If you're not actually in the same ethnic group as (insert important group) then you're We Wuzzin whenever you get proud over their accomplishments. Hence, Negroes can't be proud of Egypt or the Moors, many Amerifats can't be proud of the Greeks, etc.
>Taking pride in others’ achievements just because you’re the same ethnicity as them
>is an Amerifat
Sorry, Chad/Tyrone. You're not a Greek/Moor. Unless you can show some genomic evidence.
Someone can be your ancestor even if he's from a different ethnicity than you.
Even if I was a Greek/Moor, what the hell did I contribute to past achievements of the Greeks/Moors?
>People hear my last name
>"Oh you're an Irish boy!"
>me: No I'm from Arizona
>"No but your family..."
>me: They're also from Arizona
Luckily there is nothing in Irish history to be proud of or we wuz about so I dont even bother.
Tyrone has little to none ancestry towards the Morrs or Egypt. Chad also has little to blood connection with the Old Greeks.
>family lives in Ireland tmfor thousands of years
>family lives in Arizona for a couple hundred at most
>People hear my last name
>"Oh you're an Irish boy!"
>me: No I'm from Arizona
>"No but your family..."
>me: They're also from Arizona
>Luckily there is nothing in Irish history to be proud of or we wuz about so I dont even bother.
God you are so fucking cool.
Why is it wrong to appreciate and understand the importance foreign culture? I don't understand this mindset, especially on a history board. I am not Greek, but I can understand the significance that Ancient Greece had to the world, for example. I think you may be LARPing as your own nationality a little too hard, boys.
>not knowing We WUZ
t. James Smith, proud Irish American
Okay, I'm not American though. Not everyone you encounter on the internet is American you fucking faggot.
Okay, a Canaderp then. Still not a Moor/Carthaginian or Greek.
Heh good one
>Irish history
anything to be proud of. I'd rather be a nigger.
No, the people who built the pyramids were blonde hair blue eyed Nordic Europeans. Fucking niggers claiming theyre african!
*breathes in*
Honestly, this. Taking pride in stuff you not only did not do, but had no effect on, is ridiculous. You can be an autistic 25 year old guy and be a direct descendant of Cleopatra or one of the Russian Czars or be President of the US and be the descendent of a poor Irish potato farmer. Claiming you're better because of something some dead guy who has never heard did is pure autism. It gets even worse when the only thing you have in common is ethnicity. My grandpa was an Arab born in Egypt. My great grandpa was Turkish. If I started claiming to be kangz, sultanz, or pharoz because of someone I've never met, seen, or heard, it would be ridiculous. Stop being proud of shit you haven't done
Do the Irish excel at anything besides chimpingout?
How about James Joyce, you should be proud of that.
but Tyrone might have some dna from the slave owning aristocracy
OP is a waste of skin and this thread makes it painfully obvious. Your ethnicity doesn't mean shit, anyone who's trying to get credit for something people of their ethnicity has done is pretty much always a useless leech themselves.
This very hard
If you are actually in the same ethnic group as (insert important group), then you're We Wuzzin nonetheless whenever you get proud over their accomplishments. Your ancestors would be ashamed of having a self-important NEET as their legacy to the world. History is not here to justify your ideology or your low self-esteem.
Shouldn't that be
>moors are not black
>Moor literally means black (from Greek Mavros)
Why is OP so retarded?
This isn't your Negro Studies class, Amerifat.
The ruling classes of egypt probably counted as a seperate ethnic group with all the racemixing they do
Outside of a few weirdos online, no American/Britain etc claims biological descent from the Greco-Romans; just profound cultural influences.
Old Kingdom Egypt though.
Moors were overwhelmingly Berbers and Arabs, sorry Tyrone. Although there probably were a few blacks among them as some art has showed.
We already have Neolithic to Medieval Northwest Africa DNA showing as close to modern Moroccans to Tunisians. Who look more or less like that.
It depend. If they're descendants of countries like Mauritania and Mali it's possible he have berber ancestry.
Another set with Tunisians.
The Moors had some niggers with them for what it's worth. Although it probably was exaggerated by the Spaniards. Who hated the Moors and wanted to niggerize them as much as possible.
And now some Mozabites. Who are one of the best representatives of the North African look across the millenias.
>people who misunderstand national pride
Being proud of your ancestors isn't feeling good for doing things you didn't do, it's feeling good that they did those things, and have left a flame for you to remember, kindle, and, hopefully someday, make bigger with your own accomplishments.
But they actually aren't your ancestors, Amerifat.
Isn't most of the nigger DNA in North Africa supposed to date from about the last 1,400 or 1,500 years? Due to the slaves that were brought in during Islamic times?
I don't think the Carthagians and Egyptians were very nigger admixed but the Moors probably were.
It seems there's a Greek or Italian on here who's super proud of their past.
So how's it going in Greece and Italy nowadays? Answer: extremely shitty. Italy has niggers pouring in. Greece's economy sucks.
>Italy has niggers pouring in.
Thanks to ((Nords)) in the UN.
I have a haplogroup subclade that is from Rome and was spread by Romans, can I be proud of my roman ancestors?
I'm not talking about the Greeks, and I'm not American.
Are you referring to niggers or black people?
They're the same thing you idiot.
Wasn't there was some sort of cultural distinction between the two?
>Do the Irish excel at anything
Bombing anglos
Except someone doesn't need to be your ancestor for you to build upon their accomplishments. People like Avicenna and Averroes had absolutely no Greek ancestry to speak of and yet what they did on the shoulders on the Greeks was widely influential to both their own people and others. Same goes with any modern day Asian physicist or engineer. Personal achievement is not only more important for an individual than ancestry, but it is also not limited by ancestry.
You sure like to Strawman a lot