Convince me to be a Christian
M*Slim lad
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I won't, just kill self.
that picture makes no sense, Luther BTFO'd the pope not the other way round
Be atheist.
Your religion was founded on one guy's lust for political power.
Not an argument merely a statement
You don't have to jihad yourself for Christianity
It describes the true relationship between God and man in a way that doesn't necessitate perpetual bloodshed and or that society conform rigidly to one form or another. It highlights the fact that the real battle is a metaphysical one against the influence and affects of sin and not ultimately any particular embodiment or manifestation of it.
Read more and read the fucking Bible and you'll eventually see the truth of it if you are honest with yourself and God.
>It describes the true relationship between God and man in a way that doesn't necessitate perpetual bloodshed
>*drinks christ's blood every sunday*
>drinking wine as something symbolic of blood is the same as cutting someones head off
The whole point is that Christ's blood was already shed once and for all so there is no need to continue making sacrifices you obtuse memeposter.
uh no honey
Also bacon
2/3 abrahamic religions outlaw pork. For a reason, pleb. God says you shouldn't eat it.
If you read just the Old Testament and 3/4 of the Gospels you are a Muslim by default. It's only how certain people interpret Christ that causes people to think he was God's son. Jesus Christ himself never said this.
>It describes the true relationship between God and man in a way that doesn't necessitate perpetual bloodshed and or that society conform rigidly to one form or another.
But Islam doesn't do this
Christians haved used religion for excuses for war before lad
Muslims accept Jesus as a prophet. Their version of events is that Allah prevented Jesus' death, thereby making his entire existence pointless and leaving no reason to accept him as a prophet.
Of course, once a Muslim realizes Jesus died for us, he hastily converts. Side note, why would God save Jesus and seemingly punish Cuckhammad?
>If I am a false prophet, God will tear my aorta
>This sickness tears at my aorta
>If I am a false prophet, God will tear my aorta
>This sickness tears at my aorta
>Christians haved used religion for excuses for war before lad
I meant, that as a Christian, you don't have to blow the belt, "lad"(nigger)
become an atheist, but have respect for all world religions.
the major world religions contain a huge well of human knowledge, art and poetry. perfect for anyone on a spiritual journey in the 21st century.
wh*Toid """arguments"""
also weren't the Catholics the butthurt ones?
That wasn't my argument, nigger. Ypu're just too insecure about it to focus on anything else.
Why do you assume im non white user? All you said was "blow the belt" what do you mean by this?
I'm not him, but if you use the word nigger, that literally invalidates everything you have to say. Just saying.
I assume he uses nigger as he wants to believe his opponent is lesser than him automatically closing his mind to counter arguments
Of course not, if you read the Quran the reason Muslims worship God is because he sent Jesus, who was immaculately conceived, and performed miracles in the sights of everyone. The very miracles proclaimed in The New Testament, there is no difference in the ideologies.
Except for one thing. Christians proclaim there is a trinity for some reason. I see no justification for this, considering the things that occurred.
Exactly! Mohammad was so convinced of his message that he mentioned if he weren't true, that God himself would send someone to slit his throat. He put his life on the line!
All great prophets put their lives on the line. Jesus included. Bless his soul.
I mean you don't have to see your people living in third world hellholes deprived of the capacity to separate religion and politics without blowing themselves up
Give me a break, I only properly used it when he pointed it out, I even had brackets and everything as an ironic implication
>Mohammad was so convinced of his message that he mentioned if he weren't true, that God himself would send someone to slit his throat.
What did he mean by this?????????
Not OP but am Muslim as well, mind sourcing the other hadith to validate your point?
Trinitarianism is Biblical, but its clear formulation as Christians explain it today is a product of Christological debate and discussion, dealing with the fallout from several heresies, most prominently Arianism- a heresy Mohammad was guilty of.
We are Trinitarians because Christ's life and the Scriptures not only point to it, but because there is absolutely no other way any of this makes coherent sense. The Trinity itself is quite hard to understand, which is why Mohammad had such an easy time spreading his heresy among uncatechized and ignorant Arabians- the Islamic conception of God is simple and "singular" to the point of absurdity, possibly a reaction to the complexity of Christian theology.
Furthermore, Muslims deny the single most important event of Christ's life- His Crucifixion. This is the basis for our entire theology, and crucial to any coherent understanding of His life. It's nice that He turned water into wine and cured the sick, but the point was to demonstrate that Jesus is God. EVERYTHING rests on the crucifixion. It is essential. This is why we display crosses so prominently, even among paranoid iconoclast protestants.
To give you an example, my most beloved hymn, the Paschal Troparion
Christ is risen from the dead,
Trampling down death by death,
And upon those in the tombs
Bestowing life!
Our entire religion revolves around this. By claiming it never happened, and that His message was later "corrupted" by Christians anyway, Muslims unwittingly imply Christ's life was essentially meaningless. I have never encountered any greater blasphemy than this.
>regressing to christainity
Why do you want to be a sissy like whites ?
Why would I want to convince you of that?
Just do what you do already, but don’t be a cunt and kill/hurt people.
You are now identical to most ‘Christians’ in the world.
To this very day
Jesus' death was not meaningless, in fact he is not even dead, and will return to face the anti-Christ at the end times. On the other hand, the meanings you have given a servant and creation of God as "the Son" and one of three components forming the trinitarian "God", are the true blasphemies, and this is what we mean by corruption of the Christian faith.
I meant the other hadith. "May God slit my throat if I was lying". Tried searching for it quickly, nothing came up. Because it's not in the hadith, but in the Qur'an. Concerning at first, but this site made short work of it.
>Nuh uh: The Post
At least try a little, heretic.
My point is His *life* was meaningless if His message had to be "restated" by Mohammad later on. He just showed up, did miracles, and left? What a joke. It comes off quite blatantly as a childish attempt to explain away the Crucifixion and Resurrection.
Christ *had* to be God, or his very existence would have been completely pointless. You Muslims believe everything that passes is as God wills it. Why would He do something so silly, introducing a prophet to the world only to have his message corrupted and have so many people martyred for something untrue?
This is not befitting God.
Have you read the Bible? If not, try that and see what you think.
Any catechized orthodox Christian will tell you describing the Trinity as "components" "forming" God is essentially heresy.
I would encourage you to better understand orthodox Trinitarian theology before you decry it.