No matter how rich you get she'll never love you

>no matter how rich you get she'll never love you

Other urls found in this thread:


>no matter how good and popular you are with girls, you'll never find one worth settling down with because they've all shaghed at least 10 guys before you

Current gf is desparate for my babies and marriage but I'm going to break up with her tonight because she's slept with at least 6 guys before me and she's only 21

I know that feel. The only difference is that I am poor as fuck. At least I'll always have the unconditional love of my sister...

>She's already 21
Fixed it for you.

I mean she's only 21 in the context of how many guys she's shagged. She's almost perfect age for babies.

fuck a bitch

>breaking up because she is 21 and had sex with somebody before u
Good logic there, m8

I'm not settling down with someone that slept with lots of guys before me. Simple as.

Is she intelligent or low class uneducated?

6 sex partners by 21 is reasonable. Very few genuinely intelligent women have

But she isl your "gf" already, so what's the matter?

Depends on the surgeon

dont be so certain

>tfw you've taken her virginity
>she loves you to death, is faithful, cooks for you and cleans
But for the life of me I can't seem to love her.

no hymen
no diamond
go ahead and marry a roastie you cuck
enjoy divorcing in

this feel. its just life i guess

maybe thats because who you are is someone who sucks, try less greed and more give in life to feel happiness you fucking faggot.


If you use you may get rich enough

>marry a virginal white woman
>99.9999% are hyper religious or prostitute-tier from some slavshit country
>children inherit retard genes
>congrats you reproduced into low class and made your children poor

Man. Fuck you. The one I love already had a lover but i didn't know back then. My love went unrequited and now she's back in Spain going to the same university as her lover.

>6 sex partners by 21 is reasonable

ok john green

That was a mistake. Only been with her for two months. Problem is she has only been nice to me, writes me a card each month, cooks breakfast and dinner for me (she's Italian and a good cook), keeps something as a memory from each of our dates, etc. So I will feel bad.

You're right about IQ. She's relatively intelligent but from a poor family and more artistically minded. She has always worked in childcare. But I know for a fact that statistically the more men a woman has slept with the more likely a marriage will fail. I'm not insecure, just need to find a suitable woman.

Love for men isn't real. You just need to find the girl that you know is the best you can find and put up with her.

>That was a mistake. Only been with her for two months. Problem is she has only been nice to me, writes me a card each month, cooks breakfast and dinner for me (she's Italian and a good cook), keeps something as a memory from each of our dates, etc. So I will feel bad.
She's great and you know it. You're here only to brag about her.

Be honest.

Being honest too, I'm here for the money:
BTC: 1JkW7PgDU5co1XAbqJHgJb47hpK6Jhubaj



Who cares lmao I'll just buy some drugs and get some other bitch to lick my balls.

It's so easy to get laid when you can get powder.

>on forum literally dedicated to speculating shitcoins
>preaching less greed

>no matter how rich or poor you get you will always love each other

She'll start loving me when I pull up in my new Lambo.

But then I'll say no.

>mfw i don't even have a "she"
>mfw I've been getting just'd the last week in crypto

>That was a mistake. Only been with her for two months. Problem is she has only been nice to me, writes me a card each month, cooks breakfast and dinner for me (she's Italian and a good cook), keeps something as a memory from each of our dates, etc. So I will feel bad.
I wouldn't break up with her yet. Wait for her to give you a reason so she learns not to be a slut. Breaking up with her for no reason and she's loving you is how SJWs are made

This is true, I did this with an indonesian and now she's fucking around on Bali.

I told her she's fucking pathetic now.

Sad part is we were online friends for over 3 years before meeting in Japan last year.

Kinda bit sad, especially since I didn't fuck her. She wouldn't let me put it in. Even just the head.

Should've tried harder. But I just fucked filipinas and Japanese girls for the next few months.

>don't talk to people who are better off in the past
>don't fuck around too much in Asia.

>She's relatively intelligent
>more artistically minded

Pick one