Is this an accurate portrayal of medieval noble life?
Is this an accurate portrayal of medieval noble life?
Ah yes, my 600 year old immortal French Shia assassin is entirely based in reality
>He doesn't have a 500 year old French loli assassin who has a 1500% bonus against muslims IRL
Kys fampai
Can't get the immortality event until you become an adult
Ah yes, the game where you can be btfo'd throughout an entire war and only lose money and prestige. The game where you can buy everyone off with money to not be assassainated.
I guess that's an ok simplification for France, England and the HRE.
Lolis are adults mentally
Absolutely not OP but its a blast anyway.
t. thousands of hours
The HRE is not accurate at all though, France and England maybe, but the HRE had free cities, bishoprics, small counties, as well as the whole electorate system, which was more like a proto-parliament. These things are wholly absent, and as a result the title of kaiser makes you the most powerful character in the game. Alse the eastern and western marches are missing, and they were very important both in terms of prestige but also in terms of military power.
Crusader Kings iz racist
It doesn't portray the powerful BLACK kings that ruled all over Europe
Stay mad white bois
It doesn't accurately portray the political structure of the Islamic states and the Byzantines.
Also the warscore system needs to be overhauled.
Is this an accurate portrayal of Victorian society and geopolitics?
Probably not, but really who cares? It's a blast nonetheless.
up until the swedish conquest of pommerania the HRE while fragmented would always answer the call to arms against foreign armies.
Vic2 + HPM is miles ahead of CK2 in terms of realism. The economy is still too simple for my liking but it's fun enough.
I'd hope they'd overhaul the economy for V3 but after seeing HoI4 I've lost all hope
It would be nice to be able to impose embargoes or tariffs on specific products, could probably lead to tariff wars desu
>an opium war event chain that's actually about opium
one can only hope
>War between 2 states
>According to trade stats 1 nation imports 75% of her military goods from you
>Want that nation to lose so embargo all military goods
>Army suffers from supply shortage and they start to lose
Would add a whole new depth
As it stands you'll can be selling all of your ammo/guns to your enemies and then have them use them on you. Not that it's unrealistic but still the option not to would be nice.