I can't breathe.
Its the truth.
From where do ideas of universal human rights come from? There is a reason there was no Enlightenment in Islamic or Hindu world.
Which would be funny if not for the fact that Arabs, Turks, Iranians are among the most racist people on planet.
When i say leftists i mean ALL leftists, including Liberals. The ''Enlightenment'' thinkers had nothing, but pure contempt for Christianity and it's values. People really don't how much Christianity and Islam were similar before Christianity was basically culled. No ''Christian'' today practices Christianity.
You mean empathy for everyone who isn't a Muslim in the Middle east? Or maybe empathy for all the women who will have to follow sharia law? Or is it empathy for the gay guy who will get executed or go to jail if he's lucky enough to live in the west? Maybe it's empathy for the guy who lost his job because he got labelled as a racist for handing out American flags at work? It's almost as if this "empathy" you speak of is only a justification for virtue signalling and reinforcing your hate of anyone you're in the mood to label the "oppressor" that day
Have you ever read New Testament and Quran?
Jesus and Muhammad are polar opposites.
>Have you ever read New Testament and Quran?
Subtle, real subtle.
We had a bosnian war refugee in our class, she was a gypsy. She smelled bad and everyone hated her. She was presented to us as the typical bosnian.
And there's also that. If we don't start to really hit the nail in the head, the reaction that will come after will be even worse against the european muslims. That's what they don't realize too, they always want more things, more visibility, which of course is annoying when you got free of that shit with christianity just sooner.
Yeah you're right, and I'm not pretending christianity inspired the enlightement or shit like that, I just wanted to say that some leftists are straying from universalism, which is retarded and goes against the ideas of enlightement. Basically, pseudo revolutionnaries of today are actually counter revolutionnaries
But they have no empathy for white people even though white people are being treated like shit and worse too?
Come on, stop being edgy fedora and debate if you are capable. Christianity if based on Jesus, not Old Testament for we would not be eating pork if it was.
And yeah, Jesus was pacifist who preached empathy and non-violence. Muhammad was a prophet-warlord.
Yeah, she was probably not Bosnian.
you're kidding right? Apostasy is punishable by death in most Muslim countries? That they execute homosexuals? That practicing another religion is either flat out illegal or severely restricted? Listen, I don't deny that there are a lot of good Muslims out there and some bad ones that are just the victim of the culture they live grew up in but Muslim countries are some of the most bigoted and oppressive countries on the planet right now....that "broad generalization" is actual legal code in Muslim countries right now
>Yet unlike Christianity, they offer only guilt, never the redemption
You mean exactly like Christianity, right ?
if we can't make generalizations about people then we can't talk about anything.
>Nazi's are bad
>Some are, some aren't
>People are starving in North Korea
>Some are, some aren't
You never bothered to read New Testament?
Not him but yeah, it's terrible how backwards it has gotten, especially when you compare it to the after decolonization, when it was still ok. Iran and Irak invasion (thanks Bush), really ruined everything for everyone.
I'm sorry to say this, but we need Mohammed Al Luther
Go to Turkey, Iran or any Arab country and demand more rights and more media presence for black people there, small as their percentage might be.
See the laughter.
>b..but they're all brown people who need help!!!!
You realize it's all a giant scam, right ?
>Never met a Muslim in his life
>Never asked a Christian minority from the Middle East, (excluding Israel) about they're opinions on Muslims that constitute over 90% of the 'said country'
>bases his entire scope of view in what he read from a media publication surrounding said event/individual
Whether it is a scam or not matters not in the end. What matters is that it provides morals and social cohesion to group. That is all.
Christian Arabs are getting killed left and right like crazy in last 30 years in MENA region and yet you hardly ever hear of their plight in the Western media.
Yeah, most of those regimes are oppressive as fuck and don't give a single shit to minorities. "Moderate" Islamism is a complete meme. The only thing which worked more or less were the dictatures, and maybe now modern Tunisia which is trying democracy.
Only ONE country in the whole arab spring shit managed to more or less get through. The rest is a complete disaster
So you admit redemption doesn't actually exist ?
god hates fags
Because all they care about is skin color even though /pol/ is made up of self hating spics and mutts
Now, she had a Bosnian ID and Bosnian nationality. No need to be mad about your countrymen's identity, gypsy.
Tunisia has slave markets where you can buy a black as worker or sex slave just like in entire Northern Africa.
What I believe does not matter. But yes, Christ does offer redemption, at least according to New Testament. You fail to see that religion provides morals and social cohesion to group, that is its most important aspect.
Since you're going to be a disingenuous cretin and play pretend OT isn't supposed to be followed i will state it for you. Jesus said the OT was the word of God and that he would not change a single law in it. Modern day Christians are de facto apostates who stopped following Christianity a LONG time ago.
>And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.
>Leviticus 11:7-8
>But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying with his head covered, disgraces his head. But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is the same as if she were shaven. For if a woman is not covered, let her be shaven. But if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her cover her head. A man indeed ought not to cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God. But woman is the glory of man. For man was not created for woman, but woman for man. This is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority over her head, because of the angels.
>Corinthians, chapter 11.
>If a man commits adultery with another mans wife, with the wife of his neighbour, both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.
> Leviticus 20:10:
Actually, I am a Croat. Bosnian people do not look like gypsy people. Your country got scammed.
what are you even trying to say?
Luther was a puritan who despised the pagan influences in Christianity and wanted it removed. He didn't care about what you consider ''backwards'' and would have agreed more with ISIS than any modern day Christian.
Jesus acted differently in every aspect of his life, he acted contrary to Jewish law.
I am not religious myself, but I do have enough intellectual honesty to see why I do not stone women today and why in certain countries they do.
>I am a Croat
You can be gypsy and a Croat too.
>Bosnian people do not look like gypsy people
Bosnian nationality makes her a Bosnian, so Bosnian people do look like gypsy people. Why are you so upset?
because they think everyone right of far-left is like this
we already have an islamic reformation, it's called wahhabism
Ah, but that is not what Western liberals want to hear.
It seems more like left wing jews being pro immigration and right wing jews being anti immigration, which ben shapiro is by the way, and he isn't special, he's just an orthodox jew.
>being this much in denial