Was Stalin a necessary evil?
Was Stalin a necessary evil?
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What did he do that was necessary?
stopped the kulaks from destroying the Soviet Union
As the manifestation of the russian's sins. he was.
Stopped Hitler and killed a lot of russians
If he had stepped down, would he have died?
>Implying Trotsky wouldn't have been 10 times worse.
he killed dozens...
Very unlikely. He was both more competent and more humane.
Everything that happens is necessary. Nothing that happens is evil.
what exactly is so 'evil' about killing people? They die all the time!
his government was evil embodied. Even Hitler at least cared for his own people.
Some of Stalin's radical measure were unfortunate, but were forced and dictated by circumstances.
There were very few differences between Trotsky and Stalin politically. It's just that only one could become a leader, and it happened to be Stalin, despite Trotsky wielding more power initially.
According to whom? Some idiot on the imageboards? Certainly not the opinion of Russian and German people respectively.
He saved millions.
the absolute state of tankies
>Hitler cared for his own people
>Send millions to die in a frozen wasteland for muh Lebensraum
>Never allow any of them to surrender when they get encircled
>There were very few differences between Trotsky and Stalin politically.
very wrong, just take internation revolution vs permanent revolution for ONE of their differences, quite a major one too.
And what is that absolute state? Presenting facts that you cannot refute? That Germans hate Hitler and Russians love Stalin, and they probably know better how did they care for them than you do?
One was a communist and the other not.
>just take internation revolution vs permanent revolution
It's called socialism in one country vs permanent revolution. The funny thing is, that despite different names, there was no difference between the practical policies implied.
>Leon "why debate when you can gas them?" Trotsky
Both Trotsky and Stalin were communists of course. Stalin was more dogmatic, probably, because of his personal devotion to Lenin.
Russians loved stalin so much they decided to abandon communism, not to mention the non russian soviet nations, go back to leftypol
Well compared to Stalin, the bar isn't too high.
>personal devotion to Lenin
>lock him up and keep him from communicating with the party
Stalin's political stance was Stalinism.
Ask the dead chinese and spanish and german communists, see if it made no difference to them.
>Presenting facts that you cannot refute? That Germans hate Hitler and Russians love Stalin
the absolute state of tankies
>hitler was evil
>i know because some jooish historian said so
why not use first hand sources on hitler eh?
Purged the Kulaks.
>That Germans hate Hitler and Russians love Stalin
'Germans' hate Hitler.
I'd probably hate Hitler too if foreign powers and permabutthurt KPD assburgers still compensating for their laughable failures trained me to over the course of decades.
yes of course, the one's who are brought up indoctrinated that hitler was ebil and all the evil things the germans did at the time and how they should hate themselves for it all still.
meanwhile we have elderly germans who lived at the time say how it was the best part of their lives, they felt alot safer and how he changed the country for the better
They made some surveys after the war in late 1950s. Most Germans said that current post-war years are the best period in German history.
>hitler was evil
I never dabbled in such unscientific and subjective matters. I simply put forward an objective fact, that Russians overwhelmingly approve of Stalin, and Germans overwhelmingly disapprove of Hitler.
>they decided to abandon communism
Not really. There was the referendum on that matter, 71% decided otherwise back then, and even more approve of USSR now.
The absolute state of you is that you seem to unable to discuss issues like a normal human would. You seem to trigger some mindless response in form of stale memes when you see certain combination of words in the comment. Honestly, modern chatbots are more sophisticated than you.
Both claims are wrong. The germans who lived at that time thought the same. You cannot indoctrinate people like that at all. You can scare them into keeping quiet, but they will still know essential facts about their personal lives (and that of their direct ancestors)
How did Stalin managed to do that if Trotsky was more powerful back then, and neither had control over the party?
If you actually read Lenin's will, you'll see that he criticised everyone, Trotsky included. He criticized the institution itself, and noted that all leaders lacked authority to replace him.
And what would Trotsky do differently? His plans were, once again, more or less the same as what Stalin did: provide indirect support to communists everywhere and demand allegiance to the Soviet Union.
I will never be satisfied until the last tankie is strangled to death with the intestines of the last stormfag
Stalin obtained from the central committee the authority to watch over Lenin and control his activities.
As secretary he had more control over the party than Trotsky though maybe not yet as much power altogether - but I would like to know the facts that let you say T was more powerful.
As for Trotsky's plans, we can expect them to have been to support revolutionary forces *decisively* when possible, even if they escaped his control. Trotsky cared less about control than Stalin, that's why Stalin won and that's why Trotsky would have been better.
killed millions
saved billions
Ur mom was a necessary evil.
I had to do it
no, he killed some people, but he's ok
Umm basically ended capitalism, sweetie.
>ideology that places "economy" into one man's hands
>attracts ruthless bastard
Who would've thought ?
stopped Htiler and saved the Soviet Union
>Russians loved stalin so much they decided to abandon communism, not to mention the non russian soviet nations, go back to leftypol
they actually didn't you fucking retard.
>Supported socialism in one country, which was a necessary thing since the world revolution failed.
>Supported the New Economic Policy which introduced capitalism to develop the country against the likes of Trotsky who opposed it.
>Introduced conservative policies necessary to increase the birth rates of the country.
Generally speaking he abandoned fickle 'ideology' in order to do whatever works. The same thing as Deng Xiaoping.
Probably the most accurate post itt. When Communists say Stalin betrayed the Revolution its because he did. Stalin was more interested that the Soviet Experiment survive than be pure. He chucked a lot of ideology to the wind in favor of increasing effectiveness and efficiency.
Killed a bunch of leftists.
No because he wasn't evil.
Trot would have kept NEP going. The USSR would have looked more like China under Deng Xiaoping than Stalinist.
>Supported socialism in one country, which was a necessary thing since the world revolution failed.
yet he supported the communists all over Europe, invaded Finland, participated in the Spanish civil war, invaded half of Europe after the war
>Supported the New Economic Policy which introduced capitalism to develop the country against the likes of Trotsky who opposed it.
he reversed it ever since the late 1920s
> Introduced conservative policies necessary to increase the birth rates of the country
probably the population when he assumed his office was almost the same at the day he died 30 years later
>I necessitate that there be no food cuz food is bourgeoise and stuff
If you think that way, perhaps.
Yes. Stalin categorically disproved the entire Communist ideology (lol that Communism is an ideology now) by verifying the fact that broad historic forces are bullshit and that the Great Man of History theory is true.
>implying stopping hitler was a good thing
>Trot would have kept NEP going.
Trotsky opposed the NEP, Stalin and Bukharin supported it and expelled him from the party. Such illiteracy
NEP was needed in the feudal shithole that was Russia after the civil war to industrialise quickly before the hype died out and everyone bails on the socialist project. Lev "Thotsky" Bronstein was a utopian sectarian opportunist and probably non-materialist as well :DD Stalin did nothing wrong ok
It objectively was
>The murder of six million by starvation
>The imprisonment of hundreds of thousands more in Siberia
>The execution of hundreds of citizens without trail
>Massacres that made the Tsarist regime look humane in comparison
>Hitler at least cared for his own people
Why didn't he surrender in early 1945 then? That could have prevented thousands of German deaths.
It objectively wasn't