Is there anything to the theism-deism distinction besides "if God is good why am I not a millionaire" whining by self-proclaimed champions of logic and reason?
Is there anything to the theism-deism distinction besides "if God is good why am I not a millionaire" whining by...
Religion necisitates a faith in something uncertain and unprovable. I simply have yet to be convinced.
It seems much more likely to me that in 50AD when your life consisted of subsistence farming and being killed by diseases that the idea of an eternal afterlife was pretty damn appealing.
>it isn't today
You sound like a soy wagie that thinks life is all about his tedious job and can't wait to die already
God is too anthropomorphized to be real.
I don't know mang. Let's say God does exist, who wants their purpose in life to be worshiping the creator of all moral and natural evil in the world?
Like what was the need for baby skin cancer God?
I feel like a much more honourable and logical life purpose is to take a long term nihilistic view on things; try and make yourself happy however you see fit while not behaving like an idiot because you know you'll be unhappy in the long term as a consequence.
Also that irony that the person who believes in eternal peace with God after death and an afterlife is the one accusing me of wanting to die already.
This sounds interesting bruh, care to explain what you're on about in a little more depth?
*tips cross*
But that's literally Prosperity Gospel.
It is a human God, who thinks and acts in ways that humans would expect while 99% of the Universe appears completely alien to us.
>all those overly confident retards who can't either read or tell the "difference" between theism and deism, so they sperg their atheism instead of answering the question
OP had it coming with the image he used.
I thought you were baiting but if you are serious then the merit of deism is that it has the philosophical arguments in favor of God while avoiding all the unnecessary beliefs inherent to theistic religions.
Technically some philosophical forms of God makes him the permanent upholder of all causes so it's a form of theism (classical deism technically has a strict seperate God that created a self-sustaining universe) but the vast majority of theists are religious and because of the polarization between religion and secularism there are few nonreligous theists and most seculars are attracted to atheism for no real reason so the few similar to that will call themselves deists.
Yeah but what's the point of being OK with God's existence as long as he's useless? Why would someone do that if not to appear smart doing some semantics autofellatio or being a wimpy faggot over failure in life while not rejecting his existence altogether?
Why can't God make everyone prosperous if he's omnipotent and omnibenevolent?
Maybe because it's unbenevolent to treat hardworking people and lazy fuckers the same way.
I dunno, maybe someone was just convinced by philosphical arguments in favor of deism or nonreligious theism but not by any religion and God caring for humanity is a religious assumption?
Not everyone just somehow force themselves to believe in something as a political statement, some people just happen to believe in what they believe because that's what they believe is true, even if it's weird, useless or even impractical.
Why is God seemingly utterly amoral when animals are concerned? They live painful and meaningless lives and somehow it's fair because God is nicer with us?
How do you even know God cares about us?
There a lot of people who don't work hard but are rich and vise versa
Not a theist but that's easily answered. You need a mind to feel pain, or else you're just going to be a p-zombie. Don't give animals mind = animals can't suffer even if they appear to suffer.
Do you have anything to back that up?
Yeah you got to clearly define what a mind is to make that kind of statement.
Some would argue all you need is nerve receptors to experience suffering.