Why doesn't Africa just stop allowing the west to exploit their resources?
What would happen if they opted out the WTO?
Why doesn't Africa just stop allowing the west to exploit their resources?
What would happen if they opted out the WTO?
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pic realted. Why didn't Mandela just say no?
Given that the west relies on those resources to function, probably Scramble for Africa II: Scramble Harder.
For them, nothing as they are not able to exploit those ressources themselves, they barely invented the wheel so I doubt they would be able to extract gas. They need funds, knowledge and infrastructure.
>Why doesn't Africa just stop allowing the west to exploit their resources?
Their leaders are corrupt and short-sighted and don't care about fair agreements on natural resources as long as they benefit?
>What would happen if they opted out the WTO?
Whomever made that decision would have a sudden car accident/heart attack and be replaced by someone more agreeable.
What selective pressures would benefit higher intelligence in Europe and Asia, but not Africa? I'm not denying that sub saharans have on the whole been more primitive, but there are still some African states that are pathetic today yet achieved intermediate levels of civilization in the past, like Ethiopia.
This. It sucks for everyone else, but what do you expect to happen when the people in charge can sell you out?
>don't allow west to exploit their resources
>west stops selling them shit
>no western capital invested
>no market for all that oil and diamonds
>try to stop allowing the west to exploit africa's resources?
>Get chopped up into little pieces in a CIA backed coup
Yes, a more sophisticated analysis of imperialism recognises that there will be elites in periphery countries.
This is sometimes used by racists to say it is only the elites of these countries that are corrupt, when in fact it is the class of elite in all countries that use corruption for personal gain.
While this is true, I think it is hard to deny that the elites in the periphery nations (which I'm guessing is post-colonial nations) are anything but far more corrupt than the elites in the centre nations.
Elites are corrupt in any nation, but in first world nations they're much more likely to be taken to task
If someone here sold resources on the cheap for kickbacks there would be fucking murders
There are lots if murders in the third world
Mostly people in the way of "resource" extraction and dissidents.
As first worlders we have an obligation to hold our governments accountable, they control and protect the kelptocrats
They would get the freedom bombed out of them by the West, or liberated as fuck by the Chinese.
Which should happen desu
>trade is bad
Africa will suffer even more without Western ties. Also no more humanitarian aid
It is Africa that mines blood diamonds, not the west.
I'm not so sure about that.
I mean look at the banking crisis in recent years. Who got taken to task for that.
In the Uk, the PFI system of transferring public money into private hands is finally becoming news, but when those private companies fail, the people at the top simply move to another boardroom while the workers are unemployed.
Also, look at trade misinvoicing, an incredibly corrupt and illegal procedure that helps people keep their money.
And while it's not illegal, the outrage about the panama and bahama leaks shows htat many feel it is corrupt for people to do offshore accounting to avoid tax.
because they keep getting couped
>be African leader
>nationalize foreign assets
>get CIA'd
Nice way of putting 'murdered by your best friend in exchange for a Rolex'.
They just pay off the people in charge their is no national unity even in countries with a clear ethnic majority
>What would happen if they opted out the WTO?
They get a shitload poorer. The WTO is the mechanism by which China uplifted themselves.
>What selective pressures
total meme lol.
>don't care about fair agreements on natural resources as long as they benefit?
Even if you were "not corrupt" that doesn't suddenly allow you to get more "fair" agreements because in the end you have no power on the grand scale of things.
Considering many developed countries have agreements that still fuck them over it won't change shit.
Nigga you know how fucking corrupt shit can get in centre nations.. We just pass it off as less benign shit to make it more palatable to the average joe. It's like
>As first worlders we have an obligation to hold our governments accountable, they control and protect the kelptocrats
Do you want to see the prices on a lot of she we have go up high? You want to pay the real price instead of the fire sale price so to speak?
>avoiding robbery is corrupt
nationalizations tend to lead to closed international credit lines, loss in foreign aid from other nations and possible trade wars
When your bullies make the laws, you're generally going to lose either way.
Theyd crash without the incoming aid and trade most likely
This and let's face it., the rest of the world could just take it by force if they wanted to.
I'm not letting you get away with something that I can't.
Oy vey you cant not let the chosen leech from you anti-semite, you dont want a "civil uprising" now do you?
>implying the US needs to take from South America
We literally have to build a wall to stop you from importing your shit.
Notice how the Orient isn't shown here. Clearly, Japan is only stealthily stealing African and South American resources.
was meant for OP's pic.
the West is stealing...
No they can't. If they could the would user.
