Please finish reading this post because believe it or not it's NOT a FUD thread.
The information I will post here is based upon Game Theory analysis and therefor I will explain what to do based on your specific situation for the best outcome possible.
>You bought LINK between $0.30-$0.52 Just sell your LINK right now. The reasoning right now is that you are probably holding LINK because you "lost too much now" to sell. LINK is going to stay low for months. Sell all your LINK and just buy Bitcoin instead when it starts mooning in a couple months you will actually have more LINK when you buy it back using your bitcoin you bought and hold today.
The Game Theory reasoning why it is for the best for EVERYONE that you sell right now is that you and everyone like you will immediately dump LINK when it starts to moon simply because you want to recuperate as much financial loss as possible. Thus we are in a dilemma in which LINK will never truly moon due to immediately experiencing massive dumps the moment it starts to gain. Thus never gaining true momentum. It's in everyone's interest that you sell the coin now. Even you are losing potential money due to your own behavior if you look at it rationally.
>I don't hold LINK but I know the technology has potential Buy LINK right now. This coin is at its low. It has a huge potential for growth and if you buy at this price you are far less likely to dump the coin again quickly because only true believers would buy the coin right now.
Owen Myers
>I bought the coin at $0.30-$0.52 and I put it in cold storage and won't look at it for X year!! Didn't you fucking listen? Don't lie to yourself and sell your LINK right now. This is Veeky Forums. You are not a professional detached trader whatever your delusion of grandeur tells you. You and other people in this category WILL sell the LINK before it gains true momentum and thus killing all potential for future growth. Best interest for everyone that you sell right now. You can always buy back (and have more LINK!) when you exchange your bitcoin back for LINK in a couple months.
>Scenario #1: Everyone that bought between $0.30-$0.52 sells their LINK and NEW(Scenario #2: People that bought LINK at $0.30-$0.52 will keep holding because they feel their losses are too big or hold it as a magical lottery ticket. Every time there is a genuine announcement, adoption. Or movement for the future from LINK people will start to sell their LINK to recuperate their cost. This means that LINK never breaks out of the bottom well it's in right now since investors see the immediate dump every time the coin starts to rise in value and determine investing is too risky right now or just not worth it due to opportunity costs, Technology behind it be damned
Oliver Rodriguez
Scenario #3: "Yes I bought at $0.30-$0.52 and I fully agree with the post, but I'm going to hold anyway while all the others like me sells like in Scenario #1 so that I will still gain the gains of Scenario #2" This is how every person that bought between $0.30-$0.52 will think right now upon reading this. If you think like this then just sell your LINK. It's in your best interest and you can buy LINK back when it's gaining steadily again. If you keep holding it it will NOT gain steadily ever again.
Again this wasn't a FUD thread. This was maximizing the financial gain for EVERYONE involved. There are both Buy and Sell conditions specified in my post with fair reasoning behind them. Don't be emotional about it and just think rationally about what I said.
If someone is interested I could go and make a Excel spreadsheet of the Nash equilibrium involved to come to this conclusion using Game Theory.
Landon Rodriguez
Nice try Pajeet, not selling. Also, KYS
Levi Johnson
Isaiah Clark
1/10. kys
Kevin Campbell
if it contains link then its automatically a fud thread
Jonathan Brown
Pick one
Landon Wilson
Gavin Murphy
this team does not care for his investors! there is no communication and they are not looking forward to get listed on a bigger exchange! they do not care what you and i am thinking! people loosing all they have and are getting crazy! (same in my situation) ... the worst thing is that there is no hope for getting better... the team is too small and the investors blind! everybody is hopping that sergey will do something, but i can tell you from what i have seen till now- he is doing nothing for us! maybe for the banks which he is working with, but not us! and thats why i am getting out from this! i can not handle it anymore! we see new all time lows everyday! if this would be my project i would not handle it this way! i am really sad und pissed! thank you for loosing thousands sergey... i hope you will lose them too!