The only sin is to not be true to oneself

>The only sin is to not be true to oneself.
So pedophiles, serial killers, rapists, sociopaths, and others ought to do as they please?

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It's obviously not superficial traits.

>So pedophiles, serial killers, rapists, sociopaths, and others ought to do as they please?
And you ought to stop them. Simple really.

they ought to be true to themselves, reveal their intentions to the world, and then allow the rest of us to be true to ourselves so we can gas them all.

Yes, actually

There is a difference between being true to your self and a slave to your passions and appetites.


>post-war french "philosophers"

Would Sartre be as renowned without the lazy eye? It's a big part of his aesthetic and I don't think edgy college kids would dig him as much if he was just a normal looking old white guy.

be true to yourself and try not to hurt anybody.

I mean him and simone were pedophiles so...

i mean...yea? its not like teaching philosophy can fix a broken brain. theyre gonna do as they do, and everyone else will try and stop them

Why are the French so sexually deviant?

Sounds like playing with words.
So go ahead and harm others because someone may stop them after the fact? Pretty irresponsible.
Unless hurting someone is necessary to be true to yourself. Then don't do it because suddenly ethics matter more.

>Sounds like playing with words.
If you're addicted to some sort of self destructive behavior you're not being true to yourself, in fact that behaivor is burying your true self underneath your carnal appetites.

How is attraction to children self-destructive? And how are your desires contrary to your "true self"? Why is an atheist going on about a "true self"?

Well Sartre was a pedo. Sorry, i mean a hebe.

Self destructive in that you cannot develop a healthy relationship with said children while it retards your ability to have a healthy relationship with a woman and have children yourself.

Most murder doesn't happen without some rationalization. As a matter of fact, most murder happens in wars that people wouldn't fight in if they were being honest with themselves.
There might be exceptions, but it's not a quote worth defending that hard. It still applies to most normal people, because they have consciences that they only avoid by lying to themselves.

>being a serial killer is a superficial trait

Okay, Tommy Wiseau