What would modern G*rmany look like if good guys won during Spartacist uprising?
What would modern G*rmany look like if good guys won during Spartacist uprising?
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A giant Moldova.
The guy kneeling down has down syndrome
Soviets move into Poland, Poland splits its forces to protect its rear, soviets take poland.
Allies not standing for it, invade Germany, soviets fight back. WW1 prolonged by another few years, ending in an early partition of germany, say 1921.
Red scare becomes white terror as folks seek to contain revolutionary fervour at home, leading to the conditions of the next world war.
>supporting literal communists
I come to this site to escape you fucks.
Go to some antifa forums if you want to discuss communist shit in a positive light, but stay the fuck off of Veeky Forums.
lol nice fedora you fuckin fag
The same as today?
Not really, he's just Finnish
Your so boring user go to The_Dolanld if you want a echo chamber but gommies are what keep this board from turning into just another /pol/ clone
We're the spartacists full blown commies or we're they a different form of socialism?
But the good guys won
lol is that wht you call yourselves?
>You need communism to prevent fascism!
I'd hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist or something but this picture looks really staged
Commies were here before you
What gives it away, the men failing to aim properly, the captain unnecessarily firing a gun into the air, the firing squad being far too close to a brick building where bullets could ricochet, the youth defiantly standing arms crossed unbound, the one guard on the right not even looking at the target, or the fact they all look very, very jewish?
/new/ here, gtfo tourist.
It would remain nationalistic and it would be almost entirely white. The Hitlerite's extreme nationalism actually had the opposite effect they intended, as it made nationalism become shunned and it led to the "anti-Germans" and their ilk. Without the Marshall plan and isolated from liberal capitalism, Germany would be far poorer and wouldn't attract "refugees." So it would remain white.
>made nationalism become shunned
Yes, I forgot the Cold War never happened.
How stupid are you morons?
The cold war didn't change anything. The main reason so many people are now allowed to be anti-white, nationalism is so shunned, anti-antisemitism is unacceptable, etc is because of the failure of the Hitlerites. Now it is universally shunned to be pro-German.
>What would modern G*rmany look like if good guys won during Spartacist uprising?
The good guys did win though.
The people who won were the rest of Europe, who were greeted with the pleasant spectacle of dead germans
>What would modern G*rmany look like if the communists won
Like Eastern Europe today - a war filled shithole with heroin and aids
The failure of Hitler and the death of nationalism lies on the Allies and the jewish media who demonized it so. The Germans, Romanians, Croats, Italians, Hungarians, Finns, Estonians, Slovaks, Spaniards, they all tried. It is the failure of the "victors" to realize they were merely a tool for dismantling European self-determination.
Schutzt Eure Heimat!
somebody is upset
Freikorps were merely a tool used by social democrats from SPD.
The death of Liebknecht and Luxemburg was the biggest tragedy, though. After their death there was no one who could stop Lenin and Stalin and their Marxism-Leninism.
>Schutzt Eure Heimat!
Come on man, the Nazis don't exactly need to be "demonized". They invaded and enslaved Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Norwegians, Danes, Dutch, Belgians, French, Serbs, Greeks, Ukrainians, Byelorussians, the inhabitants of the Baltic countries, and finally Russians. They did more then enough on their own to dismantle European self-determination. That is to say nothing of their domestic crimes.
If the problem with the Nazis were simply a result of the "jewish media" then that would be great we could form a nationalistic party that moves past that. That is no the way it is though. Anyone with half of brain, that is anyone other then /pol/ Nazis who just want to be edgy, can see for themselves the crimes of the Nazis without any outside "demonization". People don't want to be the bad guys - which makes propagating German nationalism much harder today.
germany was only taking back land that was rightfully their's, and saving german minorities from persecution. Poland was invaded because german minorities were being murdered. yes, the germans put jews in camps but you have to remember they literally tried to stage a communist revolution just a couple decades ago. Also the jews died from a mixture of starvation due to supply lines being cut off and the spread of disease.
The world would likely be communist. Humans would be colonizing space.
Umm both of them were part of the third international which was founded by Lenin. They would however have opposed Stalin, allying with Lenin and Trotsky, had the four of them survived.
They were dead when third international was founded.
Stacking human corpses that high would unlikely work since the bodies would just disentegrate over a couple of days. Although if the soviets spent more money and effort on science then maybe they could research enough about rocket propulsion and jet engines.
Other than that I seriously doubt the soviets could ever land on on the moon.
They were full blown commies.
Fair point I didn't realize that but regardless they were of the same stripe as the bolsheviks
They were the first into space, and we're still using Soyuz rockets well into the 21st century. They did well enough.
>implying landing on the moon matters for shit
>implying the Soviets didn't invent every other practical thing we use involving space
They still criticized Lenin and his policies. Rosa was definitely more democratic than Lenin and the Soviets.
Rosa was unsuccessful though and never had to deal with the same objective situations the bolsheviks did. The bolsheviks were highly democratic before the civil war started but circumstance led them to ban factions and the other socialist parties otherwise their revolution would have failed.
Also you know Soviet is just the Russian word for workers council right?
And then they continued with their dictatorship and terror, even after they won the war.
The reason for that is the rise of Stalinism which deviates significantly from the policies of the Lenin/Trotsky years.
You mean the Imperial army or the jews?
thats because they lived in and operated illegally, conspiration became their 2nd nature, what happens when such ideas get into power
look for conspirators and get rid of them, because thats how they seized power
>I seriously doubt the soviets could ever land on on the moon
Luna 2 landed on moon in 1959
Schutzt Eure Heimat!
>Norway belonged to germaney
Schützt Eure Heimat!
>we'll just let the British do their way lmao
There was no way for them to win.
>posed photos are a Jewish trick
The absolute state of this fucking site...
communists, jews, same difference
Sure is /r/le_Dolan in here.
>The Jew is inborn Communist
>this is why Isreal is pretty much nationalistic state :)))))
Otto Weininger lived prior to Israel's existence.
he also was self-hating Jew who fell for Aryanz meme
OG poltard
But the good guys won so the answer is exactly the same
Like modern poland
Pick one.
zionism exists in both left and right ends of the Israeli Knesset
Gas yourself marxist
>What would modern G*rmany look like if bad guys won during Spartacist uprising?
One giant undeveloped shithole like Ukraine.