10/28 Link Activity Update

Daily Link update:


These are literally the worst threads on Veeky Forums. Absolute infestation.

This girl isn't asian

Fuck off

Thanks OP. I'm getting exhausted though. Let's hope you can write some positive news soon.

Bags are getting heavier by the day

Daily Link update: Again -7%

A lot of us disagree faggot.
Among all the chainlink shit threads that plague this board this user actually serves a purpose and gives unbiased useful information following the day to day changes with chainlink.

People made the same threads following eths progress back at the start of the year

>Number 31 got an extra 64,000 tokens from Binance and reached the million Link line.

This should say enough

Look deeper, user. Her soul is kawaii.

Fingers crossed. Let's see how Devcon 3 goes, but I don't see the markets stabilizing until the fork's over.

Thanks, man!

The fundamentals are still good, but the daily price action is pretty discouraging if you're looking at this as a short-term investment.

>this bumping of your own thread

sad sad sage

Thanks for the post. I'm going to sell just before or during the conference.

I will buy LINK back when there is genuine news and it rises again. Why hold ETH when it was at $0.50 for 6 months when it mooned hard when it finally grew.

Might as well invest into other stuff until that takeoff finally happens.

Many. Such. Cases.

I see your point. If you're going to swing trade Link, I'd definitely pay attention to price action during Devcon, ideally in real time. If the price moons, sell as soon as there's a retracement.

Newfag detected. OP can't bump his own thread for 15 minutes.

Thanks for the update bro

Tfw left with bags

yo OP how iron are your hands?

Did you ever sell at a peak and accumulate more in this downturn?

And most importantly, do you think ChainLink has longterm potential?

Lol was this girl always crying or did someone shop in the tears to match our soul.

Still holding strong. Never fucking selling, don't care if it goes to 0 anymore I've just written it off as 25k I'm never getting back.


Same here. I don't have enough money invested in crypto to make any useful amounts of money daytrading so I am just looking for a good moon mission to get enough capital to daytrade.

Keep up the good work OP.

Don't be discouraged by the vitriol, people tend to get a little vexed due to the current shitty price trend.
You'll get more positiveness once things pick up again.

I'm holding and intend to do so until we begin to see results. I still think that the fundamentals are good and hopefully the token will go up after the fork drama.
I didn't accumulate, though. Enough of my portfolio is in Link already.
The potential for Link is definitely there. Middleware isn't sexy, but it's necessary, and Chainlink has a good shot at becoming a big company. The current valuation will be considered ridiculous as soon as they announce a partnership.

Having said that, I'd sell if it goes 10X all of a sudden, then buy back when the pump sees a retraction.
Starting next week, I'll also look at tokens like 0x and Req.

Keep doing what you're doing. We appreciate you.

The FUD'ers will FUD and stay poor.

>forever rent free

we live

rent free

in their heads

now and forever


>Tomorrow I’ll write the last daily update and will move to a weekly format.
The sign of a dead coin

Lmao, this.
Not exactly prime real estate, but free is free.

Thanks, user.
Do I determine when coins are dead now? Lambos here I come!

these are getting depressing