When will the final breaking point for belief in religion come? The state can't do it. Education can't do it.
People want to live in a fantasy where something mythical cares about their life and death. WHAT WILL END THIS MADNESS?
The End of Faith
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When will you accept that religion is a natural thing for men and women? Even if you are an atheist you must have heard about the "worship reflex" in primates
Give me reasons why God as defined in pic related is non-existent and I'll give up spirituality
Belief in something without proof is unethical.
I see a lot more people coming back to faith.
I was an atheist for 5 years and now believe in god. it will never end.
Belief is a prerequisite for all knowledge; if you lack belief in anything, all knowledge is impossible.
deism tho
And Consumerism...
Even nowadays faith is not dying...
How many people believe in spirituality and astrology?
The main religions are dying but it is not like faith is dying, it is just getting less centralized
Only brain-damaged autists hate religion this much. Heard the expression "there's no atheists in foxholes"? It means that when the chips are down you will reach out to a higher power for help. It's no coincidence that privileged, safe countries turn their back on religion. And they will rush back like sheep before the slaughter when tragedy comes.
Why? I'm very skeptical myself about all religious and spirirual beliefs but I don't think people who aren't are being unethical.
>Only brain-damaged autists hate religion this much.
I'm an atheist and I agree.
>Heard the expression "there's no atheists in foxholes"? It means that when the chips are down you will reach out to a higher power for help. It's no coincidence that privileged, safe countries turn their back on religion. And they will rush back like sheep before the slaughter when tragedy comes.
Saying that just make you just as much of a faggot as them, I don't get how some religionfags can critize atheists for being arrogant and insufferable and then say that kind of things in the sams breathe.
>be me
>mercanary for Obama a couple of years ago
>Guy in my vehicle always debating me during down time about politics and existence of God
>an avowed athiest, great guy besides that
>vehicle almost gets rekt thanks to friendly fire
>get tossed around inside like a ragdolls inside the vehicle from the force of 155lb shells
>be supine to the deckplates, Guy is in front of me shook as fuck
>second shell falls, feel like throwing up, suddenly hear Guy saying "Oh God Oh God I'm sorry"
>mfw literally about to die from blue on fucking blue but couldn't help but burst into laughter
>mfw never let him live it down
Sorry but I feel compelled to share my little anecdote anytime I read or hear "there's no atheist in the foxholes"
I mean it's funny but do people really take that as a proof of God? Obviously even atheists are influenced by christian culture (even if the stupid ones will try to deny it) and saying "oh my god" is just a reflex that can be hard to get rid off not matter what you believe.
lol I would always ask him "Who were you apologizing to in that track Guy?" He still just tells me to fuck off to this day.
I guess you could say its a Christian world and people like him are just living in it
Nothing, it's part of the human condition. People NEED to believe that our life has purpose, the everything around is isn't just some pointless accident.
try going to somewhere thats never been majority christian and saying that, I'm sure they're not crying "oh god" in their foxholes
Atheism is shrinking to oblivion. It's time to hang up the fedora and repent.
Atheism doesn't offer much to people. "Everything is pointless, nothing matters, you and everything you've ever done will be forgotten with time, and everything you value is a lie." Not exactly words of encouragement.
One race, the human race!
Science! Don’t question it
this is technically true but atheist is a narrow category. the sad reality is 'non-religious' is the fastest growing demographic when compared with religions.
As long as brainlets exist.
Spirituality is independent of god.
uhh no
>mfw literally about to die from blue on fucking blue but couldn't help but burst into laughter
Pay close attention only Judaism is allowed to exist while other religions are said to be removed. Fuck off (((OP))).
in polytheistic cultures they say something to the effect of "oh my gods" instead
It's mysticism that depends on supernatural. Spirituality is natural.
Similarly, I would say that God is natural, not supernatural; nothing that exists is supernatural.
The same reasoning that leads one to believe in a unity of the spirits of human beings will lead one to God if applied further.
Natural means part of nature. See last line in
Semantics, if God comprises and goes beyond nature, is God natural? Is God supernatural? I suppose both would be the "correct" answer.
I stand by that what leads one to spirituality similarly leads one to God, that is, the union of opposites, the reconciliation of differences, i.e. love.
About 2,500 years ago this was already answered
"Being is an empty fiction."
The alternative answer is "that which is being, that which is becoming, and that which is neither being nor becoming" comprises totality, and is all of existence and non-existence.
Being is an order imposed on the world by the mind, but that does not mean that such an order is fictitious.
The debates between Parmenides and Heraclitus have not ended.
So if being is an order imposed on by the mind and God is being. God is an order imposed on by the mind? Now since it's not a particular person's order but the totality. Isn't this this just Jung's collective unconscious.
You're probably more into mysticism, it specifically cares about natural/supernatural stuff.
The mind delineates and distinguishes beings (what else could? likely my idealist/rationalist bias coming through), but what a being is is something that is manifest, actual; many debates have been held over whether a being is solely within the mind, or can be considered a thing-in-itself, or whether this is all pointless metaphysical abstraction, but all (besides some nihilists) agree that which is being discussed "exists" in some sense. How we define a being is based on how our mind interprets the parts and the whole, i.e. one can look at an object as a reductionist or a holist and understand its function differently, or view its properties differently (If you claim that being is a fiction, you would likely lean more towards the reductionist side of that).
>God is an order imposed on by the mind?
I would not put it that way, I would say that God is the actual, real, manifest aspect of totality, and this being is knowable via wisdom, via the mind (and spirit). The concepts surrounding it are the way in which we impose order on the idea of "God."
