>hey user we are burning all the POSTMODERNIST books at the library and we NEED YOUR HELP to decide what goes in the pyre
What do?
Hey user we are burning all the POSTMODERNIST books at the library and we NEED YOUR HELP to decide what goes in the pyre
its not good to burn books children
“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” - George R.R. Martin
Also, only savages burn books.
Execute every last man there
>burning books
literal chimp shit
>my views are so correct that when they are challenged i burn the books of the opposition instead of shut it down with arguments
brainlet tier activity
>"burning books is terrible!"
>*bans books
>strawmaning this hard
>if it's printed, it's sacred
>being this triggered over people condemning barbarism
Why are you even on a fucking history board? This entire field is founded on reading shit.
>if I don't like it you can burn it
>thinks that people condemn it because it's burning and not because it's censoring the opposition
Is there a more pointless exercise than burning books post printing press?
Yes. Burning books post digital scanning.
I wouldn't do that either
Maybe, but they are definitely a contender for the top exercise in futility. Just 50 years after Gutenberg died millions of books were already being printed and in circulation in Europe.
By 1600 the output rose into the hundreds of millions and it only got higher and higher. Not to mention mass literacy wasn't a thing until the 19th century, so most people couldn't read these books anyway and the ones who could tended to be rich enough to get them anyway/
>burning books post universal quantum singularity consciousness state
>if it's printed, you should read it
>book sacred! reading GOOD!
>reading is brainlet tier activity
the absolute state of Veeky Forums
I should've never came back to this board.
>reading every book indiscriminately you can find is good
>books are imbued with special powers, if you burn them bad spirits will chase you your whole life!
>books good, book burning bad!
contender for dumbest post of the year holy shit we’re only in february and i can’t even fathom anything topping this its just the most brain numbing green text i can recall seeing its fucking PEAK RETARDATION good golly how are the /b/ boys gonna top this
>reading everything you can is bad
>implying books are burned because of low literary value and not because your retarded ideology has no retort against them
i genuinely hope this is bait, if it's not then god bless your soul, you are the meek that will inherit the heavens
>burning books about trannies is bad!
>books about trannies sacred! trannies GOOD, book burning BAD!
>i learned about book burning in the second grade and was told it was bad, book burning BAAAD!
>grrrr those damn feminists are taking away my freeze peach! fucking fascists!
>i think burning everything that i don't like is perfectly legitimate
>n-no, i don't burn it because it undermines my unfounded and weak positions, i burn it because it's bad literature, i-i swear!
>I can't think of a valid retort to a book's arguments so I destroy the book
Is this what Veeky Forums has degenerated into? A whole conversation of greentext and wojacks? Moot was right.
Start pissing on the fire and talk about how burning anything is always a bad sign.