Nothing is holding EVX back. This is OMG 2.0.
It's still in the ICO price range, this is your last warning to get in at the best price.
Nothing is holding EVX back. This is OMG 2.0.
It's still in the ICO price range, this is your last warning to get in at the best price.
A real roadmap! Real projects already completed!
No BS, no hype. Just results.
Ever use ethplorer before? That's made by the Everex team.
>It's still in the ICO price range,
No it's not
It is. Last day of ICO was 1 ETH = 180 EVX. That day ETH cost $383. So EVX around that time cost $2.
The range during the entire ICO was $1-2.1.
Biz is shilling this hard to expect a 50% drop in the next few days
Biz shilled OMG from a $30 million market cap to $1.3 billion (currently $700 million). EVX's market cap is $30 million. Think about that.
Good luck with that. Maybe if it was a shitcoin.
This is a token with actual results already, that had a successful cross-border remittance pilot in 2016!
Just do your own research. No shilling required, it's going to go up with or without biz.
You forget the part about e/ethtrader going crazy over an Apple sticker on a skateboard
Do the opposite of what biz tells you to do and you will be a rich person.
if you're not completely retarded, you'll realize that biz shills and shits on nearly every token out there. use them as indicators to DYOR. There are plenty of gems to be found here, and plenty of shit bags to avoid