With segwit approaching everyone is realising how valuable ASIC-Resistant tech is. The closer we get to November, we'll see obvious signs of this.
Look at BCH atm.
user out.
With segwit approaching everyone is realising how valuable ASIC-Resistant tech is. The closer we get to November, we'll see obvious signs of this.
Look at BCH atm.
user out.
Fuck, it's already up 50%. If this is anything like GRS and VTC it has along way to go, I'm in.
VTC and GRS all the way this is just a shitcoin.
nice try samefag
Used my phone to bump it fag, i'm just making people aware that this is about to boom!
Did you not see GRS and VTC the past few days?
Cheers appreciate that, hope the same for you too.
Volume has spiked 50 BTC in the last hour, it's only a matter of time before it becomes 4 figures.
Verium should be on this list
Stfu pajeet fuck, kys.
What is this?
i sold my VERT for feather and groestl now.
There is more profit to make with these two :D
Wise move!
>not investing on signatum
What's the commonality between the coins? Proof of Work mining and general consensus structure?
Coins aren't 100% technology you retards
VTC is the future because of the devs, community etc ALONG with the good tech.
You obviously haven't been paying attention to this board the past few weeks.
Metaverse ETP - Oracle solution , Digital Identity, Smart Contracts
Vertcoin - Atomic Swaps
Groestl - Small blockchain , mining target.
I'll leave the conclusion of feathercoin to you.
ASIC resistance is a meme.
a shitcoin is my conclusion.
I'll see you in a year with my vtc coloured lambo.
Look at the fact's user and face them.
CHAINLINK is a meme , ASIC resistance is a step in technology. Get it right.