Indians are the biggest rapebabies

JUST. It's been shown that the Scythian/Tocharian predominant y-DNA is R1a-Z93 whilst the Slavic predominant R1a is R1a-Z283. Proving that Poles indeed are delusional.

The Scythians and Tocharians invaded India around 250 BCE and dominated until 300 CE. For more than 500 years the Scythians raped and had many Indian brides.

>yfw, you'll never be an ancient Scythian riding your horse in the Indian plains killing some Indians while also fucking their women

Also most Brahmins likely descend from Scythians not Indo-Aryan invaders of 1500 BCE.

Pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:

>being proud of your shitty barbaric ancestors


He's back... the Polish creature...

Based civilized high IQ southerners free from barbaric wh*Te DNA

>that first paragraph
Poolack Pooper-Pain Platoon inbound, ETA 30 seconds

Why is this Polish guy obsessed with Tocharians?
They weren't related to Indo-Aryans. Even the Tarim mummy R1a wasn't Z93.

He likes to think that Tocharians "civilized" the Chinese.

>Poolack Pooper-Pain Platoon

ITT literal retarded posters that can't read.

>whilst the Slavic predominant R1a is R1a-Z283.

Z282 and M458 are the main Slavic lineages.

M458 is a sublineage so in the end Z283 is the dominant Slav R1a lineage not Z93 which is the dominant Scythian/Tocharian lineage.

Silesian, easy on the theories....

Z282 and M458 are Slavic clades, meanwhile M558 is a Baltic marker.

All clades of R1a are Slavic just like all clades of E1b1b are Afro-Asiatic.

R1a gave birth to both Balto-Slavs and Indo-Iranics. It's only G*rmanic subhuman larpers that think they're Aryan just because Balto-Slavs decided to invade their shithole Scandinavia and then in turn get invaded by R1b Bell Beakers.
Tarim mummies were negative for Z93.

>all clades of R1a are Slavic

No just Z283 and it's subclades. Everything else isn't especially Z93. Scythians and Tocharians were not Slavic.

Why would anyone even want to be Aryan at this point? The meme about some pure Aryan master race creating all ancient civilizations is dead and buried.

>The meme about some pure Aryan master race creating all ancient civilizations is dead and buried.
t. pajeet "i eat my shit" pajetstaan

why do you think they look like muts? They are basically the most mixed race and the state of their "country" reflects that.

Kinda explains why northern indians are white.

No, it does not. I'll just quote a very good Reddit comment on the matter.

"When the Indo-Europeans arrived, the population of India consisted of a mixture of two pre-existing populations: the ANI and ASI (ancestral north Indian and ancestral south Indian). The ANI population was more closely related to Europeans and people from Central Asia, while the ASI population was its own separate sub-branch, which shows very ancient affinity to some Mediterranean populations, meaning that it was related to people from the Mediterranean region, but who split off long ago. In addition, there was also an Austro-Asiatic group of people, who remain somewhat genetically isolated even today, as part of certain tribal groups (Bhils, Gonds, etc.).

This means that when the Indo-Europeans arrived, they did not enter a region populated by "dark skinned people" who became Sudras. North India at the time already consisted of pretty much the same genetics as today, meaning it had a range of skin colors, from white-European to brown. This is not unexpected, seeing that there has been a constant flow of people into India for thousands of years before the Indo-Europeans - the first farmers from the middle east (for example, the Mehrgarh complex dating from 9,000 years), wave after wave of immigration into India that continued for thousands of years before proto-Indo-European even existed.

In short, Indian genetics have been a mix of ANI/ASI elements and multiple waves of migration from Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia for at least ten thousand years."


"The Indo-Aryans were only the latest "foreigners" to arrive, and they arrived in a land which was already occupied by people related to them who had been their predecessors. Y-Chromosome and mtDNA markers associated with Indo-European populations actually coalesce to dates much older than the arrival of Indo-Europeans in India (to 9,300 +/- 3,000 years), meaning that the introgression of these markers into the Indian population is much much older than the Indo-Aryans.

Now it's true that while Indo-Aryan genetics existed in the Indian subcontinent long before the arrival of the first Indo-Aryan language speakers, these later migrations did add to such genetics. But how much did they add?

Recent papers show that the extent of west Eurasian ancestry in India is huge, and cannot be explained by the arrival of the Indo-European Vedic people. At the time of the Indo-European migration, the population of India was already massive, and in order to change the genetics of this very large population by such a significant amount, several millions of migrants would be needed. In fact, you would need a population equivalent to the then-current population of almost the whole of Europe in order to change Indian genetics by the amount observed. Such a large migration is ridiculous. There is no evidence of Europe's population emptying into India at the time.

So the reality is that while the Indo-Aryan migrations slightly increased the prevalence of west Eurasian genetics in India, the much larger part of this genetics pre-existed in India before the Indo-European migrations. It originated in the previous 10,000 years worth of continual migrations of people into India, with the growth and dispersal of populations and the advent of farming."


Are you fucking serious?

>a professional, well-made comment is invalidated purely because of its origins

The absolute state of Veeky Forums. And then you have the hypocrisy of accusing people of being /pol/acks

>250 BCE
>Just making shit up

There was no Invasion into India at this time, Ashoka ruled India and expanded north west out of India exporting Buddhism taking advantage of the power vacuum left by Alexander the Great.

The migration of indo europeans you may be talking about is the Yuezhi migrating to north India in 30 CE.
After the Wusun push them from China to Sogdia and then the Turks pushed them into India.

The closest invasion of India is by the Hephthalite or the Hunas as Indians call them which wasn't until the 5th century CE the Yuezhi were more like Avar refugees.

Tocharians were buddhists and manichaeist and were assimilated by mongols and became Uyghurs.

Oh wow. And yet yDNA and mtDNA in those samples came from Eastern Europe

The migration was a lot further than 2kya or it would not have penetrated Vindhya to reach southern India.
The indus valley civilization was destroyed by indo-europeans so it may have been an earlier group of Scythians.

Indo-Aryans and Tocharians were both Iranic.

>Numerous scholars have suggested that the Afanasevo culture was responsible for the introduction of metallurgy to China.[14][15]
>Allentoft et al. (2015) study also confirms that Afanasevo culture was replaced by the second wave of Indo-European migrations from Andronovo culture during late Bronze Age and early Iron Age.[1][note 1] Tarim mummies were also found to be genetically closer to Andronovo culture[1] than to Yamnaya culture or Afanasevo culture.[1][12]

>they still delude themselves about Out of India
Hahahhahaha, what the fuck. That shitskin crap was debunked years ago and put to death by new yDNA, N DNA and aDNA. Pajeets deal with it, your ancestors came from Eastern Europe.

1500 BC

t. paki

>Scythians and Tocharians

They were Slavs mixed with Pajeets speaking a Slavic dialect bastardized with Dravidian.


Tocharian is not closely related to other IE languages. There's no Tocharian autosomal DNA only Y-DNA and they weren't Z93 like all Indo-Iranians are.

Tarim were M417

Both Z93 and Z283 descend from M417 though. It means those particular Tocharians didn't have any mutations and were quite pure.

Elamites (south persians) raped australoid aborignals to create northern poos. poos are still aboriginal

According to David McAlpin, the Dravidian languages were brought to India by immigration into India from Elam, located in present-day southwestern Iran..[5][42] According to Renfrew and Cavalli-Sforza, Proto-Dravidian was brought to India by farmers from the Iranian part of the Fertile Crescent.[43][4][44][note 1] According to Mikhail Andronov, Dravidian languages were brought to India at the beginning of the third millennium BCE.[6]

Kivisild et al. (1999) note that "a small fraction of the 'Caucasoid-specific' mtDNA lineages found in Indian populations can be ascribed to a relatively recent admixture."[45] at ca. 9,300 ± 3,000 years before present,[46] which coincides with "the arrival to India of cereals domesticated in the fertile Crescent" and "lends credence to the suggested linguistic connection between Elamite and Dravidic populations".[46]

According to Gallego Romero et al. (2011), their research on lactose tolerance in India suggests that "the west Eurasian genetic contribution identified by Reich et al. (2009) principally reflects gene flow from Iran and the Middle East."[47]

According to Romero, this suggests that "the most common lactose tolerance mutation made a two-way migration out of the Middle East less than 10,000 years ago. While the mutation spread across Europe, another explorer must have brought the mutation eastward to India – likely traveling along the coast of the Persian Gulf where other pockets of the same mutation have been found."[48]

According to Palanichamy et al. (2015), "The presence of mtDNA haplogroups (HV14 and U1a) and Y-chromosome haplogroup (L1) in Dravidian populations indicates the spread of the Dravidian language into India from west Asia."

Wouldn't that be China?

Who were Scythians?

>250 BCE
What the fuck. From up to 200 BC the Mauryan dynasty ruled the North-Western frontier.
Raided a lot but their only territories were in the Punjab. And Punjabi's being rapebabby's isn't exactly a secret.
>The closest invasion of India is by the Hephthalite or the Hunas as Indians call them which wasn't until the 5th century CE the Yuezhi were more like Avar refugees.
Not to mention the Hunas were only in the subcontinent for three decades before a coalition kicked them out where they then resettled in the Punjab.
>Elamites (south persians)
Elamites are quite different to today's Persians. No matter North or South.
The original steppeniggers.

What do you think about this?
It's from Rex Germanorum populus Sclavorum.

It seems like they got pushed by a fellow tribe into a part of Eastern Russia (the Budini lived there iirc)

>The indus valley civilization was destroyed by indo-europeans
It was long dead

>All clades of R1a are Slavic

Slavs are really retards.

Smarter than you Muhammad.