Dropping out of the WTO wouldn't help anything, OP. The WTO is just a world court in which they can fight unfair trade practices if they deem necessary. It has nothing to do with whether or not they actually trade. You can have a country not trade at all and still be a WTO member.
As for the reasons Africa (parts of it) is so economically destitute and the rest of the world uses it as a resource pit, well, there are a lot.
really? I can’t think of any African resources that we couldn’t get elsewhere im the world.
>print more money?
Gee I wonder how that would've gone
for much higher prices and issues in accessing them though. also fuckton of land and natural resouces
Well there's rare earth minerals in the Congo for one, that suppply chain fuels a large fraction of the Earth's electronic infrastructure, so theres a good reason for great powers to be there
Simply not true, ignoring oil and minerals which are the big ones, even your shart covered bananas in Walmart support paramilitary death squads.
>Inb4 telesur
The only real bias is they failed to mention that chinquita also paid off FARC, being the tankies they are.
South Africa had so much minerals that Britain could not piss it off post ww2.
just imagine if they had continued their nuclear program
The reason why Britain even owned anything north of the Cape Colony was because baron Rothschild heard they discovered diamonds there and a bunch of Boer rednecks were in the way. Brits literally went to war and starved white children to death in concentration camps so some fat kike could get an access to diamonds.
The reason is debt leverage.
Poverty in the "developing world was actually going down until the early 80s which worried the west (UK, France and USA), because it meant they would have to start paying more for goods.
So they used their credit with the poor countries to force them to adopt neolib policies You can google Structual Adjustment Program (SAPs).
Out went protectionism and in came open markets. The Developing countries, who were doing the exavt same thing that the west had done, which was building up a welfare state with social spending were told "no you can't do that if you want our loans".
The neoliberal policies beginning in the 80s has meant that the number of people living in poverty has not gone down at all since the start. It has been the biggest disaster in """development""" since colonial times.
Yea and all their non-corrupt ones are always conviently murdered or sabotaged by outside forces
developing countries make stuff in sweatshop on tiny wages
Also it's not just exports but a market for imports too.
As for answers about what would happen if countries don't play ball.
US President Barack Obama has given South Africa 60 days to remove barriers to US farm produce or face sanctions in a long-running row over chicken exports.
>The South African Poultry Association argues that more American chicken on South African plates would result in the loss of 6,500 jobs and threaten the development of black-owned, small-scale chicken farms.
Not much would happen at all.
At least China gives something tangible in return for its one-sided deals. I'm sure the average Nigerian is more grateful for a useless railway than for another $million falling in some politician's pocket.
South East Asian got fucked longer and even worse than Africa. Yet they are doing better than most African countries.
>South East Asian got fucked longer and even worse than Africa
[citation needed]
Cuz 3rd world loves to suck biggest countries dicks.
You give us work. People here only think that is important. Not education, not distribution of wealth....
Shit is a ton of topics but in simple words people doesnt think of their poor situation. They only go home after work and distract themselves from this fucking reality.
Also, a fucking tv show is more important than having a good economy.
-- spanish here---
A veces la gente no le gusta hablar de politica, debido al miedo subconciente implantado en las dictaduras. Mierda, tanto es así que nadie reclama por hacer un país mejor. La gente vota por gobiernos de derecha que lo único que hacen es vender nuestros recursos naturales casi como si nuestro país fuera una puta.
Y esto es bueno, ya que da dinero a la gente. Es tan bueno que estamos acostumbrados a ser esclavos de las potencias mundiales.
Im chilean (rich country(meme) but with no distribution of "richness")
What useless railway?
From 1515 by-
US and China too if you believe in neo-imperialism meme.
>South East Asian got fucked longer and even worse than Africa.
Not really. Did Vietnamese people (both viets and non viets) got christanized then completely brainwashed into hating Buddhism or folk religions?
Why is Greenland Third World when Denmark isn't? If Denmark went to war, would Greenland not follow them? And why is Cuba not Second World?
um south korea is not 3rd world
What? No. They were very small number of Viets who converted to Christianity, assume they don't get fucked like Nip christian. Most Viets retain whatever faith they belief before colonization. I assume you are talking about Vietnam during Cold war which is again only some migrant converted. Commies one are mixed bag, the government claim they are atheist but general population are buddhist/confucian/native faith and gov generally don't give a shit about faith.
They die in a week and someone more agreeable to western interests takes their place. The overwhelming majority of Africa has done this in the past. The overwhelming majority has learned that if you don't play ball the West will simply kill you. Even /hst/'s buttbaby Rhodesia learned the hard way that you either suck the western cock or it'll facefuck you. There are no other options.
Oh, forgot one. Japan.
Good for Vietnam. They same cannot be said for Africa's folk religions.
If anything the ability to adapt to modern trend is one of the sign of good civilization. And you cannot compare organized religion like Buddha and Confucius with disorganised mess of African faith.
> with disorganised mess of African faith.
Contrary to the memes many African faiths aren't disorganized. They have rules and systems, myths and origins stories attached to them and preserved that many people fail to admit exist because then that would mean that they'd have to sidereal that yes Africans do have religions and faiths that are just as deep as any other place on Earth.
>If anything the ability to adapt to modern trend is one of the sign of good civilization.
It was basically forced upon people in a system of peer pressure during colonial rule alongside state oppression and persecution of traditional African religion by the state alongside converts.
>Contrary to the memes many African faiths aren't disorganized.
Also just what the fuck is a disorganized faith?
Africa has been the dumping ground for US corn for quite some time as well.
The US produces way too much fucking corn but most of the west is built around it and the farmers get massive subsidies for corn so they keep growing the stuff and we keep dumping it in Africa where its ruining local farming.
They should give the Corn to us SEA people.
Might've if the TPP went through but Trump quashed that.
Sorry little fella, back to Chinese hegemony for you.
Source? Is this true at all?
At least they give us cheap shit unlike overexpensive American shit.
>neoliberal policies beginning in the 80s has meant that the number of people living in poverty has not gone down at all since the start
The total number has gone down, just not in Africa. Considering the WTO was throwing its weight around in South America and Southeast Asia as well, this seems inadequate as an explanation.
Why don't you "just" go out and get a job and an apartment of your own, OP?
Congrats user, you along with Ghana, Nigeria and others can share the trophy
Africa is fuckhueg,tribes barely make contact with each other and they don't really have rivers to connect them like the Tigris or Nile or Yellow River
The only place that made real gains against poverty has been China, which protected it's resources and gradually liberalised on it's own terms. If you take China out of the equation, you see that absolute numbers of people in poverty increased during the 80s and 90s.
the development industry and the UN claim a success in reducing poverty, but the MDGs (which started in 2000) set their base line back to 1990, so claimed any gains in the 90s as part of "their" success.
Also claims to poverty reduction are based on an IPL (international poverty line) which sets a figure of money a day needed to escape poverty. Mainstream economics puts this at around $1.25 per day for example. And when the World bank alters this number they perform "statistical theatre", able to wipe poverty at the mere stroke of a pen, and tell the media they are doing well.
the IPL is based on PPP, which is purchasing power of the dollar, but this average basket also includes consumer goods unlikely to be bought by the poor. So if food prices go up, this can be hidden in the "basket" The Asian Development bank has suggested raising the IPL to $1.50 (to say nothing of economists such as Lahoti, new Economics foundation, Reddy, who suggest around $5 or Action Aid who suggest $10.) If we view the IPL at just $.150 then "official" World Bank and UN statistics on extreme poverty would see an extra 1 billion people added.
Source: Jason Hickel, The Divide. 2017. Puts it better than I can and a really good book that puts it into perspective.
$1.90 a day PPP is a ludicrous number to base poverty on.
Africa is not really poor because somebody is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to trade under shitty conditions (atleast not nowadays), they are poor simply because they get sold out by their own people. Their patriotism ends where the sound of the falling shekels begins. Cant really blame them, pretty much everyone who ever was dirt poor jumps at the opportunity, but it still obviously harms their countries. The few African shareholders of the things the west desires will gladly give it all way if it means that they can just drop their shitpile of a country and forget everything.
Did you not read the many posts before you?
I heard that China got some organisation to lower the point of extreme poverty so more people left poverty out if virtue that the standard was dropped
>First World
>I'm just going to ignore everything in this thread to post my brainrented bollocks
Anytime someone got power who tried to implement the same keynesian economic policies that the West had done after WW2, which involved tax and social spending, wage increases, and protecting local economies, the US, aided by the Brits and france would step in a coup.
This wasn't communism they were fighting, it was simple centrist economics that they themselves had used. Communism was used as an excuse, a scare tactic.
If you can destroy the earth you should. For magic powers.
Thanks, (((CIA))).
>exploit their resources?
They still have vast amounts that are untouched because they are too primitive to process them.
like rubber and gold
what difference does it make? that nigger won't benefit from either.
What? Nigeria isn't the Congo.