>Now since it's not a particular person's order but the totality. Isn't this just Jung's collective unconscious.
It supersedes the collective unconscious, but I agree with what you're getting at, that God is universal, not particular.
I suppose, though i dislike the dismissal people have of "mystical" things when I'm just looking for the commonality between differences and nothing more.
me>>God is an order imposed on by the mind?"
reply>I would not put it that way, I would say that God is the actual, real, manifest aspect of totality,
I was referring to the annon who said this
"Being is an order imposed on the world by the mind"
If that is you, than you have contradicted yourself.
If that's a definition of God as "pure actuality" as defined and explained by St. Thomas, it's the shittiest wording I've seen so far. That's not to say that I disagree with so-called Thomism.
I really love this post OP. It has the feeling of something you'd seen on /b/ in 2009/10, real vintage shit. Good stuff.
Which is why I was clarifying here , how we delineate being is determined by the mind (which I worded as an order that is imposed on the world). That does not mean that being is not real or actual, i.e. the notion of a cup is a universal within the mind, but that does not mean that particular cups do not have real, actual existence, merely that the understanding (and perhaps existence, though that's a bit more debatable) of them is dependent on conscious entities creating the notion of cups.
The concepts we assign to "God" impose order on it within our minds, but the corollary to that is that the idea of the Absolute itself can compel one to create the concepts that one assigns to God. One notices the totality must have a basis, and assigns that role to God as that which underlies the whole.
tl;dr something can be both an order imposed on the world by the mind (as a way to attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible in this case), and have real, actual existence
It is Hegel's God, which may coincide with the God of other philosophers.
>That does not mean that being is not real or actual, i.e. the notion of a cup is a universal within the mind
This is absolutely false. Everyone has a different mental concept of a cup, an idea of when something stops being a cup and becomes for instance a 'container' or a 'bowl'. This is especially appearent with young children who have a vocabulary that is constantly shifting.
It becomes even less universal when look at evolution and realize that some life forms cannot even hold the concept of a cup.
Things only have the illusion of appearing universal when everyone has a very similar concept as with the example you gave out.
>People want to live in a fantasy where something mythical cares about their life and death.
God is not a myth - but (most of) the Bible is a fraud (Qur'an as well). Anyone can tell lies.
>The state won't stop thing
Have you ever been in a situation so shitty and surreal and found that all you can do is laugh?
It doesn't matter if a god exists or not
The point is that organized religion is a scam and should be abolished
Basing your morality and lifestyle based on something written down by a tribe of sheppards thousands of years ago is intellectually dishonest
I know right? Like when are they gonna legalise weed too man?
>The point is that organized religion is a scam and should be abolished
And how are you planning on doing that?
I don't know, ask atheist countries that
What atheist countries?
Only the end of Global Capitalism, OP.
That's why Marx called it "the opiate of the masses", because it is an effective measure to dull the pain of alienation caused by the capitalist system, just as it worked in feudalism before.
The ones where the majority doesn't go to church, doesn't pay them, and where church has minimal political influence
"there's no atheists in foxholes"
The last century called, they want their idiotic apologist argument back.
Belief in various forms of supernatural phenomena will always exist because humans are hardwired to look for patterns everywhere and with everything, even where said patterns don't actually exist.
For Catholicism it will be (and has been) the sexual abuse scandals. They literally cannot recover from this, and actual converts i.e. not born into it 'cafeteria Catholics' will drop to below replacement levels in Europe.
Protestants have a high convert level on the books, but the retention is horrible something like less than 33% actually stay.
There won't be a single 'breaking' point just a century or two of a thousand cuts.
I think therefore I am. I believe in God therefore he exist. I believe in science/evolution and the existence of god. Atheism is a black abyss of nothingness. Life is beauty and god is a representation of perfection. I am not perfect because I doubt, but god is thy consciousness. The story and perception of time are collective and god exist because I believe in him. Morality is good and evil, evil being miscontrued good. I believe in good, love, liberty, life, survivival, and continuation. While at the same time evil, desolence, mischief, greed, and nothingness exist. For every reaction there is an opposite and equal reaction. For there is life there is death. For no god there is god. For nothingness there is something. Atheism to me is a joke since both god and science can exist and take us to a higher level of thought. An omnipotent being/concsiousness/idea EXIST. Like Descartes one said, "I think therefore I am."
Can't believe how many here fall for the false cults of the Demiurge.
Have been atheist for few years now, before i was christian only becuase of whole hell setup and i was to scared to question it, so than i started watching yt vids about god being real or not, decided it was not, felt enlightend and above everyone else who wasnt atheist ( irony i know ) , than felt stupid becuase of it, and now i dont know anymore , i am certain that all religions are fake as they were all copied from some previous religion dating far back in history, and i dont believe in those old religions either becuase people of old simply didnt have tehnology/science views back than, and everything that was inexplainable had god as answer.
But for some reason i still feel like something divine could exist , after all if you can think it it can exist
RIP english sry
Wow... so... deep
>Belief in various forms of supernatural phenomena will always exist because humans are hardwired to look for patterns everywhere and with everything,
>What is logic
>What is reason
>What is critical thinking
>What is scientific method
>What are all those things that were created to help humans to account for, compensate and overcome the shortcomings of a human brain and which time and time again proved to work.
>Science! Don’t question it
The scientific method is literally the opposite of this.
Well for starters let's stop giving them tax exemptions.