is london nicer than toronto
Is london nicer than toronto
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Yes. Toronto is full of chinks and pajeets.
you're in for a surprise mate
How is this crypto related?
I livein London, don't come its crappy and boring
london is fucking dirty
>niggers everywhere
>dirty muslims everywhere
avoid London
This is not a crypto board, you fuck. Still, the thread doesn't belong here.
to add onto this
>food sucks
>shitty weather
Rather chinks and pajeets than Pakis and niggers (although it's close)
London is total pajeet/sandnigger/nigger town. Hardly any white folk left in this expensive shithole.
Wait are Pakis not Pajeets?
no don't be racist
>(not as) old
>niggers everywhere
>dirty muslims everywhere
avoid London
pakis poo in loo
pajeets don't
but pakis rape young white girls
youll get kidnapped alot faster in london
Fuck off with your non crypto rubbish
What a sad bunch of shut-in basement-dwellers. Diversity makes places less boring. Both cities are good, Toronto weather much better though
come to london and get blown up by filthy muslims
>Diversity makes places less boring
>Diversity makes places less boring
You're right in a way I suppose. When you're busy dodging bullets and explosions, there's no time to be bored.
I'd take chinks and pajeets over muslims, niggers and pajeets
can confirm, am bong living in london
fuck this shithole, can't wait to leave
Every major city is a dump nowadays. Ho to the countryside. It s the only refuge for a conservative white man.
>Every major city is a dump nowadays.
You only say that because you're dirtpoor
London is awful unless you are rich, just like Paris btw.
Never went to Toronto but it sounds like a soulless city like pretty much all anglo-canadians.
It's true that trashes, filth, high criminal rate, ugly third-worlders, terrorist attacks and low level of trust makes thing "boring".
Paris then:
Paris now:
Just moved here three months ago from Texas. There is good and bad. There are tonnsssss of sand niggers which sucks. I would take Mexicans over these faggots any day. Also, I don't feel that safe really mainly because you can't even carry a knife without being arrested (watch out for acid in your face lol). Other than that it's pretty nice here. Really easy to get around and you don't need a car
taking a mix of good cultures and injecting a bunch of objectively terrible cultures doesn't make anything better in any way.
I hope you die
Any city not nicer than London is a total shithole. London is overhyped.
London is 'interesting' in that one street or section of streets can be amazing, then you can cross a road and be in a squalid ghetto. You'd need to be more specspecific about exactly which part of London you mean.
If youre a Nazi white supremacist basement dwelling virgin like these people
then you'll hate it. Otherwise it can range from really nice to kinda terrible, but overall it's a good place to live if you're rich. Not really worth it if you're poor/unemployed though.
holy shit what is with the influx of these virtue signaling, reddit tier SJWs on this board lately
go back to the/the_donald. Only redditors call people reddit because they left because it was too "liberal". If you'd been here for more than a few weeks youd know that the sjw boogieman website you're supposed to use is Tumblr.
also, there are containment boards for you guys that you should stick to:
London is genuinely amazing, I love it
If you're an anti globalist muslim hating nigger-using basement dweller then I suppose you won't think of highly of it as I do
I think its better than NYC and TO easily
in the US I carry a knife with me for my own personal protection and can still get arrested for it. what's the difference?
i thought london had a nice underground scene, skanky girls and drugs, is that not the case anymore?
also how is toronto in that regard?
basically im looking for a crazy underground party scene, easy slutty girls, accessible drugs but no stabbing and shooting people
dont you guys have guns and stuff, what are you
You'll like London for that. It's got great nightlife. Honestly most of the people in this thread are just /pol/cucks who have a problem with foreigners dispite barely leaving their rooms. Also
>asking about easily accessible drugs
>on a board about cryptocurrencies
Actually leave.
You can stay.
There's not a single city in the world I hate more than London. NEVER MOVE THERE.
Not in broad daylight. You can't even walk around with one unless it's for cooking, etc
This is the only truth, you need money to really enjoy living in those two cities. I've lived all around the world and without money I'd probably either go to a third world country where I can be considered 'rich', or maybe Montreal