Was he a nationalist?
Was he a nationalist?
>nationalism in the 13th century
He was the inheritor of the will of the ancients.
He obviously supported Italian unity. Would that have stopped at the alps, or expanded into the former domain of the Roman Empire? I don't know enough about him to make that judgement.
durrr redet
>wanting a unified italy
he was a proto-romanticist
yes because he was a (((Lombard)))
More like a european cosmopolitan like any other higher echelons of society
He was a stalker
his entire astroturfed legacy is a nationalist meme
>ywn never be so virtuous that your dead beautiful angelic waifu will ensure your safe travel to Heaven
Dante is the /comfy/est of all poets
His conception of Hell is pretty harsh.
He says he descends from the Romans in the inferno
He was a Tuscan.
No he was a fag who self insert into his fan fiction
>Caesar is a righteous pagan who would be in heaven if he lived after Christ
>but the guy who told him to cross the Rubicon is in the 7th circle of Hell
what the fuck did he mean by this
Not really. He advocated for stronger Imperial authority over "the garden of the Empire" and condemned the infighting in the city states but was probably content with Italy not being an independent and unified state. After all he thought very poorly of the most powerful national state of the time.
Petrarch might have been a sort of proto-nationalist though[RVF 128]
>implying is not pretty good
What I don't get about Inferno is that he calls ancient deities "fake/lying gods", so lets assume they simply didn't exist or in some cases were demons or something. But while he in Hell he finds the Titans, Giants and other being from Hellenic mythology.
Whats the deal?
Dante sees Italy's rightful role as the "lady (signora = domina = master) of provinces (of the Empire)"
So Italy should be part of the empire, but also united and not divided