Someone randomly generates a private key and its exactly the same as yours

>someone randomly generates a private key and its exactly the same as yours

Other urls found in this thread:,wjds_bjegnp,xpjuoxse126

Cold storage?

Winning the lottery 4 times in a row

>you get struck by 2 trillion different bolts of lightning on a sunny day right after winning the lottery

Still possible

Statistically speaking, unless the protocol changes to accommodate more decimal places, only 2.1e14 addresses could contain at least one Satoshi, and that's only if everyone only had one Satoshi. If anyone has more (and pretty much everyone who has any has more than one Satoshi), then there are fewer occupied wallets.

Within the set of 2256 private keys, they only map to 2160 unique wallet addresses. So the question is how does 2160 compare to 2.1e14? One in a million? One in a trillion?

The answer is one in 6.9595 decillion. Since "decillion" isn't a commonly used word, I'll save you the bother of having to look it up: it's a one with 33 zeroes after it.

To put that 6.9595 decillion figure into perspective: The Earth has a diameter of 12,742 kilometers, giving it a surface area just shy of 50 million square kilometers. A square kilometer is 1 million square meters, and a square meter is one million square millimeters, meaning the surface area of the Earth, in millimeters, is just shy of 50 quintillion mm2.

So here's the game we'll play. I've got 140 trillion earth-sized spheres. On one of them, I have randomly selected a single square millimeter as the prize winning spot. Find it, and you'll get to spin the prize wheel to see how much you've won. The prize wheel currently has about 22 million spaces. 21 million of them contain less than a dollar. But you only get to spin the wheel if you can find the secret spot on the secret sphere.

Wanna play?

lol ur such a nerd :D
*wanders off with chad*

So you’re telling me there’s a chance....

>someone randomly generates a 3200-character page of text and it's exactly the same as your post,wjds_bjegnp,xpjuoxse126

And let's get this out of the way:

best post

you got this from bitcointalk you faggot

good post.

and it's also wrong/meaningless
there are actually a ridiculous number of values for each wallet, over 79 octillion

>pasted super script but it didn't work


I wonder if shit like this is actually a big factor in why normies don't want to put their money in cryptos. The average normie doesn't have the patience / intelligence to learn that this is basically impossible

You can run those odds over 1000 times a second

I'll suck your dick after your second lottery win

Then there's that group of people who fish for private keys through brute force. They got a 5btc wallet not that long ago.

*drives Chad over in lambo*
*pays cops 1 satoshi to look the other way*

Nothing personnel, roastie.

>The average normie doesn't have the patience / intelligence to learn that this is basically impossible

I wonder what kind of person unironically types like this, acting so condescendingly toward people you don't even know as if you were into crypto since day 1.

I am sure that with the entire global computation power at your disposal, you will never ever find a private key within your lifetime (disregarding technological advancements)

thread closed

>Implying he's wrong

The barrier to entry is high, man. People are fucking moronic. The average person can barely navigate the net past Facebook and YouTube properly.

It's really not far fetched to say people do not understand bitcoin at all and are put off by that.

You could argue that they don't understand fiat but they use it blah blah... but they don't need to understand much about it to use it. Bitcoin isn't the same.

Someone needs to really make an Apple-like Bitcoin experience for the layman, if anything.

Entry into Bitcoin is so cluttered and could definitely confuse someone enough to put them off.

There needs to be an easier method of entry for newcomers

but if something is not explicitly denied it will eventually happen

It's people who just want to cling to some reason why those happy pretty people outside aren't actually better than them