Behold, her true form. Always on our side, always pushing out the weak & unfaithful. But shows us the wallets, the technology, the branding, the team, the roadmap, the price, its all so clear. Thank you, no longer do I walk blindly.
Ark Queen
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always informing us about the botom so we can buy more
amen, indeen was as lord shout :
Be gratefull for the gain and the loss, for gain indeed you need some loss.
but the reward is indeed greater, salvation is awaiting at those who did not behold to ARKing.
testing us, indeed he is. of his gain faithfull we should be.
I'm so tired of 39k-52k anons
when will it finally go back up
I've been holding since around 50 cents but still
max 1 week user.
but people have been saying that for two weeks now
this wouldn't be so hard if it settled around $3.50 instead of $2.50
it depends when you bought
Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight at once; and he arose and was baptized